Monday, March 26, 2012

Turning Violet


Friday brought the Brenans bicycles.

We went over to Walmart and picked up a new bike for Ken. I was very adamant that he get one he felt comfortable on as I didn’t want him injuring himself again like he did on the loaner from my dad. He found one he seems to really like so hopefully it will be much nicer for him.

We planned on getting a new bike for Dax since the one he has is really too small. They had lots like the one Bobby has, and one that was a little different. It still had foot brakes, but also a hand brake. It was like a hybrid! Bobby loved this particular bike, and Dax and he decided to just go ahead and have Bobby get this new bike and Dax would happily take Bobby’s old new bike. LOL! It was remarkable. If only they would do this kind of teamwork all the time.

This meant it was 3:30 in the afternoon, with us not needing to be anywhere until 5:15. So we loaded up the bikes onto the van and headed down to Redondo Pier. There, we mounted up and rode up towards PV along the strand. It was perfect! Not too many people along with a really nice weather day. We rode up to Redondo Riveria and up to Good Stuff where we had a nice dinner out on the patio. What was really weird and sweet was that the waitress there came out to us randomly to tell me that I was the nicest person and that my laugh was great. She said I made her evening! Hee hee! We then rode back to the car so we could get over to the bank to meet the AYSO commissioner.

Saturday was crazy busy in the morning. I was bummed I could not sleep in since we all had to be out of the house by 7. Ken and the boys went over to Columbia field to do set up. I had to be over at Torrance El in order to help set up for the registration event. Instead of driving, I opted to ride my bike. It was very refreshing being out so early in the morning.

I got there a smidge early, but luckily I wasn’t the first person. I helped get things set up, and even bonded with one of the women there who also was diagnosed with diabetes last year. We swapped weight loss tips, although apparently I have been more successful. She has lost 12 pounds this last year. I have lost 85. Either way, I think we helped each other just in the whole cheerleading aspect. I also was trying to inspire her to finally, at 51, go ahead and color her hair despite her mother’s objections.

Now, what I have failed to mention was that the reason the hair color thing was important was that this was me, now with bright purple hair, telling this woman to go ahead and do something wacky. Friday night, after the bank outing, we stopped and picked up a bottle of semi-perm purple hair color. I decided to go with purple for two reasons. One, I figured it worked well as team cheerleader for the purple dragons. Second, I was tired of the blond to the point where it actually made me sad. Purple seemed like a fun thing to do.

Tori, the soccer lady, was so impressed with my boldness. She told me that despite being 51, having 3 teens and being married and whatnot, she is still worried about her mother giving her crap. She apparently had a hissy fit when she got highlights once. I told her to just go bold one time, and give her mom a total freak out moment, then every time she does something a little less crazy, her mother will probably not notice. My plan now is to be this woman’s cheerleader. She was telling me how she has very little support when it comes to weight loss or diabetes, etc. I was bragging about my family, both immediate and extended, and my work family, and my facebook family, and even just random folks I meet. She seemed bummed she didn’t have this. It made me sad, and it made me realize just how lucky I am.

At about 9:30, I had to head out from the whole registration thing to get over to Columbia Park for the soccer game.

It was again, an awesome ride. I love commuting via bicycle. I could do without the stupid helmet, but it is tolerable overall.

The team is not good. I know, what a horrible thing to say as a coach, or even a mother. But seriously, they really are not good. Some of them are ok. But overall, they are out of shape, they are timid and they just don’t have the soccer instinct needed.

Like I said, some of them are pretty good. But sadly with no support system, it is hard. We got blown out of the water. I was especially frustrated since the coach on the other team, who was a sweetheart, felt the need to call every single trip or hand ball or anything that truly was not a real issue, but he stopped the plays constantly. It was annoying. He meant well, and in all fairness, I think he may have just been trying to give us a chance since every call was against his team. LOL! I was also frustrated that the team didn’t seem to listen to me when I was trying to help them with plays. Sigh. I wonder if they actually assume I wouldn’t know what I am talking about because I am a girl.

After the game, Ken had one more game to ref, so the boys and I went and got us all lunch. My Bobby was tired, so he napped in the car, which was sweet to hear his little snores in the back seat along side the sounds of Dax singing Dream On.

Once Ken was done, we headed over to the Beauty College on Carson. I was getting my hair chopped. Ken and the boys were going to drop me off, go down and pick up a movie at the Redbox a couple blocks down, and then come back to retrieve me. I wandered in and assumed I wouldn’t need my purse or anything since I assumed I would be paying when Ken got back. Sadly, I was mistaken. You have to pay up front there. I went to call Ken, and I realized I had loaned him my phone earlier and had neglected to get it back. Crap! So I headed out the door, figuring I could meet them at the Redbox.

What I didn’t know is that the boys told Ken that they wanted to watch me get my hair cut and they had actually parked in the back only seconds after I had walked out the front door to go find them. Ken and the boys went through the salon, asking for the girl with the purple hair. They explained I had gone looking for him, and they drove down to get me. It was all very entertaining, and if anything, I got a little walk out of it. LOL!

Ken urged me to cut more than I had planned, so I felt good about the amount cut. The lady who cut my hair was sweet, and I really think I need to go to this place more often. Many of the students there liked my hair color, and were amused because they saw the boys in their uniforms and knew this was why the shade choice. One lady even told them that they had the best mom ever for dying her hair for the team.

We got home and had a nice evening of dinner and a movie. We watched Thor. It was good. Not as good as Iron Man, but fun. I am looking forward to the Avengers flick, so we are trying to make sure we are up to date on the team of heroes. Next up will be Captain America, then I guess we will need to watch the Incredible Hulk.

Sunday provided us a much needed sleep in day. The boys didn’t sleep in as much as I would have liked, but they always stay in their room and play, which allows us to relax in our wonderful bed. Ken seemed to actually be sleeping, so I ended up reading my book a bit just so he would stay in bed longer.

I decided I wanted pancakes. I know, random, but sometimes you just have to give in to a craving. It was a beautiful, rainy morning, so we went over to Denny’s to have a nice family breakfast.

Sunday was also spent cleaning house. It was determined that every particle of clothing in the house needed washing. Ok, it wasn’t that bad, but it sure seemed like it. Luckily, I got all but maybe 3 loads of it done. The boys got their bedroom and playroom cleaned, and Ken cleaned the kitchen. It was a productive day. It also was done pretty quickly, which meant the Brenan Boys could play Star Wars Wii for a few hours. I spent this time alternating between book reading, laundry and other random things. It was a good way to spend a Sunday.

A follow up on Happy the dog; it appears that his owners came and got him. He wasn’t on the site anymore and it was before Sunday, which was the day he was allowed to be adopted. This made me very happy that he is home with his people. Yay!

This week will be exciting. Wednesday, the boys get Spring Pictures. It is also the last of the Wacky Wednesdays, which is sunglasses day. Tonight we will go over to Dollar Tree and get some glasses that we can decorate.

Thursday I get to go with Bobby to the farm out in the OC. I am very anxious to go on that trip. I am hoping there will be enough parental support that I can take lots of pictures.

Friday, the boys don’t have school. I am still doing the work thing, though. I would love to take the day off and all of us go to the Discovery Cube, but I think I should probably work. Maybe Ken can take them down there, although I think he has to go to classes.

OMG! It also just occurred to me that this weekend is our anniversary! Holy crap! Sunday, Ken and I have been married 12 years. WOW! Awesome! My mom offered to watch the boys for a bit, so I think we will maybe take them up on this and go to lunch and a movie on Sunday? Seems like it would be a nice, simple outing.

Man, I love that man of mine.

I am very excited this morning. I put on this necklace that had been crazy tight on me. It was almost choker like. But right now, it is loose and dangly and really awesome! Yay!

I have texting thumbs. Yes, that’s right. My thumbs hurt. I wondered what it was, but after thinking about it, and feeling the pain when I text or use my phone, it dawned on me that this is what I am feeling. So sad!

My right foot hurts. I think I pulled some kind of tendon. It isn’t horrid, but it is getting annoying. Thankfully it doesn’t hurt when I ride, or even do a lot, but especially in the morning, it hurts. I assume there is not much I can do about it, especially since it isn’t swollen or anything. I will keep an eye on it, though.

Did I mention that I have purple hair?

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