Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Awards and Hair


Stupid headache.

My goodness I am bored today. I am pretty sure I can find some rabbit hole to fall into, but it takes some time. Yesterday I played on the Torrance newspaper site and reviewed the column they used to do called A Penny for your Thoughts. A “roving reporter” asked a handful of folks the same question, everything from something on politics to pop culture, and would post their answer with the person’s picture and address. The answers are incredible sometimes. There were two in particular yesterday in which the citizens were asked about particular music trends. First, there was the one in which they asked about Rock and Roll. One person actually said it was most likely dead what with Elvis being in the military. Oh, and then there was the question about this new band called the Beatles. Every one of the people asked made a crack about their hair being out of control. But the best was the lady who thought the “craze or fad will eventually fade away.” Yeah, talk about being on the wrong side of history, lady!

Oh hey! We won an award last night. The counsel meeting was actually pretty cool. We were not there too horribly long, and I was a little put off at first when they did a prayer after the pledge, but overall the time there was entertaining. The Historical Society got recognized last night, too, which was awesome since these are the good people who brought me my newspapers. WOO!

I started playing on Pottermore, but I don’t know if I have the patience to think in a clever way this morning. I did just unlock something on Gilderoy Lockheart, so that will most likely be interesting, but I will read it in a bit.

My plans when I get home are to cut down the weeds in the front. Ken had made arrangements with our gardener to come when he had time, but it has been too long and the weeds are irritating the crap out of me. I am a little nervous about the edger, but I think I can manage. Plus, there isn’t much to do so it shouldn’t take too long.

I also need to help Dax with his report. I will most likely put together his village model before he gets home and let him add the finishing touches. We have about 2 pages of report left to write, but it has been going quite smoothly so far.

Dax got his first sleepover invite! He is going to Max’s party on June 13. They will be seeing the new Jurassic Park, which should be fun. I hope he has a good time and doesn’t get too nervous about the sleepover part.

Track practice was entertaining. It is a lot of kids, which surprised me a little. They didn’t just dink around, either. They ran. They practiced on the relay race, specifically how to pass a baton, which isn’t an easy feat. Dax also did a couple of tries at the long jump. It ended up being at Adams, not Torrance, but next week it is at Torrance. It meant homework for Bobby was a little harder to do what with no seats close to the practice, but we made do overall.

Ok, Tylenol popped, so hopefully the headache will disappear shortly. I would consider going home, but I am already not here Friday so I think that wouldn’t be a good plan.

I need to do my hair. I am doing blue next, so I will have Ken do the parts that are not super purple. That way it is kind of two colors. I am considering having him up his game and even use foil and re-do some of the purple, too, but we shall see. This weekend I can go pick up color and see what we can do.

Mrs. Fasheh is retiring! She emailed me yesterday to let us know. She wants to return the microphone system we loaned her. Hopefully she can come by Steve this weekend. I was just thinking about her a couple days ago. I like that we have been able to keep in touch with some of the boys’ teachers. I think I want to get a nice bouquet for her for when she comes by.

Of course, as I wrote that, I got an email back. We will see her Saturday morning. Yay! Guess I have some cleaning ahead of me. If I can get it all done by Friday night, I will be able to not stress in the morning, what with Toph and I heading to Pedro for her spay appointment.

I think this weekend will be when we deal with Bobby’s hair. His tangles are out of control and I think the best plan is to Sokka his head. This would mean shaving the underside, which would rid him of much of the curls that cause the issues, and then his top hair would still stay long. I showed him the man bun that has been all the rage online, but he wasn’t super impressed. Hopefully he doesn’t regret a hair change as drastic as we are suggesting, but quite honestly I am tired of getting annoyed that the hair doesn’t get brushed in the morning. There are times when I wonder if it wouldn’t be better to be home to help get the household ready in the mornings.

I realize the plan on Friday night was to go to dinner with Bobby since Dax and Ken will be at the StubHub watching the Galaxy play, but perhaps it would be better to just pick up food and allow him to play GTA all night. I can work on the house uninterrupted and I know in reality, it is what he would prefer. Of course, we could do dinner early and then when we get home do the game/cleaning time. I need to discuss it with him.

I need to get to Target. I need to take the recycling in. I need to water my new trees. I need to fix the dogs’ water. Man, I have too much on my plate and not enough motivation. Ha!

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