Thursday, March 3, 2011

Still sick


I am not coughing right now.

This is noteworthy due to how much I was coughing yesterday. I medicated the fuck out of myself last night (even taking something I had not meant to) and fell asleep. I felt like I was in this little box all night. It was cozy. I want to be back there. I think I feel better, but then again, I am still doped up and have not used my voice much this morning.

Yesterday, on top of being miserable with the sick, I was over stressed with work. I kept up with all of it, which rules, but was probably over doing it. My computer even tried to slow me down by crashing at noon. It only made me feistier.

While going to get Bobby’s homework packet yesterday in the playroom, I managed to trip over something, slamming me into the ground with great force. I screamed out some profanities and burst into tears. That’s what happens when you are tired, hormonal and clumsy. My first rescuer was Miss Luna, with a great deal of dog kisses on my face. My knee was sore, and I have been discovering more injuries as I go on.

But with all of this, I still keep laughing. LOL!

Stephanie got me hooked on Words With Friends, a Scrabble like game on my phone. She and I have had games going back and forth. I have also discovered that Aubry and Nate play, too, so I have 3 games going right now. So much fun! It is super addictive. I got all excited this morning when I did a 100 point word. YAY!

This weekend I am going to get my hair cut. Adding the long bangs and fixing up my layers. I am not going short yet. It is too early in the season. I may do a short cut around my birthday. Not sure yet.

Depending on the work load today, I may try to duck out early. I should have yesterday, but being as swamped as I was, it just wasn’t going to happen. If I am in fact getting better, I would like to help it along. My head hurt so much yesterday with each cough it felt like someone was hitting me with a hammer with each cough. Ouch.

Anthony, the boys’ little friend from down the street, has been coming over like daily now. It is really cool since they are all getting along so well. His grandparents are super nice, too. I feel lucky for this interaction.

Bobby dressed up like Bea in Bea and Mr. Jones for yesterday’s costume project. It was way last minute since Bobby only mentioned it to us the night before, and it was lacking in a lot of details. Thank goodness we have costumes for just about everything. He looked positively adorable.

I am in a foggy haze. I do not enjoy this aspect of sick. I need to wake up. No, really I need to go back to bed. LOL!

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