Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Penis surgery


Happy Fall, celebrities! Those of you who survived the summer of death, I congratulate you!

I am feeling rather, well, I don’t even know the right word for it. I am not upset, but I am not happy, yet I am relieved, yet I am worried. I need to decide what to do and determining the right answer is going to be hard.

Bobby went to the urologist yesterday. For some time now, Ken had worried about his pee stream. It came out kind of like when you put your thumb over part of a hose. The stream is crooked and super pressurized. We had talked about getting it looked at for some time, and even before the appt, we happened across a web site that gave us a name for it (which of course I can’t remember for the life of me). It is not uncommon, and a normally easily fixed issue. The reason to it would be because later in life, it could cause problems with things like sex.

The urologist was a sweetheart. When he came in, he ducked back out quickly before the kids saw him and came back in without the white coat because he wanted to make sure the kids didn’t see doctors as bad. Very cool. He was great with the kids and super nice. He checked it out and saw the blockage pretty easily and rattled off the name of the condition we had seen online. He explained that it looked like a super minor case and that a quick outpatient procedure would hopefully correct it. It would require him to have a catheter for a couple days but that after that it would be fine. Sounds pretty simple, right? Not in my mind.

The problem is that he will have to be under anesthesia. I am not happy with this. They are doing it for his comfort since he is a little kid and they don’t need him moving around. It is only for an hour and a half. Look, I don’t care if it is for 5 minutes, just the doc telling us made me almost burst into tears. I really don’t know if I could handle him being under. In reality, he should not have any issues with anesthesia since both myself and Ken have been under before. In fact, I don’t know of anyone in our family with any allergies and he is quite healthy, so he should not have any problems, but let’s face it, even though he isn’t being cut open, it is still a kind of surgery, and I challenge you to find a mom who doesn’t get a little freaked out at their 4 year old having to go through it.

It isn’t a crucial surgery right now. He has figured out how to pee, and over all he has no problem. In fact, he could have this done later in life when he understands better what is going on (OMG-just started getting choked up at the idea of him being scared in the operating room. They had better let me be in there with him) and he wouldn’t even need to have anything stronger than a local. Like why can’t he do it when he is 10?

The doc said if it was his son, he would do it when his kid was younger. In reality, they heal quicker and it is less of a surgery. But I can’t deal with him lying on a hospital bed getting cut. I really can’t. I don’t want to be irrational on this, but I don’t see enough benefits to outweigh the issues.

Ken is more gung ho on this. Mostly because let’s face it, he has a penis. He knows what kind of troubles will come with penis issues. He thinks there could be teasing, but honestly, there will be teasing about gobs of things. Hell, the kid gets teased for his hair right now and that doesn’t seem to bother Ken. And if the kid gets teased for peeing crooked when he hits like 8, then can’t we just do it then? Are guys seriously watching other guys’ streams?

I don’t have to make the decision today. Hell, I can think about it for a while since let’s face it, I won’t allow it this year (no hospital visits). But it is going to eat at me for a while.

The boys were great in the doc’s office. We opted to reward them by going to McDonald’s since we had not been there since before Dax’s leg issues. The boys had the rare opportunity to have the whole habitrail to themselves. There was a couple families through out visit, but not gobs of kids as we have grown accustomed to when we are there. It was actually quite nice. Although, I think the kids would have preferred more kids to play with.

While they played, it allowed me to vent about my frustrating day. Specifically the last 10 minutes of work that made me question if perhaps my colleagues are mentally disabled.

I was getting ready to leave when MaryAnn approached me. I had been talking with Delores, and so she tells us both that Vicki had been talking about approaching the boss on this move and telling him that he should re-think it.

Look, I 100% agree that the move is straight up stupid. I am also a huge proponent of questioning authority. That being said, who in their right fucking mind rocks a boat in the middle of a storm??

Look, right now if they want me to sit under the sink, I will do it. I need this job. I am supporting a family of four. I have bills to pay and I think I can mange being in a different building.

The rebelling department members have the reasons they want to bring up. One, no windows. Two, noisy, and Three, no room for more dept members.

Are you fucking kidding me? You are going to potentially piss off the boss over windows? I will totally miss my windows, but I would miss my paycheck more.

The noise level, sure, an issue, but the main source of the noise is one printer used by someone else there. Ok, then move the fucking printer! This is a solution, which is a far better way to solve problems. Don’t just whine. I have been bitching at my kids for whining, I don’t want to have to put these people in a time out.

And look, yes, growth is something that should be looked at, but let the managers work on that. If we have enough money to start hiring back the, wait for it, 200 people we laid off, I am pretty sure they will figure out a way to fit them. We are moving into a semi empty building because people lost their jobs. Do you really think that with projections that we won’t pull out of this for a couple years that they think growth is happening soon?

I just don’t think that angering management is the way to go right now. Renee lost her job because she questioned things. If the main dude caught wind that we were grumbling over here, don’t you think that he couldn’t just make the decision to fire everyone here, and hire in people to do the same basic job for half the rate? Look I don’t know if he would do it, but I don’t want to give him reason to even consider it. Our new office space make suck, but as long as they keep cutting me checks and that there is no threat of layoff, I will keep my mouth shut.

Is it wrong that I find Dr. Drew even hotter when he swears?

I was really good this morning, having only a bowl of rice krispies for breakfast. I will be having my snack in a little bit. I also plan on snacking this afternoon since I figured that one of my biggest problems is that I eat lunch at 11, and then don’t eat again until 5 or 5:30. So since there is that much time in between I tend to over eat at dinner. I think if I curb that with a minor snack right when I get home I will be good!

I just had to run from my desk to see if I could avoid the morning check in call from the boss. Not that it is a huge deal, but he is a pain in the ass. He seems to think that we will die without him, despite the fact that even when he is here he is useless.

I had to talk to him anyway. Lame!

My main concern now about this move is that I won’t get KROQ anymore! I am guessing that would be the worst argument. LOL!

Ok, my whole computer crashed. That was fun.

I just walked over to the new area. It is not as bad as I would have thought. In fact, I rather like it. I “claimed” my desk when I found that someone had left behind a duckie, so I put it on my “new” desk. I have no idea if I will get said digs, but I can dream, right? The area is good for the fact that no one can sneak up on me in any of the spots. There are 2 ideal spots, one good spot, and the rest are so so. I don’t know the plans for seating, so I may be stuck with the worst knowing my luck on these things. But, I do have a giant file cabinet that may get me a better spot.

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