Thursday, March 8, 2012

RIP Ratticus


Bobby brought home some of his class work yesterday. On one of the papers, he had to draw a picture and talk about his neighbors and his neighborhood. I LOVE what he wrote:

“A good neighbor is a neighbor that feeds my dogs when I am on a trip. To clean up my dog’s poop.”

I am leaving today at 11 to get to the school so I can see the boys get their perfect attendance awards. Woo hoo!

Speaking of school, holy fuck did the school piss me off. I was walking out of the office yesterday to go home when my phone rang. It was the office at Halldale. She proceeds to tell me that she has Bobby in the office because he has been coughing. He apparently could not stop coughing. Mind you, it was 1:15. School gets out at 2:15. In the time I was on the phone with her, I never heard Bobby cough. I could hear him talking. They really wanted me to come get him? They couldn’t let him be in class for one more fucking hour????? I blame the teacher right now. She sent him to the office because of his coughing. It is allergy based. He is fine aside from this stupid cough. I know this cough. I grew up with this cough. It is not a big deal.

Today we are sending him to school with his inhaler. We taught him out to use it on his own, without the giant kid tube that they gave us. We also are putting some cough meds in his lunch box that he can drink before he eats lunch. He has cough drops, and he will be dosed before going to school. I hate having to do this, but honestly, there is no reason for him to stay home, and there is no reason for him to be on something like antibiotics.

The good news is that since we will be there today, we can make sure no one freaks out about him having meds.

I got the LAUSD school report card to fill out today. There was no place on it to complain about things. So instead, I cheated the system and filled it out a half a dozen times online, indicating poor scores on items they need to improve on.

Our afternoon adventures produced some more organized areas in our house. Ken had spent a shit load of time on cleaning out the cupboards in our kitchen. He tossed out things we don’t need or use. He made a box of items for the yard sale. I did one corner of the kitchen, scrubbing it and putting things where they belong instead of just on the counter.

We also took out the old couch and green chairs. We put in our ‘new’ sectional couch. It is way more comfy than I expected. I do not care for the color, but as I said before, that is fixable. It certainly makes the living room its own space now. With the piano by the wall, it is a cozy little space. I have the table in there still, which I am not thrilled about. I really wish I had a dining room. Either way, I need to make space in that stupid playroom for homework to be done in. I can then let the boys use the folding tables for things like food when we don’t eat together (which is way too often). This weekend and much of tomorrow will allow me lots of time to work on these things.

I am back to this golden coloring of my hair. I really like the bottom portion of my hair. The color there is very pretty. I do not like the top. I especially hate the dark roots creeping in at an alarming rate. I have to say, I kind of miss my pink hair this morning.

Soccer practice is tonight. I am hoping to get over there early enough that I can run around the field a bit before we start. I am apparently the one who is running the warm ups and doing some of the drills. I guess the team got creamed at the game, so we need to work on some skills tonight. I am looking forward to it, that is for sure. Thankfully, we don’t have to rush home so it will be all kinds of good.

Is it bad that I am not super excited about the new iPad? I love my current one, and although I am sure things like HD are cool, I am quite pleased with having the one I do have. I just want a newer iPhone at this point. I can tell mine is getting tired. So is Ken’s. More crashes, less battery life, and really, I want facetime on the phones.

Yay! I downloaded the Starbucks App. I have all these Starbucks cards with various balances. This allows me to pay using my phone using those cards! So much easier, and less crap in my wallet. I really do need to clean out my wallet. I have too much stuff. Gift cards, coupons, and other various items like medical cards. It is crazy.

Ratticus has passed on. Poor girl. Although really, she had a good life considering she started off as hawk bait. Remy is going to be a little lonely, I think, but I don’t want to get anymore rats right now. We have so many critters it isn’t funny. We have 2 mice now that we are keeping. Ozzie and Harriet. Ozzie is crooked. No joke. His little head is honked up and he looks tweaked. How could I possibly feed the physically disabled mouse to Hal? It just seemed wrong. So really, I think that I would like to just deal with the critters we have. I worry that our time with Lycos and One10 is always limited due to their age. Sure, both are doing great, but one never knows.

I had a dream that we spray painted our cats green and took them to a cat show. It was odd.

Does everyone really have a price? I ask because the topic on the radio is people mistaken for a hooker. One of the girls was saying that this couple in Vegas offered her $1000 to sleep with the wife. She turned it down. Is it bad when I say, “Your room or mine?” Seriously, how bad could it possibly be? Not saying I am desperate, but in a situation like that, it doesn’t sound like it would be a bad way to make $1000. I also am a firm believer in the whole indecent proposal thing. I am way on board with a million dollars for a weekend with Robert Redford. All this being said, would it matter what the person looked like? Possibly. I think that I would not want some grody person who smelled bad, but I think that just a little sex with money coming to you for said sex isn’t all that big a deal. I think prostitution is fine, too. I am not saying I could be a prostitute, but why can’t other people do that? It is their body, and their deal, and if someone wants to pay for it, let them!

Ok, I know, randomness. Sorry.

I need to work.

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