Thursday, July 12, 2012

Can an army of orcas do synchronized swimming?


Because sometimes you just have to say it; I am awesome.

I got home yesterday with nothing but time. I was corrected in my memory of what the hair lady told me and was counseled against pigment to the back of my hair. This bums me out only in the idea that I would like my hair to be a little more uniform. For some reason, I love the dark roots that are throughout the pink, but the back pink and front pink are not the same, and that is more offensive. Oh well, at least it does look almost like I did it on purpose. I will continue to rock it for now, and I at least know that my hair grows like a Chia Pet.

In a fit of random, I decided to make a pot of soup. Yes, I know it is summer time and it isn’t something one thinks of for dinner, but I had time on my hands, and working in the kitchen for several hours sounded like fun. I really did it right this time, and in all, prep and cook time was about 5 hours. It was awesome! I rode up to the store to pick up some flour at one point, which worked out well since I got to ride which felt so good. I also got to pick up the bank statements needed for tonight. I also was all kinds of pleased to hear that the nice letter I wrote on the bank’s web site about the branch manager made it back to him and that his boss was quite thrilled with my feedback and his performance. Yay!

While the soup cooked, I ended up watching the rest of the Charles Manson documentary my Find a Death guy had made. He is so incredibly thorough and insightful. I was super impressed with his information and interviews. He went to many sites I wasn’t even aware of and really painted a more decisive picture of what happened that night.

After that, I decided I needed a new program for my workouts. I had Mad Men on the Netflix, so thought I would check it out. I watched the first 2 episodes and enjoyed it quite a bit. I also have 52 episodes available, which means gobs of workout material.

The men folk arrived close to 6:30. They were all shockingly chipper considering it was a long day. It was also nice to have the cheers associated with my news that soup was the dinner for the evening. Everyone had seconds, Bobby even had thirds!

The boys went to bed and I hung out a bit with Ken and Daniel before finally turning in at 8:30. I fell into a happy making deep sleep.

This afternoon, Stephanie and I are heading out to Target to browse dresses and other happy making Target items. I am looking forward to this outing. I may need to drag her over to the mall, too, and maybe I can get a new bra. I also can see if she will talk me out of the desire of the cool purse I saw (or talk me into it!).

The soccer meeting should be interesting this evening. It is the first night with the new registrar and secretary. On one hand, I feel more comfortable with the RC and some of the others, yet on the other hand, I know I will be shy around the new folks, especially since they are not new to the region, just new to me. The only thing I have to decide about tonight is if we will ride bikes there or not. I am tempted, but I also would like of like to not have to wear bike clothing. Then again, who is going to care accept me? Then again, really, I am the only person I should worry about caring and if I care, then that is important.

Despite it being 2012, we signed up to get the Daily Breeze last night. In all fairness, it isn’t a bad move. For one, it comes with an e-subscription, which is awesome since I already use the Daily Breeze online and to have a better copy will be good. Second, it will come with coupons, which let’s face it, are important these days. And lastly, it came with a $10 gift card to Target. Not bad, since the monthly rate was only $5. What would make me happier, though, was if we could request that only a kid with a paper route delivered the paper.

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