Thursday, April 8, 2010

I rock!


Head. Throbs. All over. Pills better kick in soon.

Other than that, I am pretty well.

My lasagna was a huge hit. I love it when people would look at it, ask what it was, and then when I would reply that it was lasagna that I made, they went into shock. There was impressed gasps that I made that much food. There was also just the surprise that I made something and didn’t buy it. Then, people started eating it. I had sat down at my desk to eat, but returned to the party after to get desert. Every person in the room complimented it saying how fantastic it was. YAY! I am so proud! MaryAnn made me an honorary Italian, which I wish I had a certificate for. I was made honorary black already, so I think that I would like to strive for the grand prize which would be United Colors of Benetton.

My ego was on high from the lasagna, but it was soaring when everyone also complimented my hair and look for the day. High pony tail with a poof bang. I was pretty impressed with it, too. Although, when you are telling someone that they look great, try not to sound so surprised. LOL!

I was in a happy food coma the rest of the afternoon. I was so happy when it was time to return home. It was crazy hot out, so Ken had filled the pool for the boys, which they loved. They ran around in their undies and had a good ole time. We sat out back with them and threw the toys for the dogs. It is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon.

After bath time, I decided to play some music for the boys. It really started when we watched American Idol. I had explained to the boys that the songs they were singing were Beatles songs just sung by other artists. After it was over, I pulled up the YouTube and played them numerous real Beatles songs, much to Ken’s dismay.

I then started pulling up random songs from the Tin Tins to Sire Mix A Lot for them to dance and be merry. I started to lose them and tried desperately to bring them back with random tunes. I tried a Thriller video done in Lego. Bobby enjoyed, but Dax felt it was a little creepy.

I tried to go to bed kind of early, but I just wasn’t able to get fully relaxed for a bit. Thankfully I felt asleep not too late.

I had some kind of dream in which Ken, the boys and I were in an airport and somehow we slept there, like it was a hotel, and then we tried to get on another flight, but there was some problem, like our flight was given to someone else. We were not upset, but it was complicated. I assume I have the multiple flights coming up on my mind.

I think that my headache is slowly fading. But I must emphasize slowly.

It is warm in my department, again. With the air conditioning unit thrashed here, we have hot air from the server room filling our department. I have my fan blowing behind me, so thankfully I am not dying yet. I also see the air conditioned repair dude just pulled up in our parking lot, which means it is about to get all kinds of loud and annoying in here.

Food success last night. Bobby ate lasagna and liked it! They also both ate corn, and loved it! WOO HOO!

Call in topic this morning is if you had a time machine, what would you go back and do? People are saying to stop wars and some just using it to make money. But really, is any of that a good idea? I am fine with the money thing, but even that seems shaky. Like, if you didn’t let say 9/11 happen, sure, you save gobs of people, but what if it actually ends up resulting in something far worse? I don’t know, I worry that preventing certain things may cause problems. I would so much rather just go and observe. Like go and meet Jesus. See what that was really all about. Or go and see who really shot Kennedy. Maybe just be a part of things, without really being there. Kind of like a ghost that is just there to watch. I would think that would be fascinating. I want to see a lot of things. Historical cases. Maybe cruise the white house for a few years. Go to Marilyn Monroe’s house that fateful night. Go to the Salem Witch trials. I want to see the Indian rituals that happened long ago. I want to watch the first flight. Maybe see the excitement of the first talkie. Or see the face of certain inventors when their invention first worked. I want to see Aha moments and heart breaking moments. I want to be able to feel their emotions without tampering with them because they already happened, and it could only lead to bad. That whole butterfly effect seems scary to me.

Rumor out that it is review time. I knew it was coming soon. I am not concerned. I think I do a pretty damn good job, and I know that my boss thinks so, too. I just hate reviews since he tends to not fill them out how he really feels. Like last time, he made sure everyone in the department got the exact same score. I was marked down for one item which if you read it, I deserve all points. But he didn’t want to give me the point since it would make me “perfect” and he couldn’t have that. What the fuck??? I am pretty sure we still don’t have money for raises, so the reviews also mean very little. I have not heard anything about lay offs or firings. Plus, he keeps adding more stuff to my plate, so it seems to me I am safe on that. I don’t like his goals he sets which include seminars and crap. I have taken every seminar under the sun. Most, if not all, are usually pointless, especially if I have taken them 3 times prior. Yet he likes to waste money on these things. Of course, some are now free and I can do them at my desk, but still, they are a waste of my time. But he will say he wants me to take them. Sigh. So lame.

Kite flying festival in San Pedro on Saturday. That will probably be some fun. I think we are planning on taking the trolley. I think I will pack a picnic lunch so we can hang out. Stephanie and Sabrina are hopefully coming, too. That will be awesome!

There are some more super cute flowy dresses at Old Navy that I want. I think I may need to get a second job. LOL!

I cannot ignore my roots anymore. Man, are those gray! Yes, I could probably do it myself. I used to do it myself for so long, but I am a little nervous, now. However, it will be half the price if I go to the beauty supply place and get what I need compared to going even back to the beauty college. I think just a 2touch up will cost like $40. I think I can get supplies to do the touch up myself for maybe $20. I will have to go price some stuff out. That way I know. Either way, it has to be done before the end of the month.

I am also torn. I would like to cut my hair to be shoulder length. A nice summer cut. It grows so dang fast as it is, it might not be a big deal. However, I kind of like my current cut. Hmmm..

I just got a bunch of compliments on my pictures. Yay! I was in charge of the photos at the pot luck yesterday, so I posted them all on Picasa and sent the link to the world. Vyerah said I am in the wrong profession and that I should be paparazzi. LOL!!

I realize one of the things I need for my trip to Ohio is some good walking shoes. I have lots of cute shoes, but I need shoes that I can tromp through cemeteries and all over town. Part of me considers getting the super awesome Sketchers Shape Ups. Another part of me says just some simple tennis shoes from Payless or Target. Another part of me says get good inserts for my Converse. So many choices!

One of the things I need to do before I go to Ohio is to read Stella’s memoirs. Stella is, if I remember correctly, Ken’s great grandma. Her writings will hopefully give me lots of info about the family from her generation. Who knows, perhaps when I write my memoirs, I will be able to reference back to that.

I have lost steam. I so don’t feel like looking at any more accounts. I got all ambitious and did a crap load of work on accounts all morning. Now I just want to curl up with a book.

I love it! I went into the lunch room to heat my food. There was the facilities manager and our old handyman guy who just retired! They called him in because some crap went wrong like a clogged sink and other things. They needed his help! We knew we had been spoiled when he was here, but wow, how gratifying for him that he isn’t gone more than a week and all hell breaks loose! Mad props, Mr. Kim!

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