Monday, November 7, 2011

Decisons and Tantrums


What to do, what to do. I pride myself in being pretty involved with everything the boys do. I help out at the school, help them with their homework, I am part of both soccer teams in multiple ways and everything I do, I know it is going towards their benefit. But what happens when the activity technically helps them, but in what I think is a very indirect path?

On Saturday, I chatted it up with Jim, who is a board member and field coordinator for our region. He is a super nice guy, and for the first time it occurred to me that he does actually know me now, and not just because Ken is involved greatly in the board meetings and refereeing. He knows I am there for field set up, and help with field take down. He knows I am an assistant coach and team mom for two teams. He also knows that I do care about what is going on with our region.

He told me we missed a hell of a meeting on Thursday. It was heated due to one coach being rejected for coaching a travel team. He said 3 board members also turned in their resignation. This was not good at all. The board has already asked Ken to join as a U8 coordinator. Now Jim was telling me I should come on board.

I was flattered. Sure, they ask a lot of people to join, but I don’t know that they always like the people they ask. They just need bodies. But honestly since day one, the board members we have met with have truly liked Ken and myself. They like that we are involved. They like that we have new ideas. Mostly, they like that we are still enthusiastic about the process. The people on the board now started when their kids were still playing AYSO. Now, with most of the kids grown and in college, it may be time for the board to change over to new blood. Ken and I could be that blood.

Recently, I had determined that even though I want to be a big part of the PTA, I worry that too much of the responsibilities will take away from my interaction with my own children. I will still be a part of it, in more ways that I think I am comfortable with, but a lot of that is because I know the boys will be at this school for a long time. I have no idea how long the boys will be involved with this soccer thing. Bobby is not in the running for any kind of long term aspirations such as high school spots. Dax, who is definitely good enough may not have the desire to keep up with it. So if I get involved with AYSO on that level, what am I committing myself to? What am I committing my family to?

After the two games, we were hanging around waiting on the official drawing for the U8 tournament. Fred, the regional commissioner, came down and he knew me, too! Yeah, this is going to my head a bit. Any hoo, after the drawing, Ken and I were chatting it up with Fred and Jim, and Fred told us the positions that were now open on the board due to the recent resignations. One was treasurer. Ken quickly pointed out I was the woman for that gig. Fred looked at me and asked me what I do, and I explained that I have been in credit and collections for 15 years. Fred and Jim looked as though they had to contain a little happy dance.

Fred went on to then explain what I would have to do. I struggled to listen because my brain was racing. As much as yes, I am more than sure I can handle this, I didn’t know if I really wanted to. It is a lot of responsibility. Aside from needing to be at every board meeting, I would need to cut checks, keep track of incoming money in a ledger, and assist in create a budget. There will be reports to run, deposits to make and various other responsibilities. It sounds a little like when I was a manager at Blockbuster, with a hint of my current job thrown in for good measure. The total amount of money I would be dealing with is about $100K. Nothing in the grand scheme of things.

It sounds cool. I would be handling a big deal. I would be important. I would be able to perhaps make it even more streamlined and who knows, help save money. It also means I would be in charge of things I don’t know that I am 100% comfortable with.

The other positive comes in the form of Ken. Since he will be already on the board, it means this is an activity that he and I can do together. Currently, I don’t have a lot of hobbies. I don’t have outside activities that I get involved with. This is something that I like, which is helping kids out, and working towards making a positive soccer experience (something I was fortunate to have) for them and hopefully their parents also. Ken and I can do these things together, which I have to say, is kind of romantical.

This thought just occurred to me as well. This makes for an excellent note on my resume. Not that I am out looking for a job right now, but adding that I am treasurer for an organization like AYSO on the resume shows that I was elected to the position and am responsible for other accounts. This is a good thing.

I am still terrified. It takes me out of my comfort zone, which is a good thing, but can I handle it? Am I biting off more than I can chew? Sure, I can probably handle doing much of this while at my current job. Making a few spreadsheets seems like a cake walk. But am I over simplifying it? Why is this stressing me out so much??

In other soccer related news, Dax tried to top his epic meltdown from years ago in Target. This one definitely goes in the record books as number 2.

During the second quarter of Dax’s game, Dax was told he was sitting out for the quarter. This wasn’t a punishment. We have 5 kids on the team, and every game, we have 4 kids sit out a quarter, and our coach is awesome about making sure he keeps track from week to week, which has allowed each kid a chance to play the whole game. Seriously, a side note on Coach Ed, this man has been probably the best thing to happen to our soccer experience. I wish he had been Bobby’s coach last year, and even though Ken is coaching next year, if we were not, I would request to have Dax on his team.

Back to the tantrum tale. When Ed told Dax he was sitting out, he burst into tears. I don’t know that he realizes that it isn’t a punishment. Plus, the last couple weeks, we have been a kid down, so everyone played the whole game. Dax buried his head into my stomach, full of deep sobs and anger. The problem with this was that I was the coach on the field for this game. He kept fighting to try to go back on the field, thrashing about as I tried to subdue him. Luckily, my mom was there (Ken and my dad were at Bobby’s game which was on another field) and she was more than happy to help by taking this beast in the form of my sweet Dax.

I went back on the field, feeling as though I was being a bad mom. It seems as though it is my job to handle his breakdown, not to go on the field when Ed would have been more than happy to take over. But I handled coaching duties for much of the second quarter. When I noted that my mom was now dragging him away from the field because it seemed as though this would be the only way to calm him, I tagged Ed in and went over to take over.

My mom was holding him back, and I went up to him and got down to his eye level. I spoke firmly and quietly. I told him he had to sit out and that at this point, he really should not be allowed to play anymore of the game at all. I asked if he was ready to go cheer on his team. Instead, he argued with me about wanting to play on the iPad. I told my mom to take him to Bobby’s game (which is where she was headed). He screamed, but my mom didn’t bat an eye. I went back to the game.

At half, Ed sad he was shocked. He said he had never seen Dax like that. I pointed out that when Dax gets mad, he gets MAD. He is no joke. Ed was awesome about it. I told him it didn’t look like Dax would be playing the rest of the game. He understood and told me I should go and watch Bobby’s game. He was so sweet about it. He said to go for a quarter, and come on back after, and maybe Dax would be ready by then.

So I went over to find my mom sitting with Dax between her legs, still whining. I had a sit down discussion with Dax. I explained to him what I needed from him. I needed him to go cheer for his team and if he behaved during the 3rd quarter, he could apologize to Ed and ask if he could play the 4th quarter.

Dax agreed and he did a good job. He cheered and apologized and clearly used his earlier rage to our advantage in the 4th quarter. He kicked some serious ass. I may need to piss him off before every game. It was a tough morning with him, but I think it was good that I stuck to my guns on what was needed from him. I may have been too nice by giving him a chance, but he is still only 5. I will be curious as to what my mom thinks.

I missed all of Bobby’s game, which was apparently one of our only defeats. We were outplayed, but honestly I am not surprised being that this team is undefeated. We often luck out by having a couple of key players who carry our team. I am so bummed I missed such a good game.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, I will miss it again next week. Games are both at 10:30. I will let my folks switch off, or more realistically, my dad will a start at Dax’s game with my mom at Bobby’s and then they can switch at the half. This will be Dax’s last game, so I do need to be there, but it is possible that this is Bobby’s last game, too. If they lose this week, they do not advance. So much pressure!

On Saturday, I felt the cold creeping into my body. I ached a bit and my head was pounding. I went out for a nice power walk with Captain Wussy (that would be Luna, who jumps at the slightest leaf falling) hoping to sweat it out a bit. This did seem to help quite a bit. We went to bed early.

Sunday was a busy day. The house was in need of some attention. We cleaned up a lot of things, and did gobs of laundry. The rain was welcomed as it allowed us to concentrate on what needed to be done. Also, I love exercise in the cold. I did a bunch of Wii (btw-Wii says I am at 272! Woo hoo!) and once the rain cleared up, we all went for a long walk. The boys took their modes of transportation (a scooter and a bike) and we even brought Lycos along, who did much better this time and looked thrilled again. It was nice to be out in the crisp air with the family.

I started the crock pot early Sunday morning with chicken noodle soup. It was one of my best batches ever and it was perfect for such a cold night. I know I ate more than I should, but I figured one splurge wasn’t going to kill me. Besides, I have workouts planned all week.

Yesterday I also was inspired to try on this one pair of jeans I have been unable to wear in years. They fit! This made me do a happy dance and I decided to start going through the other articles of clothing in the depth of my closet. I found that everything in there (aside from one dress that I bought a long time ago that I hope to fit into at some point) fits again! YAY! I got rid of several items that were too big and honestly, ugly. I found some shoes I forgot I had and feel more comfortable walking in now that I am not nearly as heavy. It was a good shopping trip!

My new goal is to hopefully be down to 160 come Dec 31st. It may be a long shot, but I think if I keep working at it, I can get there. I will get two weight lifting days a week again starting next week (Dax’s practices are over this week) and I can really get moving more once soccer is done. I also have found a couple of items I want to pick up. One is this mini elliptical that would fit under my desk. I could be doing this while sitting at my desk! Both Ken and I also want to get those big exercise balls and make those our chairs for our desks. I also am considering this weight vest. It has 40 slots that you can add these 1 pound weights in each. You wear it for walking, etc. I thought this would be cool. Easier on me than ankle weights, too.

I would also like to be down another 6 pounds come Thanksgiving. I just think it would be nice to be in the 60’s range for a big family day.

On Thursday, after my very exciting endocrinologist appointment (can you tell I am jazzed about going?), we are going to go down to my PCP to talk to her about my boob. As I mentioned before, I had noted this discharge on my right breast which was tan in color. I did some reading, and it looked as though I should stop messing with it. I have since stopped messing with it until I noticed yesterday just how tender it has become. You could even see that the bump I was feeling was now visible. I read up on it, and it turns out it could very well be a minor infection in a duct. I used a heat pad on it last night when I noted it was leaking again. At this point, I drained out of it a lot of this tan colored (now with a slight tint of green) material, which then eventually turned into a tiny bit of blood and then stopped. My boob also felt gobs better. I think I will need some antibiotics to clear it up, but I am not sure. It doesn’t hurt to check in with the doc on something like that. Also, I can monitor it these next couple days being that I drained it. It doesn’t hurt much this morning, but I do notice the area still. I sure hope it isn’t anything serious.

Ok, as much as it pains me, I really should get to work.

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