Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The POD comes today!!!


The POD comes today! The POD comes today!!!!!!!!!!

In other fab news, the fantastic guy from Rusher Air came over to the place yesterday and got the heater working. FUCK YEAH! One less thing that needs to be a rush repair before close. It is a banner day, my friends. Shit is getting real, and I couldn’t be happier.

We took the dogs to the new place yesterday. Lycos loves the big bush/tree in the back yard and spent a great deal of time exploring it. I have to say, it was really fun watching both dogs enjoy the new place.
The fumigation crew gets there today, which means we don’t get to go there for any reason today. I gotta say, it kind of bums me out if only because I just love being there. LOL!

But this is all ok since today the freaking POD is being delivered. It means hopefully when I get home from work I will find Ken and the boys hard at work going all Tetris on this storage unit. I am excited to join in on the fun and get Ken even more boxes to go in there. If all goes well, the playroom can be empty today aside from the clothing in my closet. I am considering taking those out if just so that when we paint the smell doesn’t get on them.

Last night since the boys seemed out of sorts, I decided we could all sit down and watch Hercules. I enjoyed the evening for that reason. Bobby just didn’t want to go outside, and Dax tried to play with Zack who ended up being a total dick by throwing a water balloon at Dax in his tenders. The lack of normal schedule is taking its toll on the boys, so their moods are sour.

I did manage to get both kids to help me make dinner, including measuring out milk and water for the Hamburger Helper. At one point, during an epic rant from Dax which mainly consisted of Dax saying, “But Mom!!!!” over and over as I refused to let him have a sandwich only an hour before dinner, I made a declaration. I told Dax I was not Mom. I told him I would only answer to Rosita. He stopped yelling and looked perplexed. He then chuckled and tried saying But, Mom, again. I said, “Nope! No Mom here. Only Rosita.” He then called me Rosita and it turned into a fantastic laugh fest.

We ordered these new flea collars for all of the critters to combat the flea issues we have been having. These ones claim to last for 8 months and are even water resistant, which is good for Miss Luna in particular. They claim to be a slow release of the chemicals which is what makes it last so long. Of course, we are skeptical, but they were cheaper than the topical and from everything we read online, it seems to work as well or better than the topical. My skepticism was certainly appeased when I spent some time petting Breezer last night and I actually watched 4 fleas fall off of her. They were not dead, but they certainly looked near death. It was awesome! Monarch didn’t slurp last night so perhaps even his was helping. The dogs get theirs on Friday, so I am very excited about a flea vacation.

Have I mentioned the POD is coming today?? YAY!!!

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