Monday, August 9, 2010



One word sums up my weekend. Ouch.

Friday night I was feeling pretty ambitious about my hallway project. We went to Lowe’s to get paint and supplies and I was jazzed. I thumbed through all of the color samples in search of the right shades when I came across a set of kids samples. These were colors perfect for your child’s room. They were named all kinds of cute color names that were cute, and I found Mac and Cheese. I laughed, until I realized this was the color I wanted. LOL! I also discovered a wonderful sparkly copper color for the trim. I was all kinds of happy.

But before I would break myself, we watched Hot Tub Time Machine!!! YAY! It was super funny. I don’t know that it was as good as I had hoped, but I was not disappointed. Craig Robinson stole the movie, and when he yells at his 9 year old wife, holy crap, dying laughing.

Saturday morning, we got to sleep in a bit. Dax slept in even more, which kept me from really getting started on the hallway until almost 9. But we dove in and proceeded with the wallpaper removal. Thankfully, it went pretty easy once we discovered that just a little bit of water would make it peel right off. Bobby even helped on this part, and he did an amazing job!

I scrubbed the walls as Ken removed the older than dirt heater from the wall/floor. I then worked on spackle while the boys, thankfully, played out back with no real issues. We did pause for lunch I think. I must have since I needed to wait for spackle to dry. LOL!

Painting was pretty easy when it came to the roller portion. The paint brush was not as easy, but doable. Stephanie and Sabrina came over during this part, and while the kids played, Stephanie helped out on painting. She is an expert, having done quite a bit of painting in her day. I was so thankful!

Since we were at a stopping point, Stephanie and I took the kids to McDonald’s. What was shocking was how much the kids needed coaxing to go play. LOL! But they did go run after a while. Then things turned, well, wet.

Bobby came down and told us that Dax said we needed to go. We were surprised and confused, and Bobby then went back in to the structure. Dax and Sabrina came back down soon after and I noted Dax looked a little wet. I was shocked that he would have an accident, and it really didn’t seem like he had peed.

Stephanie asked Sabrina if she had to go pee, and she responds that she already went. We looked at each other in a bit of concern. Turned out, she did go. She went in the structure. But this is not the bad part! She said that Dax told her to do this! OMG!!!! My evil genius is now convincing little girls to soil themselves. We are all in trouble.

Of course, the only appropriate thing to do at this point was to clean up our table and head on home. Like we were really going to do anything about pee at the top of the habitrail. Shoot, I have seen so many kids pee there, I think that this is the ammonia that they use to actually clean the place.

Ken got me nice and drunk Saturday night as it was really the easiest way to numb the sore muscles. I was hurting, and I wasn’t done! I opted to not bowl Sunday morning, but we would still go for Ken and the boys to bowl. I knew better than to try and lift and fling a heavy object with my arm feeling that way.

After bowling, we had a couple of errands including Target and Lowe’s. We picked out the trim and base boards. I picked out super plain, but wide. I loved the copper color I chose and I felt as though it needed to be properly displayed. After we got home, I made some lunch for us all, sent Ken on his way for his birthday party he had to do, put the kids down for nap and then proceeded to work on painting the trim.

It just so happened to be the first sunny and hot day in ages and I needed to be outside in this. I set out to paint all the boards with 2 coats of the primer, and 2 coats of the sparkly top coat, which looked pink in the sunshine until it dried into this awesome copper. I was quite pleased.

I turned the kids loose in the yard since it was so pretty out. They went in the pool for a bit, but shockingly they didn’t stay in for long. I am telling you, if I had not been covered in paint, I would have been in there in a heart beat!

Ken got home right when I finished the first copper coat, so he helped me out with the second. Thank goodness Ken was more than happy to help me on this project. I know that my plan was to do it on my own, but by the time painting was done on Sunday, I was so exhausted, I was actually close to tears. By the way, I wasn’t sad. I was just that tired.

Ken helped me with the first couple boards, and then, thankfully, he took over. Seriously, it was for the best, especially when there were all these intricate cuts because of the way the hallway had been done. Don’t get me wrong, I still helped. I did all the clean up, I helped Ken with a few cuts. And when I wasn’t working on the hall, I made dinner, cleaned the yard and pool and bathed the boys.

The bath was interesting.

The boys are old enough that we can leave them in there on their own, especially since we were in the hall. Ken heard them make some noises that were odd, and he walked in to find Bobby in a choke hold. Yup, that’s right, my 3 year old was choking out my 5 year old, and under the water. Sigh. Does this mean serial killer? First making chicks pee, then drowning his brother???

In all fairness, Bobby had been provoking the kid all afternoon. Teasing, taunting and being a bit of a bully. Bobby should watch his back since he is poking a serious bear here, and Dax will kick the shit out of him one of these days.

The incident did result in instant bedtime. No shows, no stories, just get jammies on and get to bed. Mind you, both kids never slept during nap time, they had spent 2 days in the sunshine, had some pool time and had gotten up early for bowling. They were exhausted. Dax complained for a bit in bed, but really, the tired won.

At this point, the hall is mostly done. We mis calculated the trim, so Ken needs to go get more boards today and another can of copper paint. He also is getting different trim for the one closet we created. My guess is that he will work on a lot of that today.

The fun part is now what I get. I need to pick out frames and other wall stuff. I also still need to paint the ceiling and doors, but that isn’t as much of a rush. I am also considering a rug for in there, just for the fact that there is going to be the board that covers the heater. Not sure, yet. It all depends on what I find at places like Cost Plus and maybe even Pier One. I am going for a kind of Indian theme. I have multiple mirrors to put up, so we will see what else I can find.

I hurt. I wore heels today hoping at the very least I will stretch out my feet. My arms are throbbing. I am impressed I fell asleep last night just because it took me a while to settle what with the pain. But I am telling you, I slept hard!!

I have spent much of the morning looking at our new internal work network. It is kind of Facebook like in the idea that you have a profile, complete with picture, bio and even a blog space. Of course, it also has mini communities so you can share documents, etc. I think I will post some procedures this morning. The one problem, though, is that my department is filled with folks who don’t use this new technology. I may be the only one. Maybe one other, but still. Of course, if I post all this stuff up there, perhaps it will get them on board?

I managed to replace my lipstick that I have had for a million years. There were two clearance colors pretty similar looking to what I normally wear. One is lighter, but it looks good. The other it much darker, but I love it. I mentioned to the boys when they asked about the lipstick and gum I had got that I only use both at work since I knew they didn’t care for either. Bobby quickly told me that although he didn’t like me chewing gum, he really likes my lipstick. Such a heart breaker!

I am getting the sleepy feeling again. Not good! I hate when I get zoned like this. It makes the morning really tough.

While we were out driving on Friday night, we passed a head on the road. Then a leg. Then an arm. Something tragic had happened. Ok, sure, the body parts were from a doll, but it was pretty gruesome if you were a little girl or someone with an over active imagination such as myself.

It is much too quiet here at the office this morning.

Turns out sunburns kind of hurt. It also turns out you can prevent them. This makes me bad on 2 levels. One, I burned the crap out of myself since I was painting outside yesterday for a couple of hours in hot sun with no protection. Two, my children were running around, no shirts, in same sun. They were also burned. Bad Gena!

I think I will work on room cleanup this afternoon. We have decided that the boys will in fact share a room. Both of them loved the idea. It means I will need to go through all of the toys in Bobby’s room to get them over to the new play room. In reality, most of the toys are in Dax’s room as it is. It seems to be where they gravitate for play. We will move the big nice dresser into the bedroom so both of them will have all their clothes in that. The little dresser can go in to the play room for more toy storage. Once again, a lot of work ahead of us, but it will allow us to toss some more toys, get rid of clothing they don’t wear anymore, and really do more organizing. There are even some toys I think in Ken’s closet in there that we can pull some stuff out of. Good news is, we have another free weekend ahead of us, and this organization won’t cost us anything. YAY!

I am having a strange kind of crampy this morning. It is the one thing that is a little annoying with no having a regular period. I honestly forget when I am supposed to have one. So this is one of those times in which I have to wonder for a moment if this is cramps, or something else.

My dress that I bought yesterday has already broke. I am not happy with this. Luckily, a safety pin helped. I need to sew the strap back on. I also seem to be missing a decorative button. Luckily, I know it came with an extra.

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