Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Out of the costume


Trick or treating is awesome. And I don’t just mean the walking around getting free candy. The best part of last night was really watching the boys hand out candy. Bobby especially was really getting into it. He greeted each trick or treater by their character name. He and Dax both complimented costumes and were really happy to hand out candy to people. When kids would come up looking to me, Bobby would tell them, “I am the trick or treater here, come to me for candy!” He took his job very seriously.

The actual candy procurement adventure was fun, too. Sabrina was all decked out in possibly the cutest Princess Leia costume ever. The kids had a lot of fun running up to each house. We even bumped into kids the boys knew, which I am sure will become even more common each year.

Dax decided he had enough after a couple of blocks, so luckily Papa Brenan was with us so he walked him home. Not before Dax begged me to take his bag with us to get him more candy. I did not trick or treat for him, as I have a rule against that, but I wasn’t about to make his breakdown worse by telling him my philosophy on Halloween etiquette. I did put a handful of our own candy into his bag so he had about the same as Bobby.

Our neighborhood was uber crowded, which was fun. We did have one crazy girl. I am still not sure if she was truly batty or just thinking that it was cute acting like a spaz. She would dance up to us, her painted face right in our face and say, “Would you like to play?” in this pseudo child’s voice, complete with creepy undertones. It wasn’t a big deal since she seemed to leave the kids alone, so I guess have your fun, lady. Oh, and if you truly are a nut job, I apologize for laughing at you.

Earlier in the day, my costume managed to win 2nd place at work. I was very pleased. Yes, I feel I was robbed of first place since the guy only really had on a mask, but he did make the judges laugh, which I suppose is how you have to do it. Plus, who am I to complain? I got a $100 gift certificate to a restaurant. Not sure which one or how they decide since I have yet to get the prize, but hey, its $100! Yay!

Ken has hurt his foot somehow. Not sure how, but he didn’t sleep last night. He has been doing a lot of running from his ref stuff, so I am not shocked. He is actually concerned he broke something. He is going to call the doc this morning and see about going down there. I will possibly go with him. Not sure yet. I am considering tagging along if only because I need to ask the doctor about my own issue.

Ok, this is a TMI moment, but I want to document when it started. On Sunday, in the shower, I noticed my right boob was leaking. Mind you, I have not had anything in there for a while now. If I have, it has been standard light stuff that is clear. This is tan in color. I had noticed this strange lumpiness under my nipple the last week, and I wonder if I bruised it or if it is some kind of clogged duct. Not sure how it all works since I am not pregnant or lactating at this point. My boob hurts now, but I think it is because I have been messing with it. Of course, the net is a sea of too much info, and my current decision is I need to stop manipulating it to see how much is coming out. It is probably nothing, but it is concerning.

I have a bag under one eye. Is it bad when I think it would actually look better if I had a matching one for the other eye?

I think I might miss my tail today. It was a lovely back rest.

Weight machine work out today. Yay! I am really looking forward to it.

I am bummed this morning. I thought we had at least one salad left so I could take it to lunch. I was incorrect. There was nothing to really take for lunch, so I ended up bringing the left over pizza. One piece will not kill me, but I was hoping for salad.

Have I mentioned how much I love my iPad? I am downloading issues of Time Magazine right now. Awesome! I may need to get all magazines on here. Not that I have a lot at this point, but if I get my subscription renewed for EW, I will certainly get it on here.

Damn you iTunes! You have too many cool things!!

I think I should at least attempt some work today, especially if I am hoping to leave early.

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