Friday, September 18, 2009



Another day, another dollar. On a positive note, the boss isn’t in until 11:30. So at least I have that going for me.

I have been lazy this morning, yet I accomplished a bunch and it is only 7. I had some items for work that needed some attention. I have some report things to prep for close. I figure I will do it today depending on my morning. It is a lot of busy work, but it needs to be done.

Dax is better, but Ken still felt like crap. I don’t know how he feels today. I have not talked to him yet.

The boys have been on a whining trip and I have gotten tired of it. If they are watching a show and a commercial comes on, they whine. When they want milk, they whine. I am not even sure who is the instigator on this since they are feeding off of each other. Last night, when they whined while I was trying to get a show set up (the Tivo claimed to have taped the Transformers, but in fact it was some news program), I lost it. I sent them to their rooms. It was a lot of screaming. Not as much on my side.

We took Mama cat to her new home. It really was a barn! I guess there is a horse section of Long Beach (who knew?) and Ken took her to the yard and said that there was horses, sheep, ducks, etc and lots of wonderful places for a cat to grow old. Yay!

I would like to get more sleep.

I need to work on cleaning house. Dax’s room is getting a new dresser this weekend. Since I don’t want the bedroom set to get yucky, it makes sense to go ahead and put it in Dax’s room. I don’t know how big it is (yes, I have seen it, but I am horrible at gauging sizes compared to where it will go) so his whole room may be turned around. Don’t know yet. I suppose we will see come Saturday. I just need to make sure things are in order so we can move things around without stepping on Lego.

Ken put up better lights in the living room so we were able to get rid of the ugly lamp we had in there. The new lighting is awesome, although it does make our front window look like some kind of stage when the curtains are closed. I keep expecting someone to come out dancing.

I started writing down goals I want to accomplish by the end of the year. I only could come up with 2 that were realistic and really important to me. One is to have Bobby enrolled in Preschool to start in January. I think it is important for him to really get some real style schooling in before kindergarten. The other is, I need my entry way complete. The tiles we started need to be finished. The bookshelves need to be removed (or cleaned off and made nicer). All of the clutter right there needs to go away. Ken has his Lego all along that wall, which I understand is the only place we can put it right now, but it needs to be done better. The cat tree, which I repeatedly clean off, keeps being used as a shelf. I can’t deal with that anymore. The desk is still always cluttered, so we need to spend time on all of that area so that when I walk in, I am not crashing into 17 things. I really am trying to unclutter just that whole front area (living room included) so that I can decorate for holidays. Now that I have kids who might actually appreciate decorations, I want the house, especially for Christmas, to be fully decked out. It means that clutter is my enemy. So not so much Saturday (although it will probably be very inspiring since a giant mess will make me super clean) but Sunday on, I would like to really get into the cleaning stuff. I figure I can get some good organization progress done. I have already done a lot. Also, now that the cats are out of the garage, and pool weather is almost behind us, that whole thing will be clean soon, too. I figure this weekend we will swim since it will be hot, but I am aiming for Oct to take down the pool.

See, I just need to take a day off of work. On the weekends, I want to play with the boys or we are going somewhere. During the week I am way more motivated. Well, and really, I would like to take a day off soon to take the boys to the museum or zoo or something so we go during the week. I was thinking the Discovery Science center. I may have missed my kid’s window, though. Ken goes back to class. Hmmm….I am now considering playing hooky today. Stay tuned.

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