Thursday, August 26, 2010

Its Thursday


I finally woke up enough yesterday after Ken brought me 3 Red Bulls which I consumed all in 30 minutes. I was wired for a bit then I managed to get home.

Seriously, if I didn’t have multiple reports to complete today I would go home.

I went to dinner with Conner last night which was nice. We went to this fancy pants place and I had a steak which claimed to be some kind of aged for like a month. It was fab. I was super impressed. I also tried some kind of green stuff, duck fried rice and salmon. I was very proud of me! I even had some coffee! When I had arrived at Conner’s, I complained of my exhaustion and so he made me a chilled chocolate coffee drink which was quite yummy. He then had ordered me a cup of coffee at the restaurant to show me with the proper amount of cream, I would be pretty happy with coffee.

We went back to his place so I could try on the bathing suit he had ordered for me. I was kind of nervous being that it is a two piece. I have not rocked a bikini since I was about 17. I was significantly smaller then. In fact, compared to then, I am about 3 times larger. However, despite my insecurities of being ginormous, I was pleasantly surprised at how good this looked. It is all red with a cute white bow in the front. It fits well and is pretty comfy. I recognize that I can’t cover my fat really, so rocking the bikini seems pretty freeing.

Conner has also been doing gobs of photography lately. So he took many pics of me. I felt like I was someone famous and the paparazzi was following me. It was pretty cool. I am telling you, it is quite the ego boost when someone goes on and on about how pretty you are.

With the photography talk and looking through some of his pictures, we discussed ideas for photos. His friend is going to start doing pin up modeling with him taking pics. I saw some of the test shoots. She is quite pretty. She also is not a thinny. I told him that he ought to look into making his own site of people he knows that would take these kind of pictures as opposed to just sending them out to web sites that handle the money. He could have a lot of fun in the hobby sense and also they would have more control over it. It was then discovered that I would be willing to take pics like that. I love pin up. It is sexy and not all about showing it all. It is showing enough. Plus, I like the romantic side of pin up in terms of thinking like it was the 1940’s. Conner seems to think, and I suppose this doesn’t seem to odd in today’s world, that there is a huge market for these plus sized beauties. We agreed that I would be more than willing to do a photo shoot or two, even if said pics don’t end up going anywhere but in my own circle. He pointed out that once these pics were out there in cyberspace, anyone could see them and that I need to be sure if I am ok with that. The problem is, I am ok with it, but is the world I don’t know yet ok. I thought about things like PTA members once I get active there. I thought about people that might think me an unfit mom due to a couple of racy, but artful photographs. It really is a shame people are so pissy these days. So for the time being, I think I am excited about pictures, but it may only be the select that will see them.

I slept really quite well considering my calf decided to tense up at 3:30 this morning. Luckily, I fell back asleep after. I was so comfy. Ken left the fan on for me so I had the nice chills and I was curled up with the uber soft blanket we have. I could have stayed there all day.

I have so much work to do. I am so unmotivated. Eh, it will get done at some point.

I have not figured out my phone battery life. I didn’t charge it last night since I still seemed to have about half of the juice left. Now, I see that that level is rapidly declining and it isn’t even 8 am. I am sure I will get gobs of texts as the day progresses. Hopefully my phone lasts until I get home, at which point I can plug it in.

I am so going swimming tonight. I want to test out my new suit and the water has been nice.

I have been using my golf ball and I am shocked at the results. The first night I was cringing and close to tears it would hurt so bad. I am actually doing the golf ball as I type this, and even though it is a little sore, it seems to be like a good massage sore. I also have noticed my foot isn’t as sore as it has been. Yay!

I so want to see Machete. I am obsessed with seeing it now. I know it is only because they keep talking about it on the radio. Still!!

If my foot feels this good later, I may need to take Luna and Lycos for walks!

They are supposed to post the classroom assignments on the school next week. Bobby tells us that the room he wants is the one that had the cookies from when we went to open house.

I love hearing a new pet owner. It is like the happiest stuff ever! Maryann just inherited a little black poodle pup. She has not owned a critter in years, if ever. She has been going on and on about him all morning. It is so sweet! She is excited, nervous, jazzed, thrilled, worried and all kinds of new parent feelings. I just love it!!!

Do you ever get the feeling like it might be time to move out of this country into one that doesn’t act like a bunch of spoiled toddlers? Sorry, just reading about Glenn Beck’s Teabagger party. He just irks the shit out of me.

I was reminded that tomorrow is Fancy Friday. I will need to prep!

I have one last report to do, and I just don’t want to!

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