Tuesday, June 18, 2013



Fumigation is scheduled!

Tomorrow the new place gets tented and next week the repairs for termite damage take place. The guy from Rusher Air is heading over to the place today to see about getting the heater to work just for inspection purposes. Also, the inspector agreed to take the shower pan off of the “must do before close” list since he knows we are remodeling the bathroom. Yay all around!

The POD had to be rescheduled for tomorrow since someone has to be on hand to receive it, and Ken found out he had to be at Costa today. No big deal as I spent a great deal of time yesterday packing up things from my closet that were not clothing. In fact, the playroom is all pretty much boxes ready to be placed in the POD. I done good!

When I got home from work, the boys were being rather lazy in front of the tube. I made them turn it off and I put them to work. They were to bring in trash cans, clean the mess in the living room along with do a bunch of other things. I then kicked them out to go play with their friends. They ended up in the back yard armed with water guns and buckets while they doused themselves. It was fantastic. It started to go a little sour when Zack was acting, well, like a 10 year old compared to my not quite 7 year old. As much as they get along great, there are times when the maturity does rear its ugly head. Thankfully, Dax was content to come in and help me. I was all proud, and I showed him how much I had accomplished. He praised me, and even offered to get me something to drink, which I thought was cute. I told him I was done, but then proceeded to work. He scolded me and told me to take a break. LOL!

When Ken got home, we jetted over to the new place to see about testing the heater ourselves, but we didn’t have the right tool. I didn’t mind since I had decided to bring Luna along, who got to run around the house, smelling her new home. It was very cute. I also had fashioned her in her vest and id badge and when we stopped by the grocery store on the way home, I took her in. I had her close to my side and really spent the whole time (which was maybe only 30 minutes) training her to only listen to me and to be calm. She did amazing. I had a couple different people tell me how good she was and how cool it was that we were working on the service dog thing. The security guard did look at me and point to the dog to which I responded, “service dog.” And he nodded without any further question. It was a good exercise for both pup and me, which I enjoyed a great deal. She also seemed pretty proud of herself.

My period is finally starting its descent by crippling me last night with some horrendous cramps. I also found myself getting dizzy at one point along with smack me in the head tired. I had been so energetic until the cramps hit, which seriously took the wind out my sails. I feel them now, but not to the same extent. What makes it even worse is that I have not officially started. It would be one thing if I could bleed, but having period issues with no real period is sucky, period.

Dax has managed 3 nights of dry!!!!! YAY! He is well on his way to earning the watch he covets and I won’t have to buy pullups anymore. I am excited about all of this. My boys are growing up and in this way, I am pleased. 

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