Friday, November 4, 2011

where is this epic rain?


At what point will I turn to a different television show to fall asleep to? I don’t know how long I have been watching M*A*S*H for this purpose. It has been a while. I was thinking about this last night as I found myself feeling instantly relaxed as I watched Colonial Potter dole out old fashioned expletives at Corporal Klinger. The hijinks between BJ and Hawkeye made me warm and fuzzy and it was as though I had just consumed a glass of warm milk. I can only speculate on what makes this particular show my bedtime story. It is a show I remember watching with my mom. It is also a show that Ken and I would watch early in our relationship, really even before it could be considered anything other than a friends with benefits situation. It has fond memories across the board. Tonight will be even better with the rain pouring down.

I am looking forward to a long walk at the Compound. It is so quiet there. You hear the drops of morning dew and the crackle of leaves under your feet. There is a crisp smell you can’t get a lot of places around here. Now add running puppy dogs, curious boys and all the time in the world.

I have started watching Firefly on Netflix on Padme. It is quite good so far. Of course, I am only in the pilot, but it has potential. I am not surprised, based on the numerous factors. I think my next set of shows to watch once I finish this will be the Walking Dead which has shown up on my streaming list. I wish I could watch Dexter, but it is not available as of yet. Come on Netflix! Work with me here!

There is a viral video of a Texas judge beating the shit out of his then 16 year old daughter. I am telling you, it was so incredibly hard to watch. The crack of the belt with the screams of her voice was painful. The fact that corporal punishment is still allowed in the home is beyond me.

It has just occurred to me that my dreams of sleeping in tomorrow are not to be. I need to drag my ass down to Lab Corp to have blood drawn for my endocrinologist appointment next week. I was unable to procure an appointment time, so I just need to show up with the masses. On the plus side, I will be fasting, so I believe I get a higher priority.

I wish I had star power.

I should have the boys make a list of everything they are thankful for.

I want to float in an inner tube in one of those water parks that has a current around the park without feeling like a whale.

I want to watch Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

I don’t want to return any of my phone messages today.

I reset my iTouch last night. I now have our entire music library on it, but no feasible playlists. I also am lacking in the numerous apps I had downloaded. Luckily, I don’t tend to purchase any apps, and they are all listed in iTunes on the computer, but to be honest, it will be nice to have an uncluttered iTouch for a bit. Plus, it allows me to listen to my whole library of music, which I have not done in far too long.

The boys and I read a book last night in which Arthur goes and meets the president. As the characters were in the White House, the book pointed out the numerous things in the building such as a barber. I told them that there also was a bowling alley. Bobby grabbed my arm and about had a heart attack. He begged me to plan a trip there. I had to explain it wasn’t an alley we could bowl in, but they didn’t care. They liked the whole idea of going to DC and checking out everything. I think I need to start saving now!

I like that my wedding ring is not as tight anymore. My fingers are shrinking!

Is it wrong to kind of hope for some boob shrinkage in this weight loss?

Dax wants to have a Jack Skellington as part of our Christmas decorations. I wonder where I will get that.

Why are there commercials congratulating these kids for joining the military? I am guessing that is the only job security anyone can find these days, so how much of it is really something to give them a pat on the back for?

Why must sales reps be so cocky and rude?

Looks like practices tonight have to be canceled per our region. The 90% chance of rain and the potential for field damage if we do practice is too great. Sounds like poor Mr. Dax will not get to practice tonight. I know he will be bummed. Perhaps a nice movie night is in order for the Brenans tonight.

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