Tuesday, April 20, 2010

dentist tales


I am glad I left yesterday!

I got home and no one was really “up”. I walked into our bedroom to find Ken using the lap top and Bobby lying next to him, watching Star Wars. Bobby looked at me and smiled. He then said, “Mom!” Ken did not see me yet and asked Bobby what he just said. Bobby tells him, “Mom is here.” Ken replies, all confused, still not seeing me behind the computer, “No she isn’t.” This is when I got to say, “Yes I am!” Yay!

I crawled into bed with them, per Bobby’s instructions and hung out for a while. Dax came in about 20 minutes later, and we all got mobilized. Dax was pretty upset that he was having to go to Maria’s, but I thought that Bobby should have his own time when he had his dentist appt.

We got to the dentist and Bobby actually had his teeth cleaned by the dentist himself. He sat in the prettier room, which is bigger which allowed Ken and I to be in there with him easily. He did AMAZING!!! He didn’t cry, he didn’t whine, and he listened to all his instructions. He was so good! He did point out one part hurt, but didn’t freak out about it or anything. I was so impressed! He got polished, scrapped and fluoride. He even laughed a couple times. The dentist said it looked good, and he managed to remove a couple of stains, which he said were normal. Bobby then picked out a pack of crayons for his prize. He was so proud of himself. His next appt is the same day as mine in 6 months, which works out great!

After the dentist, we told Bobby he could pick out any lunch he wanted. He decided he wanted a hamburger from the place that does chicken stars. LOL! So we stopped by Carl’s Jr. and got lunch.

After lunch, he went to Ken’s class with him, which he loved. This gave me 2 hours to myself, which I actually used wisely. I slept! No joke! I napped for the full two hours. It was awesome! I woke up a few minutes before I needed to go get Dax, which was perfect. I was still tired, but I can tell you I feel so much better this morning, and I think that had something to do with it.

Dax and I decided to play out back. We had a good ole time. He had me roll him in a bucket and we played a weird tether ball game with the dogs. Bobby and Ken got home about 45 minutes later, and we all hung out in the yard, playing in the sand box, kicking the balls, and Ken worked on making the play structure a little more solid. I BBQed some pork and two ribs (the ribs were giant bones that had been on sale that we mostly got for the dogs) and made corn. We all then went inside and had a yummy dinner. It was good!

Bobby was super tired, and luckily so was Dax, so they both crashed out easily. The dogs were in heaven, both munching on their bones. Ken and I played on the computer a bit when I realized how late it was, so we went to bed. It was a good day.

Today I am back at work. I have some accounts that need some attention before end of the month this week. It will keep me nice and busy all day, which is awesome.

I am so very happy with my hair. The color seems to have revived it. It feels healthy and it isn’t gray, which rules. I also got a boost of confidence being that I did this myself. I had started to feel defective in not being able to color it myself. The fact that I can is awesome.

Luna has now learned how to climb the ladder up to the play house. This is way cool! Lycos had been able to do it for years and it is one of the games we play where we toss the ball up on to the house for her to go get it. Luna learned this actually pretty quick. She is a little awkward, but she has really improved. Yesterday she also went up to the house and went down the slide just to see what it was all about, which cracked me up.

Turns out, Lycos loves tether ball. We have a tether ball with no tether or pole. Lycos loves this ball and she can pick it up easily since it is a little flat. I attached the ball to a jump rope and swung it around for the amusement of the boys and dogs. Lycos went ballistic. She barked and attacked the ball like a puppy. Even Luna seemed impressed. It was so cool! I now have this desire to get a tether ball pole set up for her to play. LOL!

I am a little worried about IO. He still is alive and all, and super sweet and affectionate. But he is looking so old. Of course, he is almost 15 years old. He mostly sleeps on the bed all day. He has not lost any weight. We do monthly weigh ins now for all dependents. But he still feels a little boney. It is like his weight has shifted to be in different parts of his body, not his back anymore. I always worry about him. Not that he is sick, or even show signs of being sick, but he just seems slower.

One10, on the other hand, seems quite pleased with herself. She has discovered the hamper. She loves sleeping in it since we have it high off the ground, and she can be all comfy on our clothes (the cats will go out of their way to sleep on our clothing no matter where it is, no matter how clean or dirty it is) and stay out of harm’s way, meaning Monarch can’t find her. I always feel bad when we do all the laundry since she doesn’t have any padding. LOL!

Monarch continues to sleep with Bobby until he hears me going to bed, at which point he will come and sleep with me. It is super cute and I love that he is so happy to be around Bobby. Bobby is our resident Dr. Doolittle, with all of the animals really loving the hell out of him. He adores them all, too.

Bobby has been asking questions about so many different things lately. He had been asking about certain foods, including meat as to where it comes from. So I have explained all of these things to him. He also knows that we are animals, too, so when we were in the meat aisle of Ralphs, he asked me where the people meat was.

Yesterday, Bobby told me he would like Ken and I to have more babies. He told me he wants me to have 5 more. Then he asked me how we make them. Yie! I told him that Daddy gives me some of himself and I mix that with some of my stuff and I grow the kid in my gut. He asked me how we do that, and I managed to side step it enough that he didn’t question it further. I had always read that you don’t need to tell kids the whole story on sex, but obviously I will have to start giving him better answers. So we will see when it comes up again. I am not going to press the issue unless he asks.

Bobby also has asked me and other people who their boss is, which is an odd question. Not sure where that is coming from. He asked me who his boss was, so of course I told him me. LOL! He was totally ok with this.

We recently decided to let the boys pour their own milk. Up until now, the only drink they could get on their own was water. We moved the cups to a spot they could get to them and they know how to use the water on the fridge. It was a huge deal, and the love this. But, they prefer milk more often than not.

We normally get the gallon jugs, so they are not exactly practical for the boys to pick up and pour without gobs of mess. One day, there was very little in the container, so I let them both pour a cup of milk. They did great. So we started putting milk in a small container that they can both open and get their own milk from. It seems to be working very well. Dax has to use the step stool and cutting board, but Bobby is tall enough that he just uses the counter. It is strangely cute and surreal to watch them do this. Dax all of the sudden looks tiny to me and it is neat to watch him get a cup of milk with all of the steps involved. And with Bobby, I just see this child growing up so quickly. He does it with no effort almost. It makes me proud yet a little sad at how quickly he is growing. But ultimately, it is really great to have them both learning to be independent on some of these basic things. It does get annoying to have to get them a cup of milk every two minutes, especially at dinner time when they go through so dang much. Soon, they will be making their own breakfast and getting snacks and before you know it, they will cook! YIE!

Bobby has been so sweet with his brother lately. Yesterday he asked for a snack of these peanut butter crackers, and so I opened the package for him. Dax didn’t try them before, so I didn’t offer him any. But Bobby went, without being asked, and shared his crackers with Dax. Dax actually took the crackers and ate them because Bobby told him they were good! It was so cool to see them be such good brothers. I love it when they do that. We let Bobby take back one of his friends for this good deed.

Oh, yeah, the boys lost a lot of toys in a Daddy Sweep. Ken had told them to clean their rooms at one point and they of course back talked and dinked around to the point where Daddy comes in with a trash bag and picks up the toys for them. We don’t actually throw them out. Instead, they are held until we slowly give them back depending on how good they are. It is a great motivator. Bobby also lost most of his friends with a temper tantrum he threw a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t there, so I didn’t see what occurred, but all of his friends currently reside in our bedroom. He chose to have Torrance his tiger back yesterday.

I do need to clean out more of their toys. They have too damn many. But right now, as long as they all fit in the toy bin, I am not messing with it. I have too many other things that need cleaning out right now. I am hoping to take some time this weekend to go through another storage bin. But since we have a trip out to see Grammie on Saturday, and Ken has a birthday party on Sunday, I don’t see us having gobs of time. Then again, we always seem to find more time than I knew we had. LOL!

I think this weekend I also need to pack for our trip next week. I want to condense it all down to one checked bag. I think it is way doable. If I can get the bag packed, then the only things we have to take is the carry on. I will have a purse and a lap top, and Ken will have his lap top bag. I don’t want the boys taking anything other than one friend on the flight. I am also debating on how to deal with the car seats. My folks loaned us the ones they have, which are just small boosters. Dax isn’t actually supposed to use it since he isn’t 4 yet, but he meets the weight requirement, so he is probably fine. The seats are small, but I don’t know if we will take them on the flight and let them sit on the seats, or if we will just check them. Luckily, they are way less awkward then their normal seats.

I was considering getting us all passports. Ken and mine are expired at this point, so we would need new ones anyway. Especially since mine is still in my maiden name. LOL! But thinking that it would be so much easier to have passports for id for trips like for this week and Ohio. Plus, if we ever had a last minute trip, we could have those on hand for the boys. The only problem is how freaking pricey they are. Maybe we can get one a month for the next few months. LOL!

I need to do something about my ankle. It hurts even more now. Of course, I need to stop walking all over the place and kicking balls and jumping rope. LOL! I am bad since I keep using it like it isn’t hurt. Today it throbs. I kicked a ball yesterday with that foot, which makes no sense since I never kick with my left foot, and it hurt like hell. Now I am paying for it. I think I either need to fix the brace the doc gave me or get something else, or go back to the doc and get something more extreme on it so that I can let the damn thing rest. I am not good at just sitting around, so that may be tough. But I think that this weekend I don’t have too much walking to do. It is tough when you have two little active boys around. But the worry right now is that I am sitting and it still hurts. That seems bad to me. I may need to go back to get it x-rayed? It isn’t swollen, so I doubt it is broken, so who knows.

I was amused just now when we did a birthday celebration for MaryAnn. My CFO mentioned with a wink that it was 4/20. I laughed and only he and I understood this, which then turned into a 45 minute bullshit session about drugs. LOL!! I guess I am more cultured in my dept then I thought. And I only tried pot like twice!

1 comment:

Liza said...

I am also suffering dental problem since last month and I have visited dentist Torrance. I must say they are very trained and using advanced machines.