Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The woman still haunts us even after death


I am excited! Although I do have to deal with work today, I get to go to Costco later, and then tomorrow is farm day!! YAY!

It was very cute. Yesterday Bobby asks me as we were listening to the iPod if I had any farm songs since he is going to a real farm.

The boys, despite the funny comments they tend to make, were ready to be shipped to the orphanage yesterday. Their griping and whining finally made me snap. As I had just finished reading, Bobby in this uber nasally voice says, “Why does Dax get a drink of water?” Dax had taken the bottle of water we leave in there and had a quick swig. We have told the boys that they need to limit their fluids intake just to hopefully keep them from peeing at night. Although Bobby has mastered it, Dax is not there yet. Either way, we said a quick drink is not a big deal.

I was livid. It wasn’t that Bobby had been told he couldn’t drink. It was that he was more concerned with fairness. I know this because I asked him why he was upset about it. I told them both that fairness doesn’t exist. I explained to them that they were both very lucky little boys. They had things that not only their mom and dad didn’t have when they were little, but that they even have things that their friends don’t have. I told them that at this point we might just have to put them in separate rooms again, but in order to do this, we would have to get rid of the toys in there to make space.

The crying was pretty extreme on this threat.

Ken came in and the two of us explained what we need from them. They are a team. They are brothers. They should feel lucky to have each other. I stopped just short of telling them that in essence I was a single child and it would have been nice to have a partner in crime. I didn’t think they would understand that Matt wasn’t much of a brother (although, I think they are starting to get that. Dax was shocked that Matt is 35).

I don’t know if we got through to them. We did seem to get through to them before when it came to staying on green in class. We have not had any issues since Ken made the board. We may need to have the card system at home, too. It is something they get, and perhaps we should incorporate their known and effective punishment system.

Sigh. Parenting can be frustrating.

Thank goodness it is also rewarding.

I am feeling so very happy about my hair. It is a complete turn around from the blonde. I feel funky and groovy and positively hip. I don’t know if it is the color or cut, but it makes me feel good.

We decorated the boys’ sunglasses yesterday. It was slightly frustrating only in the idea that it turns out Elmer’s glue does not exactly stick well to plastic. In fact, those glue sticks worked better, which shocked me. Hopefully they last long enough to get a couple of fun pics. I will also pose with them since I got a pair of round glasses with purple lenses. The purple matches my hair (not that you can tell that in the pic).

It is also picture day today. Ken gave the boys a spiffy new Flowbee cut last night, so even though I miss the shag, they look very handsome. I will hopefully get some good shots of them this afternoon under our photo tree.

I took the time yesterday to make sure my AYSO treasurer info was all matched and I even took the time to make the deposit. I felt pretty damn organized, actually. It was kind of cool. I felt all important. I am still kind of dragging my feet quite a bit on enjoying this, but perhaps with a few more events under my belt I will get there.

It is really too bad we can’t ride our bikes to Costco. It isn’t that it is too far. It would just be impractical depending on what we get. LOL!

The boys are staying at my folks’ on Friday night. My mom had offered to watch them so we can go out for our anniversary. I am hoping we can possibly go see Hunger Games, but I don’t know what the plan is. Maybe dinner, too? I suppose if a movie is in our plans, we need to get tickets soon based on the sales last weekend!

I have considered the idea of using our old iPhones for the boys when we upgrade. They wouldn’t get to use them at phones. We had been considering getting them some kind of iPod for music, and why not use these? There is no way they would fill them up at this point and it would also allow them some games. Plus, it would mean we don’t have to get them anything since we would already have them. Hopefully Apple keeps with their standard procedure which is to release new iPhones come June since I would like to get a new phone soon. I have noticed my current phone isn’t as great as it used to be, and it would be nice to get one of the newer iPhones with Facetime if only so that when Ken is in Ireland, it will be easier for us to talk.

The boys have a radio in their room tuned to KROQ that they listen to. It is nice because they enjoy the music, and it I think helps them sleep. However, it has occurred to me that they are going to be wise beyond their years when it comes to sex. Or they will be incredibly honked up. At 10 pm, Love Line airs, filling their room with subliminal data about everything sex. Should be interesting to see what happens when puberty hits.

I got to go over the ‘breakdown’ of expenses provided by the attorney in the Virginia estate debacle. For the record, I really don’t care. I am happy to get any kind of inheritance if only for the fact that I get some free money. I am glad the woman is dead. Yes, I said it. She was a vile creature who was cruel to my dad and in turn my mother and my brother. Sure sure, she was a horrid bitch to me, but that only adds to comic relief for me. I mean, how many grandkids can say they actually heard their grandmother say the words, “How’s the girl, what’s her name again?” Fucking bitch.

Anyhoo, the breakdown was about as general as you can get. It was vague and most importantly, it appears that my aunt Julia made out like a bandit. We had been in total shock at the funeral expenses being listed at $17K. I not so secretly wondered if this was only because when you put toxic waste into the ground it might take other permits that are expensive.

Instead, it appears that there was some kind of $7k amount that looks like the actual expense for putting that bitch in the ground. So what about the other $10k you might ask? Well, apparently it cost the estate $5k in lawyer fees for this. I think this is a bit extreme, but whatever. I can live with that. What I find to be total bullshit is that Julia also got $5K, for taking care of things. Yep, she was PAID to bury her mother.

Must be nice.

Never you mind that Julia got the condos (that my dad helped her secure after the family was unhappy about it). Oh, and don’t think about the $5K that she had been paid from the estate right before Virg died just as a thank you for helping her. Oh, and she also got an extra $2K randomly on the breakdown from the inheritance. Plus, there is a misc Discovery Card charge for $500 that was paid. We don’t know what this could have been being that it wasn’t like this woman was out shopping. In fact, for all we know, this charge was after she was dead!!

Devious people come in all shapes and forms. Julia was always my favorite of my dad’s sibs. She seemed them most down to earth and the most fun. I actually liked that I was compared to her a couple times. Now I am sad that the sister my dad was always closest to seems to have spit on her big brother.

My dad has said that he always felt the family didn’t care about Matt and I. He always felt like he was somewhat frowned on for remarrying and not sticking with Sandra. I have up until this whole event kept this in my heart. I knew that they didn’t care for Matt and I. In fact, I don’t know that they didn’t care, they just didn’t bother to see if they would like to care about us.

I worried that I had amped this up in my mind in order to just stay angry at grandparents who didn’t seem to give two cents about me. It turns out my anger was pretty reasonable.

I told my dad that it probably didn’t look too favorably on him when Virg died and none of his kids went to the funeral. He said that really, none of us needed to. He pointed out that Virg never knew Matt and I.

There is one amazing point in this. The share that I pointed out went to Doug was in fact factored in (yay Dad and Uncle George for fighting for that!) and that portion will be split between Sandra and my dad. Sandra told my dad that she would like to use that money to start a college fund for Bobby and Dax. Seriously, I know that woman did my dad wrong for many years, but she is making up for it in so many ways. What a doll!

I feel so very fortunate that my kids not only have my parents as grandparents, but that they have Ken’s folks. They also have people like Sandra, and the Braskins, and so many other people in our lives that treat my boys like their own. Of course, it does mean they won’t have recycled Christmas cards to show off to friends, but they will have something so much better in the form of a loving, giant extended family.

In still shocking news, Matt is not going to Utah with us. He has recently evolved into angst ridden teenager, which has made him surly and to some degree, he doesn’t seem to want to hang out with his parents. I find this humorous that my parents are having to go through a teenager when he is 35. We are all in shock, though, that he has zero desire to go to Utah being that the boys are going. He adores the shit out of them and we figured that he would enjoy all the play time he would get. Of course, there is still time for him to change his mind.

I need to work!!

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