Tuesday, September 1, 2009

no more cast!!


Another mind numbingly boring day is ahead of me. I have some work to do, and I may just go overkill on harassing my customers this morning. It will hopefully make the day go by.

The boys had to get flu shots yesterday. Dax luckily didn’t have any other shots, but poor Bobby who was only along for the ride ended up having a shot too. He screamed a lot. He even knocked the needle out of his arm. I don’t think the nurse expected such strength. It was awful watching us have to hold down our children as some lady shoved a needle into their arm. I know it is probably good for them, but it still doesn’t make it any easier to watch. Dax did well considering he had to watch Bobby get his first. Poor Dax was even crying when Bobby was since it scared him. Luckily, Bobby calmed down pretty quickly, so Dax, although not happy, was not screaming until AFTER they pulled out the needle. This was ok. He buried his head in my chest as they plunged the shot in, and it was like he held his breath. On the plus side, both did recover.

Dax didn’t see the normal doc since we went so late in the day. But he saw the cool new doc in her group that I am quite fond of. Dax was very calm during the whole visit, allowing him to look in the ears, nose and mouth, all the while mostly smiles. The doc was cool, too, since he seemed to know how to deal with kids. When checking things like his tummy, he would tickle, which cracked up Dax to no end. He was impressed and said Dax looked great. Dax even amused him when the doc was leaving and Dax said goodbye and then proceeded to tell him that he would miss him “this much!” with his arms outstretched as far as he could. Awesome.

Dax goes to the orthopedic doc today with Ken. They will probably take an X-Ray and remove the current cast. What the new cast will look like will probably depend on how well his leg is healing. I am nervous that they will say it looks bad and that he has to be stroller bound. I just hope that he isn’t too upset about losing the cast that has all the drawings on it.

I am excited as we have been able to watch new (ok to us anyway) How I Met Your Mother episodes. I can’t believe how much I love that show. We also, as totally old and lame this sounds, went through the fall season of shows to determine what shows we want to watch. I am shocked at how few there really are. Luckily, there also are not too many of the long dramas. We have our House (which I can’t wait for!!!), and we are going to check out Mercy, but other than those and Lie to Me, everything else is light and fluffy and only 30 minutes. Thank goodness we have 4 Tivo’s. LOL! We are going to load up on shows and be ready!

We are heading up to the Brenan Compound this weekend. I am taking off Friday and we are heading out either late Thursday night or early Friday morning. I suppose we should let them know this. They know we are coming up, but I think we told them Friday afternoon. It is going to be hot, but good. I get to meet Jenni’s fella and we have not been up to the compound since Feb. We come home Monday afternoon. It will be crazy traffic, but we will manage. I thought we should go up, though, since I didn’t know when we would be back up there. I suppose there is a possibility to go up after Christmas, but I don’t know yet. My understanding is Andy is coming up, too, so that will be cool.

So my boob has been having issues since yesterday. I don’t know what the deal is. It didn’t hurt too much in the morning, more like a bruise or something. It is my right breast, a large chunk that hurts. By the time I got home from our doctor adventures yesterday, it was killing me. It felt like a spongy lump. It reminded me of when I had a clogged milk duct. Of course, that is easier to unclog since you can drain stuff. I don’t have anything to drain! I still can produce some fluids, but not anywhere near enough to truly get the stuff out. I looked it all up on line and it is possible for me to have a clogged duct even though I am not actively breast feeding. I considered putting a warm compress on it (I was not keen on this due to how freaking hot it was), but I opted to wait and see for a day. I did massage it a bit, which I think helped. It still hurt, but it wasn’t throbbing in pain like it had started to do. This morning, it still hurts, but not as bad. I did however notice last night that I was sleeping on my boob weird, which made me wonder if I somehow had done this the night prior and had essentially put a kink in my boob. It certainly is possible since on that same side is where my shoulder hurts. In all honesty, I felt so banged up yesterday, it felt almost like I had been in a car accident. I had not, but the placement of injury almost seemed like a seatbelt locked on my chest. So odd. I am keeping an eye on it since if it is in fact an infection in my ducts, I will need to get antibiotics right away. I don’t need yuck spreading through my body all due to my boob. I don’t think I have anything serious like cancer or anything, but seriously, boob issues are scary.

My funny niece put a comment on my Facebook worried she had broken my child, referring to Dax and the trampoline. Poor darlin! I didn’t want her to feel like she did anything to cause that. It happens. Kids break. Luckily, they also heal pretty dang quick. Dax figured out several “dances” he can do in the cast. He called one the skip dance. One was his slow dance, which cracked him up since he was going in slow motion.

Bobby told Ken that I read his Wide Mouthed Frog book better than Ken does.

I need to figure out what I am going to be for Halloween. Nothing elaborate, but I need something since I can’t take the boys out trick or treating without something. Since Halloween is a Saturday, it is going to be crazy. I am hoping Wilson Park does their carnival all day instead of just the evening. I would like to take the boys to that if possible. I also figure we will trick or treat a longer block this time (oh, and yes, the wagon so comes with us!). I have also considered going to my parent’s neck of the woods for some light trick or treating there so they could come along. We might just have them come with us in our neighborhood. Don’t know yet. Bobby wants to be Optimus Prime and Dax wants to be Bumblebee. I am mad that they of course had the costumes at the Costco in Colorado, but not the one we went to out here. Of course, there are other Costcos, so we may hit them up. Either way, I would imagine Transformers costumes will be pretty easy to find.

I find myself being angry at MaryAnn. She didn’t technically do anything wrong. It isn’t like she chose for Tammy to be let go. But I just detest that she sits at her desk, is on the phone all day with friends and family, and has not checked any of her new orders in 2 days and just doesn’t appear to be doing anything. I guess if there is a layoff, you would hope that someone would bust their ass a bit more. Show that they are grateful that they were spared. I went through all of my accounts twice in the last 2 days. I also did agings for everyone and did a few reports. I am in the midst of a new set of reports I have to do. I am just saying, show some fucking gratitude when you come in to work.

The cast is off!!!

Ken called and said they did an x-ray and it looked good. So no new cast. His leg has atrophied enough that in reality he isn’t going to be running around on it much for a bit. The doc had said that he is about 2 weeks out from being healed completely, but of course there is muscle stuff that he will have to deal with. Ken told the doc that he was a little concerned about Dax’s activeness, but the doc assured him that he wouldn’t feel up to jumping off of anything for a bit, which would give him the rest of the healing time he needs. Dax proved this by asking Ken to carry him. Bobby went along and held Dax’s hand, which is nice. Dax did say he was a little sore, which makes sense. Actually, it is probably good he will get a couple of long drives as it will kind of force him to rest.

Jenni and I are planning to do dinner on Sunday night so Ken and I can meet Dan. I am very excited. We are going to leave the boys with Grandma and Grandpa and if they stay up late, it is actually a bonus since they will end up being super tired on the way home the next day and will probably sleep good!

I need to pack, which is always a pain. But at least this time I don’t have to lug it all through an airport, and I have the mom van which allows for gobs of room. I suppose I should make a list.

I think I will go back to brown hair instead of red. Red was fun, but I think that the brown will work well for the fall. Maybe in the winter I will go back to red. Plus, I am being frugal as I still have brown hair dye. LOL!

I have a splitting headache. I am not happy about this.

I think tonight I need to unload both cameras to make sure I have optimal space for picture taking this weekend. It will also force me to just sit on my ass for a bit.

How very nice! I just got a thank you card from Pastor’s sister, Patsy, who truly is the reason we had so much information on Pastor to begin with. It is very sweet. I am glad to have helped to touch a handful of people that much with my words.

Do you ever have days where you wonder why you bothered looking nice? Not saying that I look particularly nice today, but it is one of those things where I realize that I have really not had much interaction with people today. This may be my fate in general around here now. I could come in my jammies and I don’t know that people would notice since most of my correspondence is either via phone or email. Pretty sad, really.

Headache not going away. I may need some pain meds.

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