Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Observations from a school performance


The music teacher had no rhythm. 

Kids singing America the Beautiful in front of me juxtaposed with two hispanic ladies chattering behind me was a strange reality. 

I get teary when I watch kids sing, even when I don't know them. It gets exponentially worse with how well I do know them. 

It warms my heart when kids in Bobby's class wave to me almost as enthusiastically as they wave to their own mother. 

Using an iPod for the music instead of the piano seems wrong. Putting the iPod on top of the piano is blasphemy.

When the songs are updated from the classics that I sang, it is much harder to help the kids who don't remember the words.

When did 5th graders start wearing bras?

Parents can be very rude when waiting for their own children to perform.

The music teacher mentioned that they are making cuts for the program. This makes me sad.

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