Tuesday, March 20, 2012

NyQuil crazies


The NyQuil did what it was supposed to do last night. I know I slept, and it was pretty comfortable. I even had the fun, crazy dreams. At some point, I know that Ken and I owned this place that looked straight out of a swinger’s 70’s pad, complete with awesome pool. Ken was bartending our party with tons of our friends. I remember swimming, and I was thin, and in a bikini. It was a pale green in color and my hair was back to brown. Ken was charming and I know he was serving drinks in the pool because he gave me and Stephanie drinks while in the pool itself.

We also seemed to be rather important in the community. At some point, Dax and I went down the street to some ceremony in which we got some crown from Japan. It was odd. There was also a flyby by this fleet of these funky bird like planes that made these cool sounds. It was all kinds off odd. Yay drugs!

Sadly, I am still a little sniffly. I think I am better, though. My throat isn’t as raw, which helps a great deal. I am rockin some tea which should help. I still would like to go back to bed, if only to say goodbye to all my guests and to have a couple of cocktails on the floating mattress thingy in the pool. I may need to send the kids to bed, too, and get Ken in the water….

Sorry, kids. I told you, I am on drugs. Hee hee!

Bobby’s parent/teacher conference went well. She had only the two complaints, the same I have heard from her and Mrs. Fasheh in the past. I even gave Mrs. Kelly the phrase ‘Bobby-Land’ for his times when he is off somewhere in his head that no one can penetrate. She liked it. She also compared Bobby to Ferdinand, which pleased me if only because she may get him better than I realized. Actually, I noted she and I seem to have a similar taste in kid books since I told her that I had been reading Indian in the Cupboard to the boys and she lit up. She was thrilled, and quickly made me promise to not show them the movie. I told her that I didn’t even want them knowing there was a film version, which she instantly I think bonded to me and understood my love of books and imagination. It was cool!

I also asked her about his math skills in class, and she had said he does quite well. I explained how a few months back he seemed to struggle a bit, but she said that this has never been the case in class, which just means he usually has one foot in Bobby-Land while doing homework.

While heading over to collect our boys from the Kinder playground, we noted a little boy with tears in his eyes. We had heard him earlier calling out what sounded like ‘Mom!’ which sounded frantic, but we were not sure. I approached him and asked him what was wrong. He seemed very shy, and was wandering with his little brother. He spoke little, but came to find out he was missing his mother. Mrs. Fasheh heard us and we brought him in to her classroom. We tried to get info, and came to find out what classroom he was from. This was after school, so we guessed his mother must have been in a conference with the teacher. I volunteered to walk him and his brother up to the office and Ken ran over to the classroom to see what he could find. Thankfully, the mom was found and we reunited them, although the mom did not look all too thrilled or interested. Poor kid.

While I cooked dinner, Ken and the boys played several rounds of Hide and Seek in the house. It was awesome! I enjoyed the sounds of giggles and feet stomping around the house while I worked. I considered joining in, but there was something really cool about this being a boy game.

The net is down at work, which will undoubtedly bore me to the point of working on these stupid branch set ups I have been kind of avoiding. They are far from hard, but I just am kind of dragging my feet since I still believe that they are not necessary and I don’t seem to be getting a lot of the right people listening to me. Thankfully I am only ‘helping’ in this process, and am not responsible for getting them done. I am supposed to work on them when I have time. The person I am helping seems to think I will complete them all, despite this being her job. It will be a rude awakening when I have completed only a handful. I am annoyed since she seems to do very little during the day, so it feels like she should not be allowed help. Of course, it could just be that she is just slower than me. Sigh.

It just dawned on me that I will be leaving early the last three days of this week. With it being conference time at school, they have early release days, meaning the boys get out of school at noon thirty. This works in my favor, really. It means on Thursday, a day things tend to get a smidge hectic, I will be good. I can have them even work on some of Thursday’s homework on Wednesday so that come Thursday I can be sure to have time to get them ready for soccer. Plus, Stephanie and Sabrina are stopping by, which means I can visit and not feel rushed. YAY!

Despite my hair not being as gooey as it felt last week, I am still not thrilled with it. I have figured out product to make it softer, and overall it is behaving better. Plus, it is nice that the color all blends well finally. The problem is, when I look into the mirror, I don’t recognize myself. I don’t look right. I don’t know if it is color or style or what. I would venture a guess it is a combo of things. I have longer hair than I have had in a while. I have blonde hair, which is all kinds of odd. I have decided against pink hair. While we walked the con on Saturday, we noted just how many chicks had pink hair. It was the color choice of geek gals everywhere. I don’t want to be that like everyone else. So this leaves me with once again, an uncertainty as to what do I need to do to feel like I am good with my look. I know, this probably sounds silly and stupid for me to be going on and on about this, but it just is one of those things that my drugged out head is trying to contemplate this morning.

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