Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I almost didn’t come to work.
I woke up this morning briefly in my turning over and I happened to glance at the clock on the dresser. The time said 4:30. Now sure, in reality, I should have jumped out of bed and freaked out. I am supposed to be sitting at my desk by 4:30 and here I was lounging around in bed. My first thought was that one of the cats must have stepped on the clock and set it ahead an hour. This was logical and it also meant I had another 20 minutes to sleep.
It wasn’t my only thought.
I really hoped it was right. I hoped Ken had forgotten to set the alarm. I hoped that I was currently relaxed for a good reason and that I truly was meant to be playing hooky. I then started planning. I spent the next 20 minutes going over things I would accomplish today if I was in fact able to sleep and not be stuck at work. I knew I would head over to the Galleria and pick up the order that had come in. I would go to the bank and discuss our region options. I would watch a couple of Mad Men episodes. I would call Fred and go over the budget issues. It would be a glorious day!
Then the beeping started.
So I am now at work, trying to determine when I will be squeezing in the various things I wanted to do. It is probably good I came in, what with me leaving early on the 22nd since it is portfolio day for the school. I can handle 8 hours of working. It isn’t that bad.
When I leave here, I will head to the mall to pick up my order. I wanted to go last night, but homework and a grocery store run prevented any extra outings. On the plus side, we have groceries. YAY! Homework wasn’t really an issue so much as the boy attached to it who seemed to be super dinky all afternoon. Of course, the irony was that a huge part of the homework was an opinion essay on whether or not homework is important.
It also looks as though my afternoons just got even busier. Granted, it may not be as bad as it seems, especially since one of the biggest issues of homework is supposed to be light. Dax not only has his track practice, he also will have his rehearsals for the play he is in for class on Thursday afternoons. It means he will be walking home alone (Bobby, too) on those days. It is only for 3 weeks, and the school year is winding down, so it might not be so bad overall, but I do see some stress on the horizon.
Of course, all of July certainly makes up for it. With Ken and the boys gone all day during the week, I will not only have no homework to deal with in the afternoon, I will have me time! I will most likely have something like 4 hours an afternoon. Dude. I am hopeful for the pool to be up since perhaps I will take advantage of the quiet and I can just float.
We also made some arrangements for our trip to Salt Lake City and subsequently Colorado. Holly graduates the first weekend of August. She is getting her doctorate in Occupational Therapy. This is a cool thing and we are all going to celebrate her accomplishment. So we fly out on the 31st of July for the ceremony on the 1st. Then we are there for like a day and then we drive to Colorado. There are a lot of us, so it will be a good ole fashioned convoy! Woo! I told Ken we totally need CB’s, but I somehow doubt that will happen. Not a bad thing, but man, that would have been entertaining. Apparently the drive is not too much longer than a normal trip from Steve to the Compound, so that isn’t bad. I am going to see if I can find some awesome Roadside attractions we can maybe stop at. That would make for some awesome!
Mmmm…carrots. They had some mini peeled carrots on clearance so they were picked up last night. Yay!
GAH! Too much to do for treasurer position. Feeling overwhelmed. Need to find time. Really, I just need to suck it up and get it done.
I done good this morning. I won tickets for Ken and Dax to see a Galaxy game. Yeah, I kinda rock.

Ok, now to do something useful here. 

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