Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Day


I walked out of the bathroom this morning all kinds of confused. The house smelled like bacon. I am used to foul and mysterious odors, but this was not foul. I was surprised that one of our neighbors would be up at this hour, and making breakfast that would permeate my home. I went into the kitchen, about to pack up my lunch when I see a freshly made ham and egg sandwich for me. Ken had gotten up to make me breakfast! Isn’t he sweet???

I am sleepy again this morning. Although I feel like I slept pretty good last night, so I am surprised. Then again, I just spent 20 minutes playing solitaire, so I may be zoned from that.

Apparently yesterday was a phone day for Ken since he was on the phone with various people all day. Our drain needing snaking, there was a flood in the bathroom because of it, Ken was trying to get his cell phone fixed, etc etc. I got home to a very energetic Bobby, who had probably been shushed several times over the day. LOL!

Even though I was tired, I was also thrilled. Prop 8 was overturned!!!! It is a good day! I know it will be appealed, but perhaps this will end up going all the way to the Supreme Court, making it illegal to ban gay marriage all over! I am telling you, I would be tempted to marry a chick on that day just to celebrate!

The boys swam yesterday, which is always fun to watch. I like that they get to have that time. I know when I was a kid, some of my happiest memories were of splashing around in the pool.

I didn’t watch Hot Tub Time Machine yet. I think I will save it for Friday night.

Pale yellow with a copper trim. This is my idea for the hallway. I need to go to Lowe’s.

Seriously, anybody with kids, or hell, you don’t even need kids to appreciate the wonder of a pizza cutter. They are freaking brilliant! My new baby shower essentials gift pack will include a Boppy, Carter’s burp cloths, Gripe Water, and now, the pizza cutter.

It has been a busy morning so far.

I have done nothing for Dax’s birthday yet. Then again, I said it would not be a big gathering. I need to let Alyssa know, since I think Logan would be a good addition as another kid. Dax mentioned Liam from daycare, so I could invite him. Either way, it will mostly be family. I saw these decorate your own cowboy hats on Oriental Trading Company’s site. I think that might be fun. I still need to get him the round up gang, but I am considering getting him smaller versions, not the talking variety since we found Woody (no hat, though). I need to go down to Target and see, since really, the one item that I have not found is a good Bullseye. I think I also need to hit up Toys R Us. I have not decided on if I want to spend the money on a bouncer or not. If it is only for a couple kids, perhaps I will just make it a pool style party. Make it the Ole Watering Hole.

Poor Maryann. I just heard her burst into tears. I was sure it was bad news on the phone, but it was not. She just had one of those moments in which she missed her mom. I felt so bad for her. She kept apologizing, and I hugged her and told her to never apologize for crying for her mother. Never ever. She can cry whenever she needs to, and no one would ever fault her. I held her for a bit and she calmed down a great deal. On a side amusing note, Esther was clearly annoyed that I was taking over as the comfort. She and I still have not exactly been on good terms since the cat thing.

My morning is coming to and end, and it means only a little longer till I am home. I told Ken I wanted to work on this one project, and he laughs and tells me, “should I put it all back the way it was, then?” Turns out, he has been a busy dude today. LOL! It is possible I am going to get home to a happy house where I can just relax. Woo hoo!

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