Tuesday, April 27, 2010



I am supposed to be doing reports right now, but of course, nothing matched, so I will not be able to do anything until tomorrow. Bleah. I am just hoping it wasn’t something I fucked up on. We recently changed where the reports run to, and there was a couple of hiccups in the process, which leads me to believe that this may have been the problem. Oh well.

I just got to school a guy on pop culture. Ok, it wasn’t that hostile. LOL! Fred had come over after I emailed him to tell him about the report and he asked me if I was familiar with Gilda Radner. Uh, duh, yeah. LOL! So he tells me how on Laugh In she used to say, “It’s always something.” I was familiar with the phrase, especially since it was the name of her book. I was confused though. She was on Laugh In? I was annoyed at myself for having forgotten this, and I promptly looked her up. I was not wrong. She had been on SNL. So I went and told Fred, and he laughed because he himself after he sat down thought about it and said to himself, “I think it was SNL, and I know Gena will look it up.” Hee hee! At least people trust that I will find out the right answer. I also told him some Gilda stuff, which was interesting to him, and we talked pop culture from an era when in reality I was less than 5, and yet I enjoyed the shows. He would have been in his late twenties. I love that I can go toe to toe with folks older than me on pop culture.

In the spirit of trying new things, what with me consuming multiple things the last few days for this diet, I have decided that I am going to try everything that Scott and Andy make while we are at the compound. I figure the worst that happens is I need to spit it out.

I found a new hair style. LOL! I know, what a shock, right? I sent it to my most trusted advisors. I will run it by some others, too. Not saying I am going to do this anytime soon, but I still want some feedback.

After a couple of low self esteem bouts, I decided I need to be positive about me. I am rockin my red lipstick and looking at myself and not thinking ick. I know this is something I should do every day, but sometimes you read something or you just are tired of hating every aspect of your appearance. Sure, the new hair style is a way to make me feel vibrant, but I shouldn’t need that, and I want to make sure I feel awesome no matter what. So rather than wait for those pounds to go away or my face to clear up, I am just going to love me for me.

Ok, a few votes have trickled in. It is 1 to 1 on whether or not I can pull off the rockin red hair. Obviously I need more votes, or in reality I need to do whatever I think and not let anyone tell me I can or can’t. LOL!

Votes are now at 2 to 1 that I can pull it off, however, there was a suggestion of toning down the color a smidge, which I could see being a good idea.

Sure enough, I fucked up. LOL!!! Nah, I am not too upset. I changed these variants and I guess I changed them wrong. Oh well. I am about to go fix it. I love my job.

It is always odd to see who comments on your Facebook status.

I think my plan is now to go back to Hot Topic and get these little wash out color packets and make my hair super bright. I am thinking red (they have red with sparkles, so let’s face it, we know that is what I will do) and that way even if it doesn’t completely come out, it only enhances my hair a bit. This will allow me to see the color and determine if it looks cool. The color is only like $2 a pack, and I think with all my hair I will need like 3. LOL!

I am working on earning my cool status back. Although I messed up the variants here, I just showed a bunch of people how to make the copier do 2 sided copies. Cheers everywhere! I win!

I am not as thrilled with the salmon today. Thankfully I brought extra lettuce this time. The Romaine seems to cancel some of the fishy taste. As does the lemon dressing.

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