Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Its On, Its Off, Its On, Its Off--That's called Blinking boys


I am foggy after having funky dreams last night. I don’t remember much, but I do know they were odd.

Last night we managed to get rid of a giant shelf from the garage. One of Ken’s friends called looking for a display case style shelf, and Ken had one he had already been planning on getting rid of. So this allowed him to easily. Woo hoo!

Ken also managed to paint the rest of thr trim for the hall. He also picked up trim for the window in our bedroom that still needed finishing. He got some trim for the hall closet, too, and the attic access. It is coming along, folks!

The house is in chaos, though, because of the end of summer school for Ken and the garage not being completely ready to take in the Lego explosion. I am hoping to work on some basic cleaning the next couple days. Ken is in Calabasas on Thursday and Friday, so he won’t be able to do much on those days. Last night I cleaned up a bit in our bedroom, and today I am thinking of working on the boys’ rooms. Not sure my plan yet. Either way, we have all day Saturday to work on getting the garage organized since I would like the place in order by the 21st since it is Dax’s birthday gathering.

I am considering taking off next Wednesday to spend the day with the birthday boy. I can take him to Toys R Us to get his free balloon and hat. I can then take him to the mall where he also gets a free gift. I also am considering taking him bowling since every night he asks if we are going bowling in the morning. They have this quarter mania thing down at Gable House right now in the mornings, and it might be a fun way to spend an hour with him.

I really want to take off tomorrow so I can work on house projects, but we will see.

My dad and I got in a bit of a frustration tiff last night. I was telling him how we had taken out the heater in our house. He them proceeds to ask what we are going to go about not having a heater. Mind you, this heater never worked in our house. I tell my dad we don’t need one. He of course brings up the story of how when I lived there, as a young girl, I would always turn up the heater full blast and stand in front of the wall heater, wrapped in a blanket and get all cozy. I pointed out this was a long ass time ago, and that these days, I am content to just put on sweats and a sweater when I am super cold. He asks why we have space heaters in the kids’ rooms. I explain that we really have not used them in some time and they were more for when the kids were babies and didn’t keep blankets over themselves as well. Plus, Bobby’s room is the warmest room in the house, and Dax doesn’t do well in heat. Sheesh! So my dad proceeds to argue that you can’t get a house now days without a heater. He said that we would have a hard time selling the place because there was no heater. Dude, what the fuck? He tells me to ask around to see how many people I know have a house with no heat. So I promptly posted the question to Facebook. I had responses while I was there, and I think my dad was annoyed when I could tell him 3 people so far. My mom was just annoyed at our bickering.

I was amused to find how much Dax remembers from things he reads. Ken has been going through this ocean book with Dax (he has like 3 of them) and he is excited to see Orcas and Great White Sharks. In fact, I had a new book for him last night of Antarctica. He loved it. When I pointed out this one critter who ate sharks, he asked if they ate Great White Sharks. We then discussed that those were probably too big. I mentioned hammer head sharks and he says, “Those are medium sized”. So cool! I think it is time to take the kid to the aquarium.

Ok, just looked up cost of aquarium visit for the 4 of us. F that. It would cost like $75! Nope. I do see that for $110, I could get the family annual pass. If I knew that we would go a lot, then perhaps, but I will have to think about it.

I am feeling off this morning. I think I just feel like I have a lot of stuff to do.

I got a shirt for Dax specifically so he can wear this checkered tie I have along with his cool hat. I know, I am lame, but I knew it would look awesome. I am getting Bobby a black button up shirt for this red tie and I have a Fedora for him. I figure I will debut the coolness at the wedding reception next month. Should be good. Now I just have to figure out what I will wear! LOL!

It’s a falling asleep day. Not good.

We are trying to help Vyerah stop smoking. I need to come up with something to keep her occupied for the 10 minute smoke breaks she does. She is considering puzzles, but we are open for suggestion. One other suggestion was going and walking the treadmill for 10 minutes. I am actually considering this as a good break for me. Maybe 10 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon. What the hell, right?

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