Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Parade Day


Parade day!

After school, we are going to run down to Manhattan Pier and see the Stanley Cup! The Kings are bringing it around to their own turf where most of them live. It should be chaotic, but a lot of fun. I am really looking forward to the adventure.

That being said, I was a little concerned this morning that I wouldn’t make it. I woke up around 2:30 and have felt nauseous since. I feel a little better having put some food in my belly, but I still feel off. I suppose I could be hung-over, but I didn’t drink that much last night. I just hope it isn’t another result of these stupid allergies I am dealing with. My nose has been running like crazy and it is possible the nasal drip has just messed with my belly. Yuck.

Bobby had a fun time at his class picnic. It sounds like the entire school was already in vacation mode since they had about an hour for the kids to get yearbook signatures. Bobby had a sunburned face due to being outside most of the day with picnic, yearbook signing and just the standard recesses. I really need to go pick up more sunblock.

We spent the evening watching the Lego Movie and eating tacos. It was a good night of family time. I will admit I was feeling frustrated with the quantity of Lego in my house at this same time, but I know Ken is just getting some sets ready for next week and the plastic invasion should be gone soon.

How did I forget the best news of the day?? We have a tenant for Eydie!! Yay! Our renter came with the deposit and signed the lease yesterday. This is fantastic news on so many levels. It means one less stress! We will have that house bringing in income instead of just being a headache. Actually, right now I am feeling pretty good what with school ending, the house rented and my calendar isn’t nearly as crazy. It means I can actually work on some Steve projects which makes me all kinds of excited.

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