Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two Rooms?


Weight training tonight. I think I will also take a walk after I get home from my parents’ house. Either that or I will have Ken help the kids with their homework while I go on the walk. Maybe I will do both!

I am trying to curb Dax’s complaining and whining. It is clearly age specific, but it needs to be curbed. Taking a calm approach yesterday seemed to hit home with him much quicker. Each time on the way home from school in which he did his routine, I told him that he had just lost a stone. He was upset, but he learned pretty quickly that I was not kidding around.

The boys helped me with the final tossing of items from my closet. They both convinced me to keep this one top. I am still not convinced, but they were very adamant about it. It was very cute. Bobby especially was pressing for me to hang on to it. He has fab taste, so I couldn’t say no on this one.

I feel the cold still. My nose is congested a bit and my throat hurts. I also feel a little something in my lungs. It isn’t super intense yet, which annoys me since I would rather just be all sick so I can be done with it. But perhaps fighting it is better as it allows me to keep functioning.

I am using my green tea this morning to stay warm. I have determined the first articles of clothing I need to invest in will be some form of sweaters or jackets that can go with the number of tank top style clothing I own. The arm warmers I will be treating myself to this weekend will be a good start, but I do need something like a nice sweater, preferably one of those uber cute long ones.

I am overly antsy for Thursday. I am going over worst case scenarios. I am going over best case scenarios. I am going over reasonable scenarios. I just want to know where I am at. I wish that my little glucose meter could get all the information that the blood work I got on Saturday will provide me with.

I am starting to wonder if we are going to need to go back to separate rooms for the boys. Dax, being an early riser, and a bored 5 year old, keeps being insistent on waking up Bobby in the mornings. For a long time, he was content with just reading books. But he is going through a phase in which he wants Bobby to play with him constantly. Our current idea, which although isn’t perfect, may at least allow Bobby some more sleep, will be to teach Dax how to turn on the tv in the mornings. We will make his cereal something he can get on his own, and he can get up, get some breakfast and watch some Spongebob until Ken gets up and wakes Bobby up. Like I said, it isn’t ideal if only in the idea that one doesn’t want to encourage kids to watch more tv, but I know I keep them active, so it isn’t like I am zapping their brain completely. Plus, Bobby, like a true Brenan, is a night owl and prefers to sleep in the mornings. Dax, although he looks like a Hiner, is all Bowlby in his sleep habits. Kid falls asleep pretty easily, and gets up at the crack of dawn.

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