Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kicking some ass


Hello world! It is day two of the Gena kicks ass tour. Yes, that’s right, I busted my ass yesterday and managed to get some awesome results. I came in to work, already pumped to go since I had to do a whole lot of running around in order to get in the stupid building. Nothing says wide awake like a couple of wind sprints in the morning so the building alarm doesn’t go off before you get to it.

I rocked the reports. I finished all of them, including the ever so tedious cash forecast. I forwarded all of the spreadsheets to the appropriate parties in record time. It was especially amazing since my battered computer did its best to thwart my efforts.

On top of that, I managed to set up a handful of accounts, update master files and send out new credit applications. Yes, that’s right, not only did I kill on my job, I did the same for someone else’s desk. Oh, and by the by, I also helped multiple people in the company on things I didn’t have to do.

Lastly, I got to fight with a sales rep! Going toe to toe with some moron while his boss gets to see and being right is always quite satisfying.

All of this was done before noon.

After noon was not as awesome, specifically because I heard it through the rumor mill that Jean won’t be back on the 5th as promised. Plus, as I was trying to hammer out one last vendor, power died in my little area, shutting down my machine. I left at that point. LOL!

The boys and I hung out with my folks for a bit yesterday. They decided to play with their doctor kits, with Bobby taking the lead and having us be in waiting rooms and he would call each of in for our appt.

When it was my turn on the couch, I said all dramatic, “Doctor, doctor! It hurts when I do this!” and proceeded to punch my hand a few times. He looks at me all serious and calmly says, with a huge amount of “WTF”, “Then don’t do that.”

Bobby’s second tooth is loose. We were brushing teeth and he told me his bottom tooth was wiggly. I looked, and sure enough, it was all over the place. In fact, the new tooth was already coming in behind it. It looks as though it should pop out today or tomorrow. Guess I need to bust out the tooth goblin.

My work day has been rather uneventful so far, thankfully. I have a massive headache, which is meaning I need to get myself to the optometrist. I truly believe this is eye strain. Sure, I could make the font on my screen bigger, but I like having all the data in front of me on one screen and don’t like to have to scroll if I don’t need to.

Sigh, the busy is beginning.

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