Friday, April 16, 2010



I went to bed early last night and was able to take some NyQuil before doing so. I am still drugged and sleepy this morning, but functional.

Last night I attempted to make something with potatoes. My folks had bought a 10 pound bag of potatoes and didn’t need quite that many so they gave me some. I decided I would use the other oven bag I had and put some cut up potatoes along with chicken, gravy and various seasonings into it. I popped it into the oven and went about the rest of the afternoon. The problem is, I wish I had done all this about 45 minutes before I actually did. I got side tracked when I got home from work (90210 was calling out to me) so I didn’t get started until right before I went to get the boys. Turns out potatoes take a long time. LOL! Thankfully, aside from the chicken being a smidge over cooked, it was pretty good. Yay!

I think tonight will be relaxing. I am taking the boys to go play at my folks’ and then I think that is all the plans I have. I would like to say Ken and I will watch a movie or catch up on some shows, but I have to see how I feel by then. It may be another early night.

I never thought of myself as someone who felt the need to censor things for my kids. Wow, has that changed. There is this song called “Everywhere I Go” by Hollywood Undead. Awesome beat, fun song. Then you start listening to the lyrics. Holy fuck! Frat boys, drinking, gobs of sex. There was a time when even I would have been embarrassed to listen to it. Remember I am the one who couldn’t bring myself to listen to “I Want Your Sex” if my parents were within ear shot even though they bought me the cassette.

The boys love this song. I understand why. Seriously, it has a great beat and it is super catchy. We dance to it in the car. But when you realize the boys are starting to remember lyrics, it is one of those things where you start to wonder how much of this should they be singing along to. Not that I care, especially since they don’t know what 90% of it means. But there is the worry that other people will care, specifically teachers. Normally I wouldn’t care about that, either, but as you start to realize the trickle down effect on what a simple swear word will do to a school, it is almost best to not let them use the word until they are a little older and understand discretion.

I hate that I have become like this. I want them to know that not all songs out there are about some mouse who has a duck as a best friend. I also love that they don’t grow up on the likes of Yanni or even Laurie Becnker. They love Pink, they love the Beatles, they love the Gorillaz. How cool is that? Pretty freaking cool if you ask me.

Ken thinks I don’t need to worry just yet since right now, they mostly hear the music. But since they know the Pink song as the “Rock Star Song”, I am guessing they hear more than we know. Hopefully they don’t start referring to the “Everywhere I Go” song as the one where they “punk the pussy”.

1 comment:

Ken said...

"Charlie Sheenie has a weenie that he loves to show"