Tuesday, September 8, 2009

my weekend


It was a good weekend.

We left at 3 am on Friday morning. It was a good drive. We were able to get a lot of KROQ since it is broadcast in Fresno. Of course, I was pretty upset when it started to cut out since it was in the middle of the Kevin Smith interview.

Friday afternoon, Bobby, Ken and Papa Brenan and I went into town, and Dax got to hang out with Grandma (his choice). We had a pretty mellow evening, with minimal issues overall. Saturday, Andy came up. Most everyone spent a good chunk of time down at the landing where they were clearing trees for their new solar panel things. The boys enjoyed watching trees falling and seeing the big truck.

On Sunday, we headed down to Bridgeport and went in the river for a while with the boys. The water was quite nice, and we got to see these giant tadpoles by the rocks. Lycos was in heaven as she got to swim for a couple hours while we were there. It was a great spot, and we plan on going back there next time instead of other places we have gone for swimming.

Sunday night was fun. Boys stayed with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Andy while Ken and I went out with Jenni and Dan. It was a fun evening, and I enjoyed meeting Dan. I give him 2 thumbs up. When we got back, the boys were still up, but happy. They did get a little spooked for the second time of the weekend when they felt there were monsters downstairs. Luckily, since I was heading to bed anyway, my presence allowed them to sleep.

We headed home around 11:30 yesterday. It was mostly smooth sailing since we ended up taking the 99. It was still a longer trip because the boys are now old enough to be potty trained, buy young enough to get bored if sitting for too long. So we did have to stop for bathroom breaks and things like that more often. Not a huge deal, just something we know happens.

Apparently my calling in sick could not have happened on a worse day. MaryAnn, who had told me she was out on vacation this week, took Friday off as well. Vicki also apparently took the day off. Had I known this, I would have come in. Plus, Fred left at noon. This pretty much left one person allowed to release orders, and one person who should not. She said it was fine, but I am sure that we will have an email or something on it today. I told them my neck couldn’t move (which was true earlier in the week), but regardless of the reason, my calling out sick should not be a big deal. It isn’t like I knew about other people being out.

I think that we are done with any giant events for a little bit, so this week I can get back to getting the house organized. We have all of our bags to unpack, so that will be priority number one. Ken had cleaned most of the house before we left, so it shouldn’t be too big a task to get it all in order.

My car also needs a wash. Although, I may need to do it myself since we noticed on Sunday that my rear windshield washer was bent, with these red fibers in it. Elmo car wash may have bent it. So we will see. It may have already been bent and the red just got hooked, but do I want to take chances? Then again, if I do it while still having the one needing replaced on, it isn’t like it can get broke worse.

It will be quiet today. No MaryAnn, and I am still in my fortress of solitude. I need a giant vase of flowers or something that I can put on my back table that separates the back cube from me. It would brighten the place a bit.

Oh, I forgot that I need to upload my pics to Picasa tonight, too. Not a big deal.

I may have decided to quit one of the other newish games I was playing. With all the errors and issues I have had, it certainly doesn’t make me want to invest my time. Over the weekend, I did start looking for some other game for Ken, Andy and Holly and myself to play. I may have found something, so I am still testing it. If it is fun, I may be able to give up all the other games I play and just concentrate on this one.

My dad turns 66 tomorrow. So freaky. When did my dad get so damn old?

The neighbor that lives behind my parents since I was a little kid passed away. Very sad. He was always a nice man. He had been in poor health the last few years. My dad bowled with him, and always liked him. I suppose my dad is in for a world of funerals being that he bowls with a lot of older people at this point.

Speaking of bowling, I think I have decided to take a break from it for a while. I have not really discussed with Ken yet, but after some thought, I feel it is in my best interest to not do it for a while. I am tired of the arguing. I am tired of the people there judging my son’s hair. I am, well, just tired since I do have to get up early. I could probably talk to the parties involved and make them stop being annoying. I could probably just learn to deal. But for now, I have to walk away before I hate it.

I also may stop going to my folks as often. I don’t know on that yet. I feel like I am running around all the time. If Bobby starts soccer, this will be a non issue since I just won’t have time. But even if this isn’t the case, I need to stop for a bit. I have to come up with some schedules so no one’s feelings get hurt, but more importantly, I do have to take care of myself right now. I don’t feel that I am doing that. I feel like everything I do is for someone else. So my plan is to take better care of me. That includes things that may seem like work (cleaning and stuff) but in reality, these things make me happy. So I will work on those things. I will still take care of others. Shoot, the boys, even though pretty self sufficient, still need my help.

I just took on yet another project at work. I suppose I need to concentrate now.

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