Tuesday, May 5, 2015



Even though Trusty is out of the office, the office is still not where I want to be.
Oh shit, I got all kinds of distracted. I went to see what this untitled document was and found all of one line. Oops!

My yesterday was mostly uneventful. I did end up going and picking up this book I found on the Trash and Treasure site for the boys. It is a Harry Potter pop up. They were quite thrilled when they saw it. Ken wanted it to be more epic, but for $5, I am not complaining.

After I got home from book acquisition, the pups and I headed out to the library. It was a good walk, and I could tell I am not the only one out of shape. It does make for better behaved dogs, although they tend to be really good on leash. I know both of them were quite concerned when I tied them to the bike rack to go into the library. I was gone maybe 5 minutes, but their faces when I came back out told the story of pups having been left to die. Sheesh, dramatic much, girls?

I timed it right where I was able to wait for the boys at the school. I hadn’t planned on it since I thought I was way early, but as I started to pass the spot where I usually wait for them, I heard the bell, so the dogs and I decided to wait. Both boys were thrilled with the company and they even asked to walk the dogs, which I loved!

Once homework and dinner were done, we went to the dollar corner. We actually didn’t end up going into Dollar Tree having been able to find what we needed at the 99 cent store and Big Lots. We were in search of flowers for today. It is Teacher Appreciation Week, and today you bring flowers to your teacher. The original plan had been to go get one in a pot so it lasted longer. We ended up going with plastic, which allowed for us to also add trinkets in the form of a tiara for Miss Van Wie (she apparently has declared herself a queen, which I totally respect!) and an airplane for Mr. Chin (Hanger 11, yo!). I hope it goes over well.

Today looks to be fairly low key. It is Cinco de Mayo and Taco Tuesday, so I fully intend on rockin some tacos for dinner. Whether or not I feel inspired to make margaritas is still up in the air. I have to admit, drinking has lost some appeal in terms of sitting at home drinking. I still enjoy well made cocktails at places, but since I lack the finesse required, it isn’t something I seek out. Plus, if I want any kind of buzz, it is far more satisfying to have a hit.

I have an hour left in this place. It also means I only have 2 more days left of this week. Let’s see if I can make it. 

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