Wednesday, March 21, 2012

PJ Day


Wacky Wednesday is upon us again. It is PJ day, so we picked out some cozy jammies for the boys to wear. Really, it just looks like they are going in sweat pants, but really, it is still jammies in their eyes. I did wear PJ’s, technically. I just turned it into an outfit. I have this nightgown that is super cute, and more on the sexy side. I added some stretchy pants and a cami to the mix and voila! I have a dress that works. For good measure, I put my hair in pigtails. I figure I will change out of my heals before I go get the boys and put on my duckie slippers (per request) and they will be pleased.

I just finished the second book in the Shades of Grey series. It isn’t the best series of books I have ever read, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it is fun reading overall. I have been unable to find the third book free for download, so thankfully I think the 2nd book’s cliffhanger is not freaking me out enough to do anything rash like purchase the third. I think I got a pretty good fill and am ready to move on to the next book in Hunger Games. Sadly, I still need to find a time to go see the movie with Ken before that happens, and based on the fact that is appears to be sold out until next year some time, I don’t know when this will be. LOL!

I get to leave here at 11:30 to pick up the boys. I figure if I aim for that, I will get home with enough time to ride my bike up to get them. I am going to try to get all of the rest of the week’s homework done this afternoon since we have extra time.

I do have to head over to Wilson Park this afternoon briefly to sign some AYSO checks. It isn’t a huge deal, and if anything, it gets me off the hook from having to go to the Round Table meeting on Friday, which I am happy about.

I am seriously considering using the skull Dax drew for me as a tattoo design.

Ken has now had a second migraine. He said it was horrid. It finally subsided at some point, resulting in high blood pressure and then just an additional headache. We are not sure what is causing them, or even if they are full blown migraines. He gets tunnel vision and he says they are nothing he has ever experienced before. I am a little concerned, especially since we don’t know why he has had two in the past few months. Hopefully it is nothing too serious.

I had a coworker ask me yesterday how much weight I had lost. He seemed impressed and then said, with what seemed like such an odd tone, how different I looked. Not sure if that was a good thing or what. He seemed to indicate it was good, but who knows. Boy, I am self-conscious about my hair.

My mom came up with a far better idea for the Wacky Wednesday for next week. It is Crazy Sunglasses day, and my plan had been to hit up Party City, which always has fun glasses. Instead, we will go to Dollar Tree and get some crappy glasses, and then decorate them with all kinds of fun stuff. I am even tempted to buy a few so that they can wear different ones through the day. Plus, decorating them will be gobs of fun. It also gives me an excuse to go back to Joanne’s!

The net at work seems to be once again on the fritz, which sucks beans. If this actually gets posted today I will be shocked.

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