Wednesday, June 11, 2014



Happy birthday to me!

Not super happy yet, though. I am feeling a bit icky. I am sure it will pass, but I don’t care for it one bit. If it doesn’t get better within the hour I will go home. I don’t need to be sick at work.

We were able to watch the last of season two of OITNB. Dude. Just, wow, dude. Of course I have remorse for binging on it since now I have another year to wait, but it doesn’t mean I can’t re-watch it. I love this show so very much.

Bobby has his lines memorized and his costume ready. I am super jazzed about the show. I will try to film it. We will go early since I am saving seats for my folks and Ken. Dax and I can do that no problem. I am curious as to how long the show actually is. I know there is singing and dancing. I seriously can’t wait!
I got to go up to the park where Dax’s class was after I got home from work. I was a little bothered that he wasn’t playing with his friends and only kicking the ball around with Ken. I don’t like the idea of him not playing with everyone. Then again, he could have only been doing this for a short while since no one wanted to kick the ball.

We helped walk the kids back. I was wearing these baggy pants and one of the girls told me it looked like I was wearing pjs. I told her that would be awesome if they were since pjs are the best. We discussed this a bit with a few of the girls now concerned at the idea of wearing jammies in public. I let them all in on the fact that I wore pjs for my wedding. They were appalled. Dax loved this. He clearly is used to his mother being different and he embraces it wholly. Yay!

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