Thursday, September 10, 2009

is the day over?


Grrr!! I picked out an outfit last night that just wasn’t right. So I changed my shirt this morning and now that I am looking at it, it really doesn’t match my skirt. Un-fun.

This morning I am tired. So tired. Don’t know why. I thought I slept pretty good. I woke up at 3 when Dax came in, but overall, I fell back asleep. Although I was frustrated when Ken turned off the fans. I pretty much need them on now in order to really sleep. They keep me cool, and the white noise is helpful to me. Of course, these are the reasons Ken hates them as he gets cold at night and hates not being able to hear things in the house.

We checked on my kittens yesterday and were pleased to find only 4 left. Doc got adopted! Bitter sweet for me being that I am not kidding when I say I was really going to make the case to bring him home yesterday. The best news is that there is this wonderful lady there, she is a volunteer, who met them the first day. She actually took the time to remember the names we had given them (she had doc and Happy mixed up, but no harm no foul) and was actively pimping them out to people who came looking for a critter. Yay! She is quite attached to Hogarth, but also feels that our kittens are awesome. She told us that they should not be in danger of being on the red list for a while, but took my cell number and assured me that she would call if something changed. She knows that we won’t let our babies become a statistic. They also still are in the front area, so they get maximum exposure. I am very excited. I will probably check on them again on Saturday in person, but keep an eye on them online today and tomorrow.

We got our They Might Be Giants pack yesterday. This included Here Come Science, Here come the 1 2 3’s and a book with a music CD. They didn’t capture the boys as much as ABC did, but they also were feeling a bit restless to begin with. Bobby did express that he enjoyed the music, so I am sure that they will still like it.

They played outside for an hour and change without us which I have to say is great. Not that I don’t like interacting with them, but it is nice that they don’t need us every second. Ken was working on Lego stuff and I got to watch 90210. Let me tell you, LOVED IT!! I started Melrose Place (what year is it again???) and am not super impressed. It picked up when Michael came back as the dad of one of the main dudes, but overall, I don’t find it as satisfying at 90210. I may keep taping it to see where it goes. Shoot, I loved the original, so I feel like I owe it some time.

It is a no boss day, which would normally be a good thing, but I happen to need him to sign off on something. I can send it to his boss, but that will probably turn out to be an even bigger pain in the ass. Hopefully it isn’t a rush since the ship date isn’t for a couple weeks, which means I may be able to hold off until tomorrow. I think I will ask the sales rep to get me some financials as that will take time.

NO!! I just read that one of the main dudes from last season of 90210 isn’t coming back. In all fairness, he wasn’t that interesting, and overall, he was getting annoying, but still. I am still excited and enjoying it. Sorry for the minor number show update.

Dax has got the chorus almost down pat for American Pie. We have been working on the first two verses and he is doing quite well. I decided that Bobby needs to learn a song like that, too. So I asked him last night what song he would like us to learn. He mentioned something called Jasmine’s song, but I don’t know what song that is. So instead, he suggested Revolution, so I am going to make sure I have a copy on an iPod, and write down the lyrics so he and I can learn it together. I know a lot of the words, but probably not all. So the plan will be for us to learn it together. I am excited. Cause I need my boys who aren’t even 5 yet learning old songs from the 60’s and 70’s. It wouldn’t be my boys if they didn’t. I need to do music hour again. I just need to find the hour. Thank goodness for YouTube, btw. It allows us to find any song quickly, and they get to see what the artist looks like. Ken set up the computer to be able to show things on the tv, so maybe this afternoon we can play with that function.

Seriously, I am way too fucking tired.

Ok, I moved around everything here. I raised up my printer and moved it more towards my own desk as opposed to sharing it with the back desk. I also moved my scanner a bit. It kind of looks a little more cluttered, but not badly. I may move it all back, we will see. Hell, it might not matter if we move to the other building! LOL!

I printed new pics of the boys and put them up at my desk. It is nice to see the new images. With my cleaning, I actually have more desk room, so I think I did good.

I may spend more time cleaning out my desk today. Yes, I am that caught up. I even printed reports for a couple folks so they didn’t have to worry about it.

I forgot to treat my shoes, and the squeaking is making me self conscious. So on top of the bad outfit, I have the crazy shoes. Awesome.

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