Monday, June 10, 2013

37 and counting


One more day of 37!

It was a fantastic couple of days off. Since I bailed on work early on Thursday, it was nice to be able to spend some of the last 4 days being lazy! Don’t get me wrong, I busted my ass as well, but I also was able to hang out and watch a couple of movies I had been meaning to see. I saw Safety Not Guaranteed, which I highly recommend. Very sweet and goofy at the same time. I enjoyed it a great deal.

The best news, which seems silly for me to wait until right now to post, is that we got the appraisal back. It was good!!!!!! In fact, the Admiral emailed our real estate guys to tell them that we are in fact moving forward with the purchase. 

Yes, there is some work to be done before close in about 20 days, but hopefully we get a good bid tomorrow since Ken is entertaining multiple contractors at the house to see what can be done.

As the Captain points out, we are not in the home stretch, but we are rounding the turn at a good rate. I am seriously delirious with happy.

I spent much of Saturday in the closet. LOL! I cleaned out one of the bedroom closets in our place and it is now empty. I even tried to convince each of the boys to just move in there with me. Both were quite amused at my antics. Bobby pointed out that although it sounded great, there was no room for my jewelry and clothing. Dax seemed to only be concerned with the bathroom issues.

We need to order the POD storage box since our living room is filling with boxes. LOL!

The boys both made it through their award ceremony, both getting the perfect attendance awards. Their last day was less chipper, though. Both broke down sobbing when I picked them up, indicating how much they would miss their teachers and friends. It was heartbreaking. It was also very sweet that they were that happy there. I explained that we would and could easily come back and visit, and this seemed to make them happy. I also pointed out that this last week presented me with the opportunity to talk with multiple people I knew in elementary school. This also seemed to perk them up.

This morning looks to be busy, and I am pissed since it took me forever to get into the building. My key was not working right so I had to go into the different door. We will see how that goes when someone points out that I am parked wrong. 

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