Wednesday, March 7, 2012



Pink hair is pretty freaking awesome.

My outfit and hair look like I am doing some kind of cosplay, but I am my own unique character this morning. With it being March, Halldale does a March Madness of their own in their “Wacky Wednesdays”. The first week is wacky hair. Another week is I believe PJ’s, and they have a couple other fun days of wackiness. I told the boys that I would participate in their wackiness. So here I am, rockin the pink hair this morning. I am pretty pleased.

Dax chose green hair color and is requesting Ken create a Dax-Hawk for him. Bobby is going a little more basic despite the bright red color he chose. I left my camera at the house so Ken could capture the moment.

I think I will end up passing on the gym today only so that I don’t sweat pink. Plus, I am wearing my corset with this dress. Its ok, since I will still ride the bike a bit tonight, and I am thinking taking a nice walk later with Luna.

It seems incredibly unfair that my bed is so uber cozy and that I have to be sitting in this chair instead of said bed. Hopefully tonight I can get to it a little sooner than I have been lately. I would like to partake in its comfy.

I don’t see me getting to bed at a good time tonight, though. My house is full!! With the contents of Sandra’s house having been relocated to our home, we are in an organizational crisis. It actually isn’t that bad, but it will take some configuring. The recliners and couch that have been in our house for more years than I can remember will be hopefully removed tonight. The new couch will be put in its new place while I contemplate a good fabric coloring scheme.

The piano is very pretty. I will hopefully take some pictures of it tonight. It needs to be tuned, but that is not something that will be happening right away. For now, it will be decorative. I am hoping to take a weekend day soon and have that yard sale. We have a lot of stuff for it now, which will be awesome. I love it when I toss tons of old stuff.

I like this pink color so much I am seriously considering picking up some Manic Panic in this shade.

I need a denim skirt. I have this desire to wear one with some kind of fun leggings.

So I was talking to one of our ladies at Sally’s about hair colors, and I was telling her even though lighter is cool, I really would love to go rainbow. She thought this would be fun, but pointed out that it would take forever to change it when I was done with this. This was an excellent point. So for now, I have looked into some alternatives to actual coloring with rainbow and instead using these cool hair strips instead. Might be fun.

So of course I have a meeting this morning. I love being all smart and serious while being me.

There is much drama involved right now in my family. More than a year ago now, Virginia finally died. Virg, my dad’s mom, was the wicked witch of the East for sure. A vile woman who may have been nice to some people, but as far as I was concerned, she was a waste of molecules.

Her inheritance was to be split 6 ways. Each of her children (Uncle’s Dick’s wife, MaryAlice would serve in his place which I was so happy about!) would take a sixth, and the remaining portion would be divied up amongst the grandchildren. A couple weeks back, I received a letter from the lawyer working on the will indicating what my share would be. I was pretty jazzed. It isn’t gobs, but any extra cash is a good thing, right? It requested my signature ASAP in order for the checks to be issued.

I happened to be scheduled to go see my folks that night, and thought I would talk to my dad about it. There had been many months of arguing between the siblings concerning how certain aspects and assets would be divvied. Specifically there was a lot of argument concerning the time share property in Florida.

Before Virg died, she had signed over said property to her youngest daughter. This is a rental unit in theory will earn about $2K in income a year (if not more). It wasn’t the nicest thing for them to do this, but bottom line, it was Virg’s choice. Everyone agreed that because of this, no part of the condos should be included in the settlement of the will. This included a $2000 amount my aunt wanted for maintenance from her siblings for the condo. Yeah, that was a very heated discussion. What kind of person asks for money from their siblings who didn’t get the cool property to maintain it?

One of the itemized (and I use that term very loosely) things on the paperwork we received was a $2000 charge for the condos. Yeah, no joke. They were including that as money that was spent that would not be split up because it had to go for the condos, despite the fact that the condos were NEVER part of the estate since they were signed over 2 years before the old bitty died!

My dad was furious. Look, he doesn’t care about the condos. He doesn’t care about the money. He cares about answers and he doesn’t think there needs to be this deceit and blatant bullshit.

Oh, and don’t get him started on how much the funeral cost. This was also taken out of the estate to the tune of, wait for it, $17K.

I, mostly joking around, pointed out to my dad that in this ‘carefully’ worded letter from the lawyer (who btw, is a friend of the family. Never lawyer with friends, people) that had broken down these amounts as to who got what, they never pointed out that Doug’s share was dissolved into the total. My understanding had been that his share because of his death was that it would just be a part of the grand total, which meant all of the people getting money would split his share. Seemed reasonable. But still, this should be mapped out in this official, legal paperwork. In fact, if you ask me, every dollar, every aspect of the estate, needed to be itemized in great detail. We should not be signing anything unless it mapped it out, and that there were no questions.

My dad didn’t seem too upset about the Doug thing, until I think it started to dig at him. So when he started calling his sibs about the $2K, he also asked about his other son’s inheritance.

Can. Worms. Everywhere.

I got my incessant need to ask more questions than humanly possible from my parents. We don’t ask to be mean. We ask to know information. And some of the questions my dad was asking were more than reasonable.

What was this $2K from?

If it is from the condos, why is it included in this paperwork since the condos were NOT part of the estate?

What is Doug’s share?

If Doug’s share is dissolved, why wasn’t this mapped out?

If according to the will paperwork, dead grandchildren do get the money, and that it goes to their closest living relative, then why wasn’t this money divvied up between my father and Sandra?

Why is everyone evading these simple questions????

My aunt, who is a total sweetheart, who has taken on the brunt of getting all of this in order, was feeling attacked. The problem is that her brother and brother in law (my oldest aunt’s husband, who is a stickler for details) were asking her lots of questions, and instead of just answering, she was getting overwhelmed and felt like they were mad at her. Mind you, both my dad and George are far from angry. They simply want to know the details, which they are more than entitled to.

As of this morning, there are no real answers. My mom and I have not helped in the idea that we keep adding more thoughtful questions for my dad to pose to his family. Keep in mind, between my mother and I, we can whip up a pretty nasty letter. LOL! My mom wrote up one that was to be sent to Julia on my dad’s behalf. My dad forwarded it to George and Gwen (oldest aunt) and they both thought it was too harsh. I am guessing I would not think this way, but then again, I am not looking at this as being personal. This is just good accounting!

I told my dad that I am in his corner. I will sign the minute he wants me to, and not a moment sooner. If he wants to drop the whole thing, I will gladly drop it. This wretched beast of a woman is still being a bitch to my family even beyond the grave. To some degree, it would almost be best to just let it go. Then again, this woman did NOTHING for Matt, my mom or myself in the 38 years that my mom and dad have been together. Even my dad says about how they never were kind to us. So if we can stick it to her in a financial way, we really should. But, is this really hurting her? Not even a little bit.

Isn’t family entertaining?

I didn’t take a Metformin this morning. I kind of want to see how it goes with no meds. I took my blood sugar two hours after food, and it was 96! YAY!!! I am going to really keep an eye on it today. Who knows, maybe I can get rid of the meds. I didn’t take them in Vegas, and even with heavy drinking, I was fine. This makes me happy. I would like to be med free.

Bobby’s behavior at school has gone back to a good status. He has been on green now for a full week. I guess that means he is a typical boy. He goes through phases. I am not too surprised, but it is annoying. Dax has been really good, too. Although yesterday, he informs me he was benched. I ask him why, and he gets really quiet and says that he is afraid it is really bad and that I will be really mad. I ask him if he killed a guy. He said no. I asked him if he took anyone hostage. He said no. So I said really, he couldn’t tell me anything that would be too bad. I also knew it couldn’t be too horrid since Halldale had not bothered to contact me, and Mrs. Fasheh didn’t indicate any problem to Ken when he picked them up.

Finally Dax whispers to me that he shoved a friend of his. Is it bad that I wasn’t angry? I told him I was disappointed, and that this is what we have been telling him and Bobby for some time now. We can’t solve our problems with violence. It only gets us in trouble. So even though I let him know that I wasn’t going to ground him or anything, I was upset, but that I was also happy that he told me. That was far more important. He seemed cool with this. YAY! Parenting is fun!

Hee hee! Someone just came up to me about some work stuff, and it didn’t even phase him that my hair is bright pink. I love it here!!

I found some fun wigs. Felt I should post them here:

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