Friday, June 28, 2013

Congrats to Dawn and Rosie!!!!


Congrats Dawn and Rosie!!!!!

In an awesome coincidence, Dawn and Rosie happened to be at Torrance Memorial yesterday afternoon getting ready to birth their little girl. When the boys and I headed over to visit Poppy, we were able to make a quick stop down in Labor and Delivery where we chatted with the lucky mom, Dawn. Rosie was resting, having been up much of the prior night with labor pains. Her blood pressure had gone up, but luckily the fetal monitor showed no signs of distress in Victorian Rose which meant once they got Rosie stable, baby and mommy were resting until the scheduled C-section would take place at 5. Dawn was so excited and almost in a daze. I loved seeing her so deliriously happy. I am looking forward to meeting the little girl they waited so long for.

My dad is doing better. Sadly my mom didn’t check in with me last night so I don’t know if the draino they gave him yesterday right before I arrived had the desired effects. He was in significantly less pain and was up walking around, complete with tube in his nose for stomach pumping purposes. I asked him if he was tired when he walked the boys and I out, and he pointed out he had done like 30 laps. Some of this was boredom, but most was due to the Chatty Cathy that he is rooming with. Holy. Crap. This guy was nice, but clearly lonely and needed people to talk to. He kept my dad up until almost 11:30 the first night he was there. My dad, who is a pretty easy going guy in terms of chatting with strangers had to actually tell him to shut the hell up. When the boys and I were there, he was trying to engage the kids. He is one of those guys that is kind of condescending to people. When he asked the boys how old they were, Dax answered for both of them and he responded to Bobby with, “Do you always let your little brother answer for you?” He then proceeded to tell Dax that he was very chatty. Later, when this old guy was trying to tell them jokes, Dax wasn’t talking and he asked him why he stopped being all chatty, Dax did his patented eye roll and both the boys were clearly spent when dealing with this guy.

The inspector checked out the new house yesterday and all of the repairs needed before escrow were approved and forwarded to the lender. YAY!! The floor looks great, too. I am pleased with how well it turned out. Ken spent the day working on our place. He put in a nice ceiling fan in the playroom and the room is looking great. We also went to Lowe’s and priced out some siding to replace the front boards on the house to make it all rental ready. The good news, too, is that Chris is interested in the place. It would be him, his fiancĂ© and Aaron. Hopefully Chris can come over and talk with Ken and they can determine if there are any specific things that need to be done or don’t need to be done in our upgrades for them.

Today is my mom’s last day of work. It was a crazy last week for her what with my dad being in the hospital, but I know how relieved she is to finally be done with the day to day drudgery of work. I know she also is looking forward to pretty much being able to spend more time with her grandkids and my dad. YAY!

I am happy that this weekend is open. I am hoping to get a lot of things done. I really need to pack up the bedroom since Ken and I are moving our mattress in the playroom while we paint our room. Seriously, I am getting so freaking excited about this move. 

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