Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gena Heaven


I need to stop going to be so freaking late! It is all Fox’s fault. On American Idol last night, after weeks of my pleading to an unresponsive television set, I was rewarded. Adam Lambert was there, in all his glory, and he was this week’s mentor. Woo hoo! Have I mentioned how pretty he is? He was fantastic and this week was actually a pretty good week for the contestants. Although Mama Sox will win (and should), my new favorite is Tim “Disney Show” Urban. I have given him the Disney Show nickname because he looks like he should be on something like iCarly or any one of those tween hits on the network. He is a safe dreamy with kick ass hair. He is the complete opposite of my Adam, but I am ok with this. The best part of both of them is their smile, and both of them rock those.

Any hoo, enough gushing about Adam. I stayed up and watched it, excited about tonight because he is going to perform. But then, AI was followed by Glee. I couldn’t tear myself away! And I have seen this episode since this is the one we saw at the Paley Fest. It didn’t matter. Damn, that is a great show. I had not planned on watching it. Then that plan changed to not planning on watching all of it. The plan of course then come 10:30 was just that I would be watching every second, including the premiere of Sue Sylvester (the great Jane Lynch) doing Vogue. So freaking great. I mean, seriously, I don’t know what to do with it. It was that much fun. I crawled into bed exhausted, but content. I felt like I needed a cigarette.

Today should be equally as happy making since my darling Kevin Smith will be in studio covering for Ralph. So I get to hear his wonderfulness until 10 am. My mid day of course will be weak, but tonight is Adam, so at least I have something to look forward to.

Don’t feel sorry for Ken since he gets to reap all the benefits of my happiness.

Bobby and I went to the dentist yesterday afternoon. My cleaning of course was uneventful. Bobby did fantastic. We used the extra time to get him in the chair, poke around a bit and he was pretty relaxed and ok with the whole thing. We stopped just short of cleaning his teeth. We did set him up an appt to do this next week, and he is excited. He was also excited that they let him pick a prize out of the treasure chest. What was super cute was that he not only picked out a tiny Frisbee for himself, he picked out one for Dax. This was not me suggesting it mind you. He did this all on his own. How cute is this kid?

He and I had a lot of fun hanging out waiting for our turn there. Although he did have some strange observations. First, he decided that my armpits looked old. Thanks, kid. Then, when a woman in a wheelchair came in, he was quite impressed with this. He told me that someday he wants a wheelchair so I can push him around everywhere. LOL! He spent the whole cleaning session telling Mary our hygienist all about every aspect and character of Star Wars. Mary is pretty dang chatty, but Bobby out chatted her big time. Thankfully she adores kids and found it all very charming.

Ken ended up taking Dax with him to his class, which worked out great for my nerves. I was afraid I would either have to pick him up late or take him with us. By Ken taking him, it freed me up from worry. He was good there, which is awesome, and I also like that Dax and Ken get some time together.

I got an email yesterday for a flight confirmation. I guess I am staying an extra day in Ohio. Papa Brenan had mentioned that we were going during a week in which Monday a lot of things may be closed due to Memorial Day. He had considered adding a day so that we would have more time. Plus, as my dad pointed out, it is a small town, and they tend to be huge on Memorial Day stuff in general, so we may find craziness. I don’t mind the extra day. I already took the whole week off, so it is all good in terms of my schedule. I will miss my boys of course, but it will work out. I need to buy some books for my “Kindle” so that I have stuff to read on my flights.

Busy weekend ahead of us. Spring Fest is this weekend. At Toys R Us on Saturday, there is some kind of Thomas event, so we have to get Dax over there. Plus, Mary told me about a Pet Expo at the Orange County Fairgrounds which sounds like a blast. There are gobs of animals and petting zoos and pony rides and lots of stuff our animal centric family is all about. Not sure if we will make it out to the OC, but we will see.

Bobby and I tried to go by the school yesterday to see if there was any paperwork we needed in order to start the registration process, but they had already locked up. May looks to be busy for signing him up for things. I have school, soccer and camp. Crazy! My little boy is growing up. Bobby told me he wanted to play at the field at Adams for soccer. He said this way it was closer to Gramma (we have changed the spelling of her name based on how they say it) and that way she can come watch him play. I had hoped for Region 34, which is where I played, but honestly, I don’t care that much. It isn’t like they will be the same people. So I just went on the website this morning and put him down for region 17. Region 17 was North Redondo which when I was a kid sucked beans. This may be better. LOL! Less pressure. I will take him to whatever place he wants to play, so if North Redondo is where he wants to be, then so be it!

The pollen and nectar on my inside plants seems sad. I feel like I should release some bees in here.

Crap, I have to go get some training in 15 minutes, which means I will miss the first bit of Kevin Smith. Grrrr!!!!

I have decided I am going to replace Simon on AI next year. It scares Ken a bit when right before they start talking about the performance, I tend to have their exact comments. One of the chicks to me looked like she was a flashback to 1983. Simon stopped just short of saying the year, but did say she seemed like it was 20 years ago. Actually, that is some of the fun of watching this show. Predicting what the judges will say. Can you tell Ken and I have way too much fun together over the dumbest things?

Strange random cramping the last couple days. I also have been spotting, which makes me a little nervous. It is totally normal based on what I have looked up, but what makes it odd is that I have not had this issue in some time since I got the Mirena. I have been super pleased with my IUD so I would hate for it to be some problem with that. But I am wondering if I need to call the doc. It isn’t like I am in gobs of pain or having other severe issues. I may monitor it for a smidge and see what happens.

I just got the morning report and Bobby was cranky pants. In his whining fit, he lost all of his friends. Ken allowed him to pick one out to go to daycare, and he chose Carson. It is a shame since the kids wanted to take their animals Spike and Sprinkles along with the kittens and puppies I pointed out they had. For Christmas, they each got a house of babies, Bobby got puppies, and Dax got kittens. Dax happened to also get a cat we dubbed Sprinkles. I pointed out that the kittens could be hers. He loved this. I then matched up last night the puppies to Spike, Bobby’s dog friend. They were happy, and wanted to show them off to Gramma. Since Ken took them away until later, I can’t bring Bobby’s stuff.

Cam I take a nap yet?

I feel so distracted. I keep working on accounts and then getting side tracked by, well , nothing. I will go look at the net, look at some random paper on my desk. It is like I keep seeing bright and shiny, but nothing has been worth while. The tired is starting to win.

I started following Jim Carrey on Twitter. Since his break up with the evil that is Jenny McCarthy, he has been tweeting opinions on lots of crap on celebs. I read some of the stuff on entertainment sites, but I figured I would see his stuff first hand. He has declared that he was no longer going to hold back on what he though, so I am hoping for some interesting insight. This morning he slammed journalists who have decided he is losing it. Nothing super mean, but kind of fun. I am hoping for a really public breakdown that I can get all in 170 characters or less on my phone. LOL!

When you read a biography or memoirs, what is the part that is the most interesting? What do you wish the author would put more of in it?

My ankle hurts more today. Last night I ran after Luna when she didn’t listen to me on something. I did so poorly and managed to re-tweak it. I swear, this thing doesn’t want to heal. I need a cast to slow me down or something. I like my little support sock, but that only does so much.

I am worried the red in my hair is fading to the point of being pink.

If I did an all over color that was dark, it would cover the red, but leave it as a highlight. Hmmm….

It is a difficult place to be in. On one hand, it annoys the shit out of me. On the other hand, do I really want to be the one to tattle on folks when in reality, they are slacking off just like I do.

Let me explain.

My co-workers in the cube square next to me are chatty. Super nice, but super chatty. It used to be just two of them, but since our new addition arrived, it is even worse. The three of them all hover around in a circle there, talking about stuff. Trust me, it isn’t work related. My work ethic screams out, “Ladies! Sit down!!!” These are the same women who complain every day (ok, 2 of them complain, not the third who is new) because they say they are so swamped. How swamped are you when you can chit chat all damn day?

However, I know damn well (this blog is case and point) that I dink around all the time. The difference is, I am quiet about it. I don’t flaunt my goofing off. I am actually rather discreet. Aside from IT folks, really, not many people would know what I do all day. Of course, they see me complete my tasks quickly and without complaint. They know that if they need help, I am on it. They also see my stats, which rock. I am efficient and anal and I do my job well. It allows me the time to write this or read an article or two or email friends.

I don’t complain to the boss because the minute you start punishing for those sort of things, then all freedom goes away. It is that whole throwing a rock in a glass house thing here. I kind of hope someone talks to them about it, but does it really matter?

What annoys me most, though, is all three of them leave their cell phones on their desk, on the loudest, most obnoxious ring tones ever!!!!!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

sorry, just one thing:

Dear Jim Carrey,


The Internet