Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend of Yay!


In hind sight, I am wondering if perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea to let the boys watch South Park. Dax has been referring to every Playmobile figure as “fat ass” since the episode.

Good morning world! I am feeling groovy and ready to kick some ass. My fabulous day at doctor land was a good thing. She was quite pleased with my progress. She said my numbers were good. She even smiled and chuckled a little, which only Ken and Stephanie will understand is a good thing being that she isn’t exactly a ball of energy.

She decided to reduce my pills and changed me over to the extended release variety so that hopefully it is a bit more gentle on my gut. I will only be taking this at night with dinner, which is awesome! I will still monitor my blood sugar, but she graduated me to, as she called it, a 6 monther! I don’t have to go back for 6 months on my check ups. This rocks!

At this point, I would like to increase my good cholesterol. My overall is quite good, but it never hurts to have the bulk of it being the good variety. I guess I need to up some of my things like almonds and maybe even some salmon. Not sure how quickly I can do this, but I will work on it.

I must have been riding high on the visit because my weekend was incredibly productive.

Friday evening was pleasant. After Ken and I picked up the boys, we rode our bikes up to the store to pick up some groceries, and a movie from the Redbox. It was nice just hanging out, watching a cheesy family flick with Jim Carrey. The movie ended with the song Ice Ice Baby, which enthralled the boys. So I explained to them that Ken could do some of the dance. This meant I needed to show them the actual video of Vanilla Ice. This lead to several ‘bad’ 90’s dance videos for them to dance and frolic to. They were thrilled.

That night also took out the last loose tooth Bobby currently has. Kid has lost 3 teeth in the last couple weeks. It is crazy! Dax is about to lose his first this week. The tooth Goblin is busy in our house these days.

Saturday allowed me to sleep in a bit. It also brought game day!

The game started at 10.Our rag tag bunch of soccer players are mostly, well, not good. That being said, I saw tons of improvement even just since practice. Hell, we even scored a goal! The peeps who were at the game last week also said there was tremendous improvement, which hopefully meant they are getting the hang of this more. They all seemed to have a lot of fun, which was the best part. Plus, they were responding to our coaching, and I liked that. We only lost 7 to 1, which is better than 15 to nothing from last week. LOL! I am a little worried since it looks like our game might be rained out this next week.

The best part of the game was Bobby! Up until this game, he mostly hangs back. He is timid and really kind of dinks around on the field. Kid was on fire Saturday! He was aggressive and assertive and kicked some ass! I was so impressed! I don’t know what inspired him, but I was so very proud!

At this point, we need to work on some more skills and then hopefully some endurance. These poor kids were pooped by the 4th quarter. It was crazy. They were trying, but they were so tired. I can’t really have them do running drills, but I can hopefully make sure our practices are hard.

Since the game was pretty early, it allowed us gobs of afternoon time. Ken worked on the garage, causing it to vomit all over our driveway. The boys and I went to town on the playroom, which produced tons of trash and two nice spots for homework to be done.

The garage has enough space now that you can actually walk around in it! We spent time on it Sunday, too, going through boxes and bags of random stuff, and setting it all up on the side of the house in a rain protected manor so that we can put it all out for sale on April 7th, which is our yard sale day. I went through so many toys. I pulled items that should not have been in there, and put the rest in boxes, ready to make the boys some money for them to buy more crap.

In reality, we made a huge dent. The remaining items on the driveway are a few boxes of either trash or things that will most likely end up in yard sale land, also. We also have the old couch outside, that we were hanging on to for the time being until we decide for sure we like the new one. I think I am at that point, so it may be that the old couch also goes out for sale.

We also harvested the lemon tree. There was an entire bin of lemons picked, and Ken will be juicing them today. I am very excited!

I spent time on the living room and the boys’ bedroom while Ken worked on the garage. I was able to move tables around, decorate, and get things looking pretty damn good. I loved it when on Saturday night, I could sit on the couch and not feel stressed about the condition of the place.

I started Sunday morning in the kitchen. I opted to cook one of the several turkeys we had bought a couple months back. It is very satisfying making a large meal that will be yummy and let’s face it, provide me with gobs of leftovers! Woo hoo!

We worked more outside and on random housework Sunday until around 2, when we all headed out to Manhattan Beach. Ken was covering for Aaron at his gaming group, so I thought we could take the bikes and the boys and I could ride around.

We rode to Polliwog Park, first. We rode around in the park for a while, determining that sadly this is not as bike friendly of a park as I would have hoped. But the boys did like riding past the pond, which was cool. They wanted to stop and play, but I pushed them forward just so we could keep moving. The park was packed, and really, I thought it would be best to not stop.

We then headed over to my parents’ house. That was nice as they gave us cold water and juice. Yay!

Our ride then took us around Anderson Park. That was a lot of fun. I still felt it was too crowded, so we headed over to the old TRW parking lot. Gobs of room! We rode around in circles and did lots of fun riding there. The boys loved that. No one had to stay in a line. No one had to worry if they were going to fast or too slow. It was perfect. We rode all through the parking lots there. Sadly, we ended up in one in which a security guard told us we could not ride there. He said that due to it being private property, if one of the kids got hurt, blah blah blah. Sigh. Stupid fucking sue happy society.

The boys were looking a bit tired, so we rode up to McDonald’s and I got them ice cream cones. They were quite pleased and we hung out in there while they ate. By this time, it was almost 5. We had been riding around since 2:30! Yay! We headed over to the Comic Bug where Ken was, assuming that he would be done soon. Sadly, he would be another hour, but thankfully between looking at the comics, the boys playing with toys, and be chatting a bit with Chris, the hour went much quicker than expected. I was a little anxious only due to the turkey at my house, but over all, I was ok.

The boys got a little antsy right before 6, so I just told Ken to meet us down the road a bit. So we hopped on our bikes and headed back down to the first parking lot that we rode in, which was where Ken ended up meeting us.

The extra hour did mean less time to do things like color my hair last night, but I was ok. We still managed to get all the laundry put away, the boys showered, food served, and even let the dogs help with the dishes. It was a good night!

I feel super rested this morning and really good. I am looking forward to gym time!

I had dreams much of the night surrounding the book series the Hunger Games. It was mostly about me getting a copy of this book. I finally just broke down this morning and downloaded it since it was only $6. So this is my first official Kindle purchase. I am anxious to start reading!

It looks like Ken is doing good like me! He has not been able to do as much exercise lately due to his new schedule, but yet he was still able to lose 10 pounds! YAY!

Seriously, this is our year. We are rockin it!

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