Thursday, March 15, 2012

fighting the enemy


I will admit to being sick if only so that I can fight it. No point in pretending it doesn’t exist. You have to know the enemy to defeat it.

I knew it was coming. I was feeling so very weak yesterday, with my sore throat and achy muscles. I assumed it was this freak period, but it looks as though that is just a minor inconvenience.

On the plus side, I have been pretty cheery. I was mellow yesterday, even taking time to soak in the tub, something I never do. It was relaxing, so I know I was tired. I think I almost fell asleep at one point. Ken even came in and kept me company for a while.

The funniest part of me taking a bath is the boys’ reactions. They are always so very confused.

After my soak, I bundled up and went and watched Empire Strikes Back, already in progress, with Ken and the boys. It was a nice time. Who knew being cozy in jammies, lying on my husband’s lap, and watching Star Wars with all of my boys was so wonderful?

I slept better than I had the previous night, no thanks to my crazy cats. Sheesh, all 4 of them have been up in my business more than normal lately. I joked to Ken that hopefully they don’t smell some kind of tumor, but he said that they have always been like that with me.

Miss Luna has taken to bike riding quite well. She runs along side the bike quite well. I don’t take her because it is harder for me on my bike to ride with her, but she and Ken seem to manage well. It was really cute when she and Ken came up to the school to hang with me while we waited for the boys. She gets so happy to see me!

I would give anything to go home and lie in bed right now.

I am taking off on the 29th. Bobby’s field trip is that day and I am one of the two parents who is going with his class to help out. I am excited. We are going to some farm. He loves this kind of thing, and is going to have a blast.

I finished the first Hunger Games book. I really enjoyed it. I was very annoyed, though, that I didn’t realize it ends in a cliffhanger. Son of a bitch. What the fuck? What was interesting is that I also didn’t really realize how far in the book I was being that I was reading it on the iPad. It isn’t like you feel how many pages you have left.

Ok, I think I am going to zone out here at work and hope that no one asks me for anything.

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