Wednesday, September 9, 2009

moving at work?


Happy birthday, Dad!!

I just took down a crap load of pictures at work. No worries, it isn’t from anger or anything. I actually just needed the inspiration to get off my ass and print out some newer shots of the boys. I have a couple of the ones I took this weekend that are great, so some of those will go up, plus a couple of others. Besides, my desk gets over crowded and looks yucky, so I need redo it from time to time. I just did more cleaning of Tammy’s desk and added some organization for me so I can keep certain reports longer. I think it will be a good thing.

I had been under the impression that my hair had lost most of the red put in it until I looked at some of the pics of it from over the weekend. When I am out in the sun, wow, it is red! Not the red I would want, though. A little too fire engine red, when I really want a deeper red. Not bad, though. I do need to color it soon. The grey hairs are taking over. It has been 6 weeks since the last coloring, so I will be working on it this week. I need to go to Target, so I may pick a new shade. Woo hoo!

I spent this morning going through Jason and Desiree’s burning man photos so I didn’t play any of my games on FB. Might be good since with this last trip and my lack of time, I may kick the nasty habit of 45 different games. Besides, I need to clear some time because I still want Wii, and I want me some Beatles Rock Band, Baby!

There was a lot of cranky last night coming from me. I was tired, and just off after having spent the afternoon at work on this project. When I got home, we had to run to the mall to get my dad a present, and then over to their place for cake. On the way home, I suggested Taco Bell for dinner since I really didn’t feel like cooking, and their chicken tacos are just divine and I had a craving. I don’t know who’s fault it is. I said the words, “Hey, want to stop by Taco Bell?” and Ken responded with, “we have that lasagna at home”. I took that as, look you silly woman, we have food at home, why do we need to stop anywhere. He meant it as, did you know we have some things you can heat up so you don’t really need to cook if you don’t want to and I just wanted to make sure you knew all your options. Either way, I was pissed. I needed him to say that Taco Bell was ok. Hell, I would have been ok with him saying it was fine, and then saying, that we also had some other things if Taco Bell was just me settling. I recognize that I may have overreacted, but my reasoning is that he just has very little emotion on a lot of things. So sometimes if I am off (and sometimes not) his lack of enthusiasm or even just small smile, makes me question what he wants. For example, my suggestion of Taco Bell got the same reaction as when I suggest that he gets a tattoo. There is a subtle difference, but sometimes I just don’t have the energy to distinguish. Especially hard since when he is up at his folks, he becomes animated. He is excitable and talkative and enthusiastic. So to come off of that into slightly comatose, I assume he doesn’t care for my nonsense. I realize this is all just par for the course in terms of how things go. We will have miscommunications. I am not mad, still, but I do worry he doesn’t quite understand how hard he is to read.

After work, we will go visit the kitties. Happy was adopted, which is not shocking. He was the “pick” of the litter. I really have a strong desire to adopt Doc for Bobby. I think it would be good for him. Of course, Ken would probably be very against this. Not Bobby having a kitten. Just the expense of it. Although, I think it will be less than a lot of things we do. $100 for the kitten, and some subsequent shots at a clinic, and a smidge more cat food. I think we could manage, and I think that Bobby would love having his own kitten in his room.

I am going to insist on talking to someone there who can give me some better info on how long they can stay. Since they are not overly crowded with kittens, they probably can stay for a while. I just hope they get homes soon. Otherwise, we are going to have to bail them out (which is pricey) and get them homes another way.

Have I mentioned I really want Beatles Rock Band? Seriously. The boys and I will have so much damn fun with that. I am sure that $500 is an insane amount of money for me to drop on something like this. It means I need to save up.

There is a god. My boss is out tomorrow.

Hmmm…interesting gossip. There had been talk of them moving our department over to the other building. Of course, this is the worst idea ever unless of course they plan on getting rid of this building. It is a waste of time and resources since we of course will be down for a couple days during all of this what with packing and unpacking, etc. So lame. Delores just told me that the boss told her we were moving, but of course, we have no idea when. In theory, I still won’t have to sit with anyone being am the odd man out, so this is ok with me. Plus, even though I do lose my windows, I gain a bigger cube since I think most of the space over there is way bigger. Don’t know, but I overheard them ordering boxes yesterday, which makes me wonder if perhaps this is happening sooner than we thought. I am torn. I am a creature of habit and even though I have sat in like 4 places over in this dept, I have liked my little corner the last couple years. I like my building. I don’t go to the other building except when I really have to which is maybe 3 times a year. So going over there may suck. Then again, it may just be a chance for me to actually talk to more people. I don’t know. It will really suck if the new cube blows. They have to be big enough to accommodate all this equipment they gave us. I have a scanner, printer and fax just in my cube alone. And if we have to move all of our fax numbers over according to who uses the machine, what a pain! They don’t think about things like this, of course. They want the executives all in one building. Which means they need everyone mostly in the one building. In all fairness, the building is practically a ghost town, now over there. The layoff mostly took out that dept. I wonder if this means they will also move the accounting folks from upstairs, which also means that they have to find a place for them. I don’t know, I just hope that it doesn’t irritate me. Then again, it might be an excellent new adventure.

I was supposed to be off today. I guess I had furlough. My phone just told me so.

Ok, I guess I am about to work more on the new project.

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