Friday, March 23, 2012



It has been decided. My hair has got to be fixed. This blonde thing has given me a poor self-image to the point of feeling pretty gross when I look in the mirror. My hair is fried and it just isn’t right.

I plan on a cut and doing color to it. I would like to do both this weekend if at all possible. I think Ken is right that I will color first to see how much it helps or other to my hair. Then I can go get it cut and go from there.

Now it is a question of color choice and style of cut. I was starting to lean towards just making it some kind of chestnut brown, Ken told me since my hair is not a lost cause, I might do something fun first. I had been considering a fun pink shade, but after going to Wondercon I noted it seemed to be the go to color of geek chic. I can’t be that mainstream, so I will have to do a different color.

The idea of blue has crossed my mind. Also, as I browsed Pinterest this morning for a good shade of blue, it dawned on me that purple might be even more fun. Especially since I can use it as a fun way to cheer for the boys’ team being that they are purple. I still can cut it once it is colored, and if I use one of the temporary shades, it would be easy enough to take it back out and do a nice brunette that suits me.

Either way, expect changes to my look soon.

I intend on staying at work until noon today. I bailed yesterday way early, but that was due to the splitting headache that I was dealing with. I don’t know what caused it, but after I rested for a bit at home, I felt better. Ken and I ended up riding up to the post office, then back to get the boys. Since the post office was too crowded the first time, we went back with the boys at this point and then stopped at the grocery store. It was a nice ride, and I enjoyed the time spent.

The plan this evening includes needing to go to the bank for petty cash for tomorrow. Sigh. It is going to be a crazy morning tomorrow. I am going early over to help with registration, something I am not looking forward to. Mostly because I get all freaked dealing with that many people. On the plus side, I don’t anticipate crazy hoards of people. It will probably be pretty mellow.

I really want to go see Hunger Games. I think we will take up my mom’s offer to watch the boys and go see the movie on our anniversary.

Ken got us tickets to see April Foolishness for our anniversary. I am really looking forward to this. It is too bad my folks are out of town that weekend, so we will need to get a sitter. Thankfully we have a very good one now, and she will probably be more than happy to help out. Yay!

It appears that my family may have sorted out Virg-Gate. I have a new form to sign at home that does correct the lack of inclusion of Doug, and to some degree covers this $2k charge that has been deducted from the total. I know my dad will sign at this point, but he is livid pissed. He feels like his sister is keeping things from him, which don’t need to be kept. This will undoubtedly make waves for the coming years. All I know is that I have never wanted to write up a will more now, and to actually write a whole letter with it. I don’t have lots of money or anything, but I never want my boys to ever fight with one another after I die. I don’t want any issues with my next of kin. It would be truly awful and certainly not the way I want my death to be dealt with.

Sigh-lots of distractions this morning. Mind you, I am so not complaining!!!!!!!!

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