Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tune Up


There are certainly a lot of positives to losing weight. Things you probably take for granted when you are smaller. Just tying my shoe is so much easier now. I also noticed I wasn’t as winded when I walked up the stairs. Yay!

Tomorrow is my biopsy. 7:30 am I need to be at the Breast Center. I have been told I lie on my stomach with my boob sticking out a hole in the table and they work on me like a car. Seriously, I don’t know if I will be able to sit still if this is the case since I will be laughing too hard.

I leave work at around noon today. Picking up the boys early since it is parent/teacher conference time. I have conferences for both of them at 1:20 and 2:30.

My blood sugar dipped crazy low yesterday afternoon. It went down to 52. I had only taken one pill in the morning. This was at 2:30, after a vigorous walk. I had salad for lunch, but no snack. I did snack on an apple after this, and some almonds before I did my weight training. But then after all that, it went up to 113. I also started my period which I know can complicate things, so I am not worried, but it annoys me. It was 109 this morning, but back down to 90 after a Metformin, 3 cups of tea and a light chicken sandwich.

Crud. A morning meeting awaits me. Never fun. Thank goodness I dressed well.

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