Monday, March 21, 2011

Some weekend nuggets


I slept very well last night. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to be back in bed. LOL!

The weekend was rather mellow what with the rain. I can tell you, the boys were pretty stir crazy come yesterday afternoon. Luckily, they were able to play outside most of Saturday.

We took them to see Rango on Saturday night. Bobby enjoyed it, but Dax had lost interest due to the slow parts. It was fun, but I do agree with Dax that it could have been a smidge less slow.

Saturday night, I had me some Morgan’s and Coke, and had a little weepy episode. Thankfully, the children were in the bath at the time, and Ken helped me out of it. I crashed out kind of early. I was so tired. We had stayed up late the night before working on birthday sets for Ken, so sleep was my friend.

Sunday morning was not fun.

I got up and was in the bathroom when Bobby comes in and asks me why his PJ’s are so dirty. He is covered in some kind of yuck, when I realize it is vomit. I asked him if he threw up. He seemed genuine in his lack of recollection of this. So I went into his room, hoping for the best, but finding the worst. Vomit EVERYWHERE. OMG, it was so nasty. I again, asked Bobby if he has possibly thrown up. After a bit, he agreed he had after a coughing fit. I don’t know if he was just tired at the time and had just fell back asleep or what. Either way, this stuff had hit everything in his bed. Cleanup was not fun.

The rest of the day was spent watching movies, or just having the boys play. They luckily found entertainment in a giant bin of Playmobile. Bobby had the toys out in the living room, and spread out a bunch of boats, indicating it was the ocean. He then put some other items down, and told me he was making it like the water on the news that had washed away all the houses. Yes, that’s right, my kid was playing “Tsunami”.

We went to bed pretty early last night. It was rainy and cold. I had made the boys hot chocolate, which they love. I was so happy in bed. It was the right amount of cozy. I was shockingly comfortable. I woke up around 10:30, positive it must be closer to 2 am. How happy was I that I still had several hours of sleep ahead of me, and I felt already so rested!!

I am actually cold in my office, which is unusual these days. It has been so hot in here the last few weeks. I think I may need to prep some coffee.

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