Friday, March 16, 2012

Mommy Porn


I am sad to say I am counting down the hours till bedtime. I am not happy about this. I just am so damn tired due to this stupid cold I have contracted. I have enjoyed the past months of gobs of energy, even when I have had less than enough sleep. I suppose living a better life has its advantages. Still, I wish I could be well right now.

I still have a full day ahead of me. Work, which undoubtedly will be busy, and then a fun evening with Ken and the boys. In their perfect attendance ceremony, they each won gift certificates to Lazy Dog Café, so we are going there for dinner. I have been there once before, and I remember it being yummy. Plus, the place is kind of fun in theme, and I know the boys will enjoy that aspect.

Soccer practice went well. The boys did well, even though we can tell that they are all still not in the best shape. In between skill training, they kept sitting down which meant I had to keep telling them to stand. Practice is an hour, and I should hope that kids this age can handle standing for that long. Sadly, I felt their pain because of my sick. But I figure if I can handle it, they can, dammit! LOL!

Ok, I am trying to catch up on all these conversation worthy books right now. Ken asked that I hold off on the second Hunger Games book for right now so that he and I can go see the flick and so that my mind is only semi tainted having read the first book. So I have instead started reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I kept hearing things about this so called “Mommy Porn” and thought that it sounded intriguing enough I might as well check it out. Thankfully I was able to find a copy for free online and have it downloaded in my iBook.

It is certainly a change going from a book about people trying to kill people to sexual innuendo. And really, I am being generous about it just being innuendo. I just read the first real sex scene, and I can assure you, there was no bullshitting around what they were doing.

As for this being described as “Mommy Porn”, I have to say, I am kind of insulted. Are they trying to say this is safe? And if that is the case, why as a mom do I need to be safe? And that being said, this is not safe. Although I have not gotten to the parts yet, this is a book that gets into the bondage and dominance and all that jazz. The book already covered going into the “playroom” and there have been contracts and whatnot. Does this mean moms just want to be whipped and beat? I so don’t understand. Mind you, I don’t have a problem with all of the things going on in the book, I just wonder how journalists come up with their labels.

The one funny thing I have found so far is that the main guy reminds me of Conner for some reason. Certainly makes everything interesting to read. LOL!

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