Monday, June 24, 2013

3 days of busy


A week with no boss? Thank you!

It was a long and productive 3 days off. I wish I had gotten a touch more sleep, but the cats were in some kind of contest to see who could keep me awake the longest.

My appointments went fine on Friday. I did have the time wrong on the dentist, so I ended up being 45 minutes early which kind of blew. The appointment itself was also much longer, and much more painful than anticipated. He was replacing a filling, which ended up being 2 fillings on teeth that had some very sensitive spots. I probably could have stopped him and had him numb me further, but honestly I just wanted to be done. I powered through every time the drill hit one of my nerves and was pretty exhausted by the time it was all done. My tooth and jaw hurt the rest of the day. Thankfully it is better now.

My PAP went much better. I adore my doctor. She is my age and just lovely. She and I chatted for some time. She was happy to hear that a lot of my stress will probably be going away what with the escrow closing soon. She totally understood how much stress my life has. It was nice to also talk with her about her life. I love that this is someone that I trust and she is in charge of my medical stuff. She also had me do the pee test to confirm I was not pregnant. She thinks it may be a slight UTI, and has prescribed some antibiotics.

After my all my poking and prodding, I was pleased to be able to drop off the kids with my folks and go out to dinner and a movie with Ken. We went to PF Changs and then saw This is the End, which was very fun.
Saturday had Ken and I at the middle school all day with registration. It was a relaxed one, even with the 150 signups we ended up getting. The boys didn’t get dropped off until almost 1:30, which meant they were not bored, which was good. Jerry let me have the one pin from Regional that was for AYSO’s involvement with the Rose Parade because it had been my idea for our region to donate. I was very excited! I also found myself less annoyed with band-aid bitch, which concerns me because if I start to like them, then perhaps I am becoming too passive.

Our reward for a long day of data entry and soccerness was to go see Monsters University. Pixar did another great job and all 4 of us were pleased with the prequel. The dumb kid next to me who kept talking through the whole movie was super annoying, but I didn’t say anything because his dad looked spent. I felt kind of bad for him and knew someone getting on his case about his rude child would not make much of a difference.

Sunday morning was house time which was super tiring but quite satisfying. We cleared the side of the house so we could move yard sale stuff there. Ken and Dax cleared out one section of the attic so that we could sort through it and put it in yard sale or POD. Most of this stuff was the baby stuff. I opted to get rid of two giant bags of baby clothing. I know, I haven’t ruled out another baby since my doc said I looked quite healthy internally, but I also know that holding on to that much stuff isn’t necessary. I did get rid of the Diva-Mobile and the double stroller. I kept the crib but parted ways with the changing table. We also kept the Graco set which was the Pack n Play and stroller. For now, I can keep a few things as a just in case and go from there.

We took out most of the yard sale stuff we had accumulated and have since covered with a tarp. We also put a lot of the packed boxes into the POD. Our neighbor also gave us their BBQ, which looks in great shape so we are set for backyard parties at the new place! YAY!

Ken spent the day with Aaron at his gaming party, so I decided to take the boys out to breakfast. It was nice aside from Bobby being surly. He was tired. Dax woke him up and because of this, his mood was cranky pants much of the day. I made due, even though I was beat by the end of the day.

I did manage to get the boys to help me with their bedroom packing. We packed up a lot of their PJ’s since both of them have taken to sleeping naked. Dax has been dry for a whole week (YAY!!!!!) so we also packed up most of his nighttime underwear. I packed up their long sleeve shirts since it is summer time and I packed up a lot of other things. We had picked up a couple of fancy boxes that we put their special drawers stuff in. We also did all of their laundry. It was a busy day.

The contractors who are working on the termite damage will be at the house today. In addition to this, there is someone coming out this afternoon to give us a bid on something. I have decided that this will be a good excuse for Luna and I to walk to the new house this afternoon. I really feel like I do get more out of my workout when I can’t just stop in the middle of it.

We will need to pull down more things from the attic. Our next set of items will be holiday which is in the next section. Most of that will end up in the POD. Thankfully most of that is also already packed well and therefore not as big of a deal to go through. It is the final section that looks to be the biggest pain since it is all things I don’t know about. Sure, I was part of putting them up there, but I really don’t know what it all consists of.

Ken is probably going to start some painting today. We need to paint the playroom and the windows. He finished re-sealing the windows last night and they are prepped for paint. There is so much to paint!!!!!

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