Monday, May 4, 2015

Avengers weekend


I have a week of no Trusty!

My weekend was full and fun. It will be nice to recover from it with no stupid man asking dumb questions all week.

Saturday was spent mostly hanging out in a folding chair. Our registration event was a success. We had 160 signups and even though we didn’t have gobs of volunteers helping out, it seemed to not be a real issue. Plus, the people there were some of the best ones, so it made for an enjoyable day. I like how much I get to laugh at something like this. During lulls in crowds, you end up chatting with folks, and for a person like myself who gets overwhelmed with too much chit chat, I was quite happy. It probably helps that I had things to occupy myself with that allowed for some down time for me.
The evening was spent just hanging out. It was good to be able to do nothing. It almost felt like a separate day. I am always happy for some time to be spent doing nothing on a weekend. Especially since I was so busy all day. I had even prepped by crock potting a pork loin that was way ready when we got home. It was nice having some mashed potatoes, too. YAY!

Sunday morning, we did a whirlwind clean up since there would be a mini gathering in the evening. Once that was done, we were off to see Age of Ultron. Oh. My. God. So much great! I can’t wait to see it again. I was annoyed that my 3D glasses sucked hard, so the next viewing will be without this. I don’t care about the explosions being all up in my face. I want to be able to listen to the dialogue and watch their facial expressions, all of which can be done in a regular format. I only cried once, during which I spent a lot of time before it worried that what I cried about was going to happen. It didn’t, but what DID  happen still made me sad. The witty banter back and forth between characters was wonderful, which I suppose shouldn’t surprise me what with Joss Whedon at the helm.

After the movie, we hit up Target with mixed results, and then over to Costa where Aaron was working with some students. Ken wanted to show us his classroom and he also needed to help Aaron with something, so during that time I dragged the boys out to the campus to show off my old stomping ground. Damn, my school has changed! You hear about the plans, and you read about it and even Ken told me all about it. That doesn’t prepare you in the least to look out to where the office should be and instead there is a raised field reminiscent of the grassy knoll. It was all so very strange. The Quad also looked wrong, although I think that was just the perception when you are 14 looking at it compared to 39. Either way, the memory stroll was awesome.

Big Wok is hands down one of my favorite places to eat. I love that boys enjoy it and that it is far enough away to keep us from going too much, but close enough to go a fair amount. This occasion was for Ken’s birthday. It was also a perfect day in which I ate very little.

After dinner, we headed back to Steve to partake in cake. We had picked up a Pac-Man cake and I made some brownies. The sweets were not as great as the random conversations had at the table. It was a lot of fun hanging out with my folks and Stephanie. I like it when I get to laugh so hard I am exhausted afterwards.

Oh yes, and there is nothing so magical as lady parts being pointed out on your wall. YAY!

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