Thursday, April 22, 2010

Meetings Day 2


Can I go back to bed?

I need to wake up since I have my meeting in a few hours in which I need to be sharp and feisty. I will be fine, especially since it is preceded with a walk to the other building, and it is with folks that will ruffle my feathers. Game on!

I was lying on the bed, regretting having taught the boys “dog pile” yesterday afternoon when Bobby noticed my scar from my appendix. I explained that it was where the doctor had to cut me open once. He then, very excited asked if that was how they put him in me. LOL!

I went over to Brandy’s around 6. We hung out and visited for a few hours which was cool. I helped her prepare kits for the cool bracelets she has been making. I also tried asparagus! Yay me! It wasn’t horrid, and I think it is even something I could make myself. I want to try these green veggies since I would like to try to incorporate them into my diet more. Plus, I am going to be trying this funky fad diet next week with my co workers which consists of lots of foods I don’t tend to eat, including a half cup of steamed veggies. I don’t think I will be able to do the entire diet perfect, but thankfully it is only 3 days, and it will be nice to do this with my colleagues.

I got to show off my boys at work yesterday. Someone else brought their kids earlier, and last week Vicki brought her grandkids, so I texted Ken to see if he could bring me my boys. He brought them around 2, which was good since I leave at 2:20. They were super charming and friendly. Dax even went with Vyerah on his own. Of course, he was lured by the promise of treats, but it was nice to see him brave with people that he has met a million times. Bobby was also super insistent on thanking Lois, the woman here that made him his cherished blanket. So we went to the other building and he marched into her office and told her how he sleeps with it every night and told her how wonderful it is. She was touched, and impressed that it was still in good condition after 5 years of being drug around everywhere. As we were heading out, my CFO who’s office is right there called me in asking me for some help with Power Point. I was able to help him out, and my boys were all polite and quiet while I worked. I think I scored some points!

Brandy is supposed to come over tonight and we will be using the Wii. I will be taking it sort of easy what with my ankle, but I think we will have fun either way. This is supposed to be a weekly thing so that she can help motivate me to work out again. My ankle and time have been my enemies lately, but I think that if I at least do the yoga and stretching, I can be doing something.

I am trying to test this fix we did in the system yesterday and it keeps kicking me out. It is very frustrating. Especially since I won’t be able to get help on it until next week since I have the meeting this morning and meetings the rest of the day, and Vyerah is out until next week. Grrr!!

I suppose I should have dressed more professional since I am going to a meeting, but I decided to just dress like me. I sometimes worry about that sort of thing, but since it is a pretty casual work environment, it works either way.

Brandy and I had a fascinating conversation last night regarding employers looking at Facebook and other online profiles before hiring potential employees. She brought up a lot of good points in regards to why it is ok. I still don’t agree with the practice for a number of reasons. I am tempted to write up some pros and cons to it to give me a better idea on what a better solution is in my own head. I feel that your job performance should be what is judged, not the party you attended on the weekend, but of course, how does a company know you before hand? But I feel like even though sure, you take a risk on hiring folks and not all of them work out, but that is how we have done it for decades. I don’t have the time to get into all of my arguments and the counter arguments right now, but it is an interesting topic.

I figure I might as well wrap up my stuff since meeting time is soon. I expect to be away from my desk until this afternoon. On the plus side, my day will fly by! LOL!

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