Monday, August 30, 2010

Cat nipples should not come off


It was an eventful weekend for us.

On Friday, we made an outstanding rescue. As you may remember, our lame ass neighbors a couple houses down are horrid with critters. They get animals all the time, and then proceed to neglect them until they run away. Luckily, between our neighbor Mike and us, we have taken upon ourselves to rescue said critters. A few years back, this one large, sweet dog they had kept getting out. Mike saw him while he was a few blocks away, chatting with a neighbor. The dog, who loved Mike because he, like us, was always nice to these wayward animals, went running up to him. The other neighbor commented on what a sweet dog he was. Mike then told the neighbor to keep the dog! Yay!

Even as recent as this year, they had two lab looking pups that we found wandering. We of course ended up taking them to the shelter and monitored their adoption until both found brand new homes. Yay!

So when we found out that they had two new puppies, we were pissed. At one point, they were walking said pups and they walked past Mike who was watering the lawn. These dogs ran towards the hose to drink as if they had never had a drop of water before. The asshole people tied to keep the dogs from drinking, but Mike insisted, and asked if they get enough water. Their response was, “Well, they keep spilling the water so we stopped filling it.”

So when I arrived Friday afternoon and was chatting with Ken and spied the two pups running around in front of the house, unattended, I knew this was my chance.

Luckily, both were total dolls. They ran up to me with complete happiness and I scooped them up quickly and got them inside. There was no one around. For little terrier/poodle looking mixes, they were uber cute. Ken took them down to the shelter, making sure to get their booking numbers so I can monitor them. The great news is that they go on adoption on Wednesday. Even better news, the shelter has very few pups right now. BTW, that is a yay on multiple levels. So these little squishy 3 month old pups will find a home pretty easily. I bet they go on Wednesday. Especially since these fucktard neighbors of ours will never go and retrieve them.

Stephanie came by Friday night while the kids were bathing and Ken was booking a birthday party. It was cool since even though we did have the occasional interruption of the boys showing off for Stephanie, we could visit for a while. Yay!

Saturday morning was interesting. We had field day at the soccer field. Our idiot coach had told us that if we all showed up that we could get our uniforms that morning. Woo hoo! So we headed down to the field and got there about 15 minutes before 9. At first we thought maybe we were in the wrong place. A handful of other parents showed up from other teams, all newbies when it came to this stuff. Finally, a commissioner looking dude showed and we were able to sign in. There were not gobs of people, but as they pointed out, it was going to be an easy morning. We needed to pick up trash and fill gopher holes. The parent of our other teammate showed up, but there was no coach and team mom. Lovely. But I wasn’t going to get pissed. Ken and I set out through the field to pick up trash. I held the bag, the boys had gloves and picked up garbage. It was cool!

The field took very little time. Apparently last year it was in worse shape with holes and what not. It took 4 hours. This year was a 45 minute adventure. Woo hoo!!

The coach and team mom showed up, both sipping coffee and really just standing around. I came up towards them, mostly towards the trash drop off and they commented on how much trash I had picked up. They then proceeded to say they looked but didn’t find any. I responded, “That’s because we already took care of it.”

The coach didn’t really try to interact with us or Bobby. Coach’s kid did, which was cool, even though he is an asshole kid. Takes after his mom.

Look, I don’t like the coach. I don’t like the team mom. Both are smug, arrogant, bitchy broads who really don’t want to be there but are just because they think it is good for their kid, and even then, I don’t even think they like their kids. There is zero leadership, there is zero camaraderie, and ultimately it is a sucky ass team. That being said, so far, Bobby is having a lot of fun. I could scream and holler and get him on a different team. But why? I mean, at this point, we have to know that not everything is perfect. I am not saying I am settling, I am just being realistic. If we can teach Bobby the value of picking your battle and not just making a scene, I think it is worth dealing with this broad for a couple months.

Ken hates her. Seriously hates this coach. On Sunday, we went back to the field because as it turned out, we would not be able to have uniforms until then. I didn’t mind going back. Once again, though, we were the only team family there aside from the coach, who had to be there since she had to get the uniforms from them. Bobby was so excited, he had practically stripped down before the uniform was handed to him. He chose number 6 (only choices were 2 thru 6). Mr. Bossy Pants is, how do I put it delicately, a little more on the husky side. So when he put on number 2, it was snug. Bobby was kind of swimming in his shirt. I could have easily just said oh well, too bad, so sad. Instead, I offered to have them change shirts since the higher numbers are larger sizes. Bobby was an incredible sport, and loved being number 2. Ken really wished I had not. But the thing was, I didn’t see the point in being a bitch on this. Since Bobby didn’t care, I wasn’t going to be awful. I offered, so it means I am the better person.

After field day, we went and hung out with my folks and Grammie. It was a nice few hours. The boys did birthday boxes and Dax played with the games he got for his birthday from Grammie.

We had planned on having the boys nap, but by the time we got home after a couple of stops, it was already 4. So we played in the pool instead and had some BBQ chicken we had not made before that was amazing. Thankfully for us, they crashed out which allowed us to watch a movie.

Ken and I watched The Invention of Lying. Wow. Just wow! Such a charming, sweet, funny and wonderful movie. Ricky Gervais is brilliant and the whole movie was fantastic.

Sunday was a bit lazy. We did the bowling thing, even though we were tired. Seriously, if the boys didn’t love it so much we would not go. Bobby did amazing. He even bowled 2 strikes in a row. It was his best day so far. Many throws don’t even hit the rails!

Dax bowled, too, and had so much fun. It was one of those non melt down fight mornings. The boys were happy to bowl, and pleased with my toy selection, which was crap loads of playmobile. It is amazing how happy making a bunch of little plastic people can be. Of course, my mom and I were having I think more fun than the boys. LOL!

The boys once again opted out on a nap. They had quiet time, but they just would not sleep even though they were exhausted. Naps are becoming a thing of the past. They stayed quiet just long enough to make our 45 minute show take 90 minutes with stops.

The show we were catching up on was House. We had the last two episodes to watch. We watched the second to last, and then started up the season finale. Turns out, when it recorded, the satellite had some issues and it didn’t tape. NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I was pretty annoyed, but since these days it is easy enough to get it on Hulu once the new season starts I wasn’t too worried.

The boys and I also straightened up the play room. Don’t think we did an amazing job, btw. We just put things in boxes so that there was a floor again. Now, I am going to start to work on the walls and get it painting prepped. Once the room is painted, then I can organize. One of the things I determined I want to do in there is to put a couple of desks for homework purposes. I wonder if I can find an old school desk. Or maybe just build something into the wall that can fold down when they are not using it. Either way, I think some kind of table in there would be great. A medium sized round table for the middle of the room would be good, too, since it would allow them to build Lego on it or color or do puzzles, or many other things.

It was a mellow afternoon. Pool time, vege out time. The boys were a bit cranky, but now that I have come up with ways to get them each out of a whiny tantrum, it is kind of amusing. I just wish that sometimes they wouldn’t only ask me for things. Ken could be standing there with a carton of milk, already pouring it into their cup and they will ask me to get them more milk.

On the clearly wacky, what the fuck moment of the weekend, we pulled three nipples out of IO.

Ok, wait, let me clarify. Based on what we read, it was not a nipple:

Seriously, it was gross, yet interesting. Ken had felt something in IO’s belly on Saturday night, late. He said it felt like a little lump, but that it was more like his nipple. He was checking the scab portion when he said it felt almost like it was coming out. Rather than messing with it at midnight, he opted to mention it to me and we would look at it in the morning.

So yesterday afternoon, we brought poor IO out of his safety area and proceeded to poke at him. I found the spot, and started to look at it and I could feel it kind of moving. I then squeezed it ever so gently and it started to get bigger and it was like a zit! It was coming out of his body! It was freaky. I pushed a bit more and now, there was this thing in my hand which resembled a long nipple. The hole it left was minor if anything. The slight redness and “cut” was more from my manipulating it and the fact that I think it was irritated. We freaked out.

So Ken starts looking for more stuff. He comes across another “nipple”. I was glad he got to experience the odd feeling. I mean, it is like squeezing a zit, but yet it isn’t messy. It was still slightly fuzzy and whole.

I took to the net and determined that it was not in fact nipple. It was this buildup of oils and stuff, especially prominent in white cats, and over weight cats. Hmm, can we say IO? We removed a third one, and this one made us feel better since what was now left was his actual nipple, which looked like a normal one.

I am telling you, though, it was all kinds of freaky. I mean, it wasn’t gross in terms of blood or pus. There was none of that. And it wasn’t like sticky or nasty. Yet the idea was so disgusting. Bleah!!!!

Ken was making fun of me in the grocery store on Saturday. You would think I was a teenager with all the texting I was doing. LOL! Hi Stephanie!

I have discovered some jewelry I need to go get tonight. It will only cost me like $10. It is a necklace and earrings, all disco balls. They will go amazing with my dress for Saturday’s reception. I also want to check out Forever 21. This is where said jewelry is. They have some cheap ass shit, and plus sizes!! Who fucking knew?!?!?!?! Jean told me they are even cheaper than Old Navy!!!! Must go see!!!

It’s always fun when you can see who my department is really scared of. Fred is out for 2 weeks. The boss is not here yet. These people have not done any work today. Not to say that they would normally, but they would be quieter about it. LOL!!!!

I am playing hooky on Friday. It will allow me to watch the boys while Ken goes to his first class back, and I can load the car. It will get us out of Dodge around noon, which is cool. It will be in-between the early travelers, and before the standard ones. We should be able to get up to the Compound around 9. I think I will pack sandwiches for the boys and lots of snacks. They will have movies to watch, and I figure I will set them up with coolness. I need to also pack some rawhide for my girls so they can munch on stuff. Luna has not traveled in a bit, so we will see how she does. I worry she will pee. She doesn’t seem to whimper now. But as long as we cut back on her fluid intake right before we head out, she will be fine. She can pee when Lycos does.

I am boat rocking again this morning. Ok, not really, but I am at least making some light waves. We will see where this goes.

Sigh. I now may be staying a smidge late this afternoon. Bleah. All of this is because my boss has no balls and the people who should be fixing this fuck up are not doing it. This is getting tedious.

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