Tuesday, June 10, 2014



3-0!!! Woo!

I have to say I was beyond pleased that the game ended without any overtime. It was nice to get into bed at a reasonable hour. LOL!  I didn’t get much else done yesterday. I felt lazy and I let it consume me. I didn’t mind. I figure I do enough work around the house to allow myself a day to do nothing like that.

We had a tough division night, though. I don’t know what it is, but I think it is more than Bobby just not paying attention. He truly struggles with math. What’s funny is that he says he enjoys it. I need to go get those flash cards because I think once he has the times tables down cold he will at least have something that will make him feel confident. Plus, I can get Dax geared up for the tasks that will hit him next year.
Instead of math memorizing for now, we had to work on Bobby memorizing his lines for tomorrow night’s play. I think he has it down. I am guessing most of the kids will trip over some lines but it won’t matter because it will be adorable no matter what.

Dax gets to go to the park today. I know he is super jazzed about it.

I am kind of annoyed that Bobby technically has homework on Wednesday despite there being a play that night.

I just looked at the calendar and happy days are ahead. My boss took off Monday and Tuesday. It means I don’t have to deal with him for 5 days in a row! YAY! Woo hoo!

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