Monday, March 28, 2011

the lazy to productive ratio


My foot itches!! Grrrr!

It was a good weekend. The adventure to mellow ratio was perfect. I am sure I could have gotten more done, but there was a whole lot of lazy. Especially when I would consider the upcoming week for me.

Stephanie and I adventured in Del Amo on Saturday afternoon. The trip was awesome! We found her a fab dress and accessories which were all perfect. I have tagged several items that I am going back for this week once our tax return arrives. All in all, it was all kinds of good.

We then dined at Vince’s, which I have not had in forever. I like it very much and look forward to going back. It was a good choice, too, as it wasn’t crowded nor was it loud. Always a good thing when you just want good food and chit chat.

Sunday should have been more productive. LOL! Instead, we all lounged a bit. I decided to go get Barnum washed. Car wash was not open. Sigh. So the boys and I came back home. Maybe 20 minutes later, I opted to go get hair dye. Neither location was open. I was getting annoyed. The boys and I went back out to the car wash and beauty supply store again, this time after 11, and finally, I was victorious.

We also got to planting the seeds in our garden. Ken had been prepping the seeds inside in the little pots, but these were the seeds that went straight into the ground. The boys were helping until at one point, this little boy from down the street approached Dax on the sidewalk with, “Hey, kid! You wanna play some kick ball?” Dax seemed a little hesitant, but once Bobby ran over, and the boy asked Ken and I if they could go play at his house, it was on! The boys ended up playing with this kid for a while, which was fun. They came back because the boy was leaving. Perhaps we have a new friend!

Ken colored my hair. I have opted to go back to chocolate brown. It is going to take some time to get to the brown I want, but this first round did quite well. Sure it is still reddish, but there are no more gray roots with the wrong shade compared to the red. It is a dark reddish brown, which is good. I figure it will take a few. Luckily, I found a new favorite dye and a great shade.

We need to cross our fingers that this week goes well since it is the last week of covering for Jean. I can assure you, I am totally done with this shit.

It has just occurred to me the other thing I need to pick up on my shopping is some more lotion.

I had a nasty coughing fit last night that resulted in more vomit. I happened to be in bed at the time, and it took me by surprise. Thankfully I had a cough drop in my mouth. I was able to keep the vomit in my mouth without gagging and keeping it off the bed. Poor Ken tried to get me something to spit it in since I was slightly dazed and didn’t jump right up. I was aware enough, though, to not want to spit into a nice blanket that he gave me. So not fun.

Only a couple more weeks and we get Spring Break! YAY! So far, one of the outings planned is going to the Taco Bell Discovery Center. It looks like a newer Science and Industry museum. It is in Santa Ana, but it seems like a fun day. Lots of dinosaurs and some bubble exhibit. I am looking forward to it. Depending on what days off Ken has, we also may do some other local things. With gas prices rising, I don’t want to drive too far.

We watched Scott Pilgrim again yesterday. Holy crap, that movie rocks. Even the boys like it.

Our Tivo hard drive is dying, so we had a lot of movies over the weekend while Ken ran a program on it designed to keep it from flat lining. It completed early this morning, so hopefully when I return home, it will be good again.

Oh! Stephanie and I were wandering Joanne’s on Saturday when I explained that I wanted to do something crafty. It has been decided that I am going to learn to do something with yarn. I have not decided on knitting or crochet as I have now been told conflicting opinions on what is easier. LOL! Either way, I want to give it a go. The plan at this point is to go out to Natasha’s yarn shop since I have been curious about going for some time, and perhaps there will be someone there who can advise on which one I should try, plus some possible books on this for dummies. I am jazzed, but I know that it will not be easy at all. So hopefully I don’t give up too soon.

Ok, I just send out reminders for stuff, so I expect the crazy to begin any second!

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